Heaven-defying Skills

Chapter 50: Fighting against the three great families

The next day, the matter reached the ears of the leaders of the three major aristocratic families. In addition to scolding the useless disciples who came to power, they sent some stronger disciples out to teach the boy who didn't know the heights of the world a lesson.

What is shocking is that the children of the aristocratic families who were sent out the next day went out majestically to see how majestic and majestic their postures were, but when they came back, they all came back with disgrace, with flowers on their faces or missing arms and legs.

In this way, the three major aristocratic families began to really pay attention to it. You must know that the children they sent this time were all very powerful in the family, and the leaders were even relatively high-level technicians. But even so, they were still dejected when they came back. It is said that No one person can survive three moves.

"It seems like someone is looking for trouble." The leaders of the three major families thought in unison. It's not to blame for their slow reaction. If a fourteen-year-old boy comes to destroy the three most powerful families in Maple City, if he doesn't see it with his own eyes, who will believe it if he tells it.

On the third day, the arena was crowded with enthusiastic spectators. It would be an exaggeration to say that they were sweating like rain from their sleeves.

"Look, the heads of the He family and the Song family have brought people here in person, and even Liu Yun, the manager of the Liu family, is here. It seems that something serious is going to happen this time." Passerby A said.

"Of course. In the past two days, the boy has beaten the children of the three families all over, causing them to lose face in Maple City. If they don't show some real strength, they won't have to hang out in Maple City. Tangtang The three major aristocratic families were kicked in the face by a little kid." Passerby Yi said.

I saw three groups of people walking towards the ring aggressively. The crowd automatically made way for an enlarged path. People from the three major families greeted each other. A housekeeper from the Song family walked onto the stage and looked at Han Fengxue who was concentrating with his eyes closed. Yue's mood filled his eyes, and he said hypocritically: "I don't know your little brother's name or where he is from." Four years later, Han Fengxue had changed so much that even if some people had seen him back then, they could no longer recognize him.

Han Fengxue opened her eyes slightly and said lazily: "My little Xuefeng, I just want to meet the talents of the three major families. I have no other meaning and no background. You can rest assured. There is no need to ask anything. You have the ability." Come on if you are brave enough, get out as soon as possible.”

Some people around started to snicker. The three major aristocratic families have become very arrogant in recent years. These ordinary people dare to be angry but dare not speak out. Now seeing them deflated, it is inevitable to feel a sense of pleasure.

After listening to Han Fengxue's words, the butler's expression changed instantly. He had just a fake smile just now, but now his triangular eyes narrowed into a thin line. The speed was really breathtaking, and he said grimly: "Things that don't know how to lift, don't know where to go." The kid who ran away dares to come here to cause trouble, so don’t blame us for being rude. "

"You don't have to be polite. If you have the ability, go ahead. I will go on. Don't grind your teeth like a dog and bark non-stop." Han Fengxue mocked the people of the three major families. Why are you so polite? This time I am here to ask for interest.

The butler's face darkened, he waved his robe sleeves and snorted: "Boy, just wait."

People from the three major aristocratic families discussed it together and decided to have a son of the Song family test it out first.

The handsome young master walked onto the ring and said to Han Fengxue who had not yet stood up: "Boy, I, Song Yue, will give you a ride."

Han Fengxue pretended not to hear such brazen words and said slowly: "Are you ready?"

"Hmph, I still need to prepare to deal with you."

Just as Song Yue finished speaking, he saw a flash of a figure, and Han Fengxue who was sitting there had disappeared. His belly sank outwards, and then he flew out like a cloud and mist.

Han Fengxue returned to her position and said calmly: "I haven't taken off my breasts yet. Let's imitate other people's tricks."

So fast and so powerful, this is what everyone said about Han Fengxue.

The head of the Song family didn't look good. Anyone who was slapped in the face would not look good. Although it was not a real slap, Han Fengxue's actions undoubtedly showed everything.

Although he was extremely angry in his heart, the head of the Song family still did not lose his calm and did not rush to send any more family members. Everyone present now knew that Han Fengxue was very powerful.

Sure enough, the cunning head of the Song family forced the Liu family and the He family into the trap, requiring each family to send one person to take turns to fight. The test children of the He family and the Liu family who took the lead met the same treatment as Song Yue.

"It seems that we have to show some real family strength. If we continue to do this, we are just looking for shame." Liu Yun, the manager of the Liu family, saw that no one could catch the opponent's move after two rounds, and finally lost his temper. He spoke.

"Shiyuan, with your two-star skill general's strength, you should be able to defeat him. I want to see if this kid is really capable." The head of the He family sent the He family's ace, He Shiyuan, to fight, so that the He family could also do something. The limelight.

"Okay, the head of the He family is really happy. With the skills of Shiyuan's nephew, he will definitely be able to take down that kid." Although Liu Yun was praising He Shiyuan, he secretly felt a pity in his heart. "It's a pity that the two young masters are not here, even if the young lady is here, it would be better if the young lady is here, otherwise he will never get the glory of his family." They never thought that Han Fengxue could win. Although Han Fengxue showed great strength, they came up to test it. The opponent's highest level was a six-star technician. They couldn't believe that a fourteen-year-old boy could have the skill level of a general. That was nonsense.

He Shiyuan walked onto the ring, like a hunting tiger, staring fiercely at Han Fengxue, ready to launch a fierce attack at any time.

Han Fengxue showed a gentle smile, "I'll just play with you first."

"Roar," He Shiyuan shouted, shaking his feet and pouncing on Han Fengxue like a cheetah.

Feeling the trembling of the ring, the people of the three major families couldn't help but cheer loudly.

Han Fengxue easily avoided He Shiyuan's fierce attack, and his steps were light, like a fairy dancing, and like a phoenix dancing in the sky. He Shiyuan's steps were tight, and every punch brought a strong gust of wind, but he couldn't even touch the corner of Han Fengxue's clothes.

"This set of footwork martial arts is called Bo Lingbu. No wonder even Long Zhan highly praises it. With my intermediate warrior cultivation, I can easily shuttle through the attacks of He Shiyuan, who is a skilled general. I have to practice more in the future."

If He Shiyuan knew that Han Fengxue used his attacks to hone his footwork, I wonder what he would think.

The audience around saw Han Fengxue's graceful steps and thought to themselves, "So you can walk like this." The people from the three great families frowned. Seeing that He Shiyuan couldn't reach his opponent, they couldn't help but get anxious. Some of the disciples even cursed and called Han Fengxue a coward.

He Shiyuan stopped attacking and sneered at Han Fengxue, "You can only hide."

"Want to use force? Then you're ready." After saying that, the fire element gushed out, and Han Fengxue's fists were red.

Feeling the strong breath of the fire element, He Shiyuan became serious, and the ice element also covered his fists, preparing for the most violent blow.

"One punch will decide the outcome." Han Fengxue said as he lightly stepped forward and gently floated towards Han Fengxue.

He Shiyuan was extremely fierce, carrying an indomitable momentum and ran towards Han Fengxue.

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