Heaven-defying Skills

Chapter 55 Han Fengxue shows his power

Han Fengxue and Yuan Mengyao walked out one after another. At this time, a group of private soldiers wearing armor were surrounded outside the restaurant. The uniformly silver-white armored soldiers were holding uniform silver-white spears, shining with dazzling silver light in the sun.

A middle-aged man wearing a green and blue robe stood in the center of the military guard, and next to him stood a pale young man named Kang.

Seeing the person coming, Father Yuan stepped forward and cupped his hands, pointed at the surrounding military guards, and asked knowingly: "Baron Kang, I wonder what this means?"

After glancing at Yuan's father, Baron Kang said coldly: "What do you mean, Yuan Kai, my son was beaten in your restaurant, what do you mean?"

With a hint of apology on his face, Yuan Kai explained: "Baron Kang, I only found out about this matter after I came back, but please believe me, Lord Baron, that this matter has absolutely nothing to do with me and the restaurant. As for Master Kang's injury, everything I am responsible for the medical expenses and compensation.”

"Father," Yuan Mengyao was a little nervous when she heard her father's excuse and put all the blame on Han Fengxue.

"Shut up and go back if you have nothing to do." Yuan Kai scolded sternly.

The baron looked better. He didn't want to offend Yuan Kai for this matter. After all, Yuan Kai was not an ordinary businessman, otherwise the restaurant would have been demolished many times. He asked his son beside him: "Kanghong, who hurt you?"

From the moment Han Fengxue walked out of the restaurant, Kang Hong's eyes never left him. When he heard his father's question, Kang Hong pointed at Han Fengxue and said, "Father, he's that bastard."

Han Fengxue stepped forward, walked calmly to the opposite side of the baron, and said in a calm tone: "It was him who made trouble unreasonably. If there is a next time, he will have the same result."

Seeing Han Fengxue's neither humbleness nor arrogance, Yuan Kai gave him a high look in his heart and said, "This kid is quite a character, but it's a pity that he has no chance to grow up."

The baron was also a little surprised. He stared at Han Fengxue and said, "Hey, I'm quite courageous, but I don't know if I will be as strong as I am now."

"You'll know after you try it." Han Fengxue's voice still lacked any emotion or anger.

"No matter who you are or what your background is, you are destined to be in tragedy today." The baron's tone was decisive, but in fact he meant it nicely. He knew very well about the powerful juniors in the imperial capital, and there was absolutely no Han Fengxue. Such a person, otherwise he would not dare to say this.

"Take it," with an order, the four military guards held long spears and headed towards Han Fengxue.

The four people surrounded Han Fengxue in the center and shot their spears at the same time. Although they were not strong, it must be said that the coordination of the four people was quite perfect. It was obvious that they had been trained for a long time, and the angle of each shot was very tricky. , completely blocking Han Fengxue's retreat.

But did Han Fengxue need to dodge? His steps were hesitant and his body swayed a few times.

"Puff," there were a few crisp sounds, and the four spearmen fell to the ground respectively. The difference in the time of falling to the ground was almost negligible.

Seeing the four people fall to the ground, the baron was stunned for a moment. He knew his soldiers very well. After his long-term devil training, the four people would not have any problems even if they faced four low-level warriors.

"It seems that there were two moments. No wonder you were young and frivolous. It's a pity that your elders never taught you that you shouldn't be too ostentatious, otherwise it will bring disaster." The baron's face became even colder.

"Are you talking about your son? It seems that I acted too lightly. Thanks to Lord Baron for your teaching today, I will definitely not show mercy when encountering this kind of situation in the future."

"Hmph, I wanted you to die happily, but now I have changed my mind." Waving his hands around, the Baron ordered: "You must live."

"Qiang, Qiang," hundreds of military guards walked towards Han Fengxue in unison. The ground trembled, causing vibrations that even resonated with the surrounding buildings.

Yuan Mengyao covered her mouth with both hands, her body trembling slightly due to nervousness, her heart in her throat. She relaxed a little when she saw Han Fengxue's calm expression, "I hope Brother Xuefeng has a way to deal with them."

"Is it useful if there are more people? Let me test it with you." Han Fengxue sneered, and his body became illusive, and his whole body was enveloped by a hazy fire element.

"No, the strong master of the Technique Sect." The old man beside the baron screamed. From the fluctuations in the elemental power around Han Fengxue, he had roughly guessed the opponent's strength. Of course, it was Han Fengxue who let him He saw superficial strength.

Hearing the old man's words, the baron was also shocked. He knew how terrifying a skill sect was, and he believed that it would not be a big problem to destroy his soldiers with a wide range of sect skills.

Thinking of this, the Baron hurriedly shouted: "Back off."

Unfortunately, it's too late.

"Fire burns in all directions," a low-level clan-level group attack skill, but when used in Han Fengxue's hands, with his control over the power of elements, its power is no less powerful than the mid-level clan-level skills.

The surrounding air fluctuated violently, the temperature rose instantly, and a blaze of fire spread out. The soldiers approaching like Han Fengxue quickly retreated, but how could they keep up with the speed of his skills.

"Ah," there were screams, and all the hundreds of military guards fell to the ground and rolled over, busy extinguishing the flames on their bodies. This was completely the result of Han Fengxue's mercy. In front of Yuan Mengyao, he really didn't want to let the innocent her I saw blood, so I didn't kill him. Otherwise, it’s hard to say how many of these are left.

Seeing Han Fengxue's great power, Yuan Mengyao was dazzled. Although she didn't understand it very well, she grew up watching her father and brother compete with each other. She knew that even her father could never do better than Han Fengxue.

Yuan Kai was also thoughtful at this time, with a trace of regret in his eyes. If he had known that Han Fengxue was so powerful, he would not have treated him like that. In his opinion, to be so young and possess such strength, without a good family background is to have a great teacher. However, he immediately smiled with relief. With the relationship between Han Fengxue and his daughter, would Han Fengxue still mind his slight unkindness?

But at this time, the Baron was riding a tiger and couldn't get off. He had the same idea as Yuan Kai. Only a ghost would believe that Han Fengxue could reach this level without anyone teaching him.

Compared to the cunning and cunning two men, the simple-minded Master Kang didn't think so much. Although he knew that Han Fengxue was powerful, he believed that the old man next to his father could definitely deal with him. Looking at Han Fengxue bitterly, and seeing Yuan Mengyao's happy look, he gritted his teeth, and a sinister voice burst out from between his teeth: "You stinking bitch, you are so shameless, Master, I have been chasing you for so long. , You actually hooked up with this kid. I wanted to marry you as a eldest lady, but now, the young master has had enough fun and sold you out. "

After saying that, he turned to the baron and said, "Father, tell Lao Fu to fuck this kid, and then help the boy catch that bitch named Yuan."

"Shut up," he looked at Yuan Kai's sharp gaze and sighed to himself. It seemed that he doted on his only son too much. At present, the young man of unknown origin had not yet been solved, and he had completely offended Yuan Kai. Although he believed that with his relationship, Yuan Kai would never dare to fall out with him, but in this situation, if Yuan Kai made some small moves, their family might end up here.

Han Fengxue's face turned completely cold. She looked back at Yuan Mengyao, who was pale and about to cry, and her anger completely exploded.

"What did you say?" In the hot weather, Han Fengxue's voice sounded like it came from hell, biting the bone.

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