Heaven-defying Skills

Chapter 65 Teacher

Now that he had decided, Han Fengxue did not delay. He came to the dean's residence the next day and knocked gently on the door.

"Come in," the dean's calm voice sounded.

Seeing Han Fengxue walk in, the dean was a little surprised and said with a friendly smile: "Xue Feng, actually I understand if you don't come."

"My teacher agreed." Han Fengxue said with a smile.

The dean was stunned for a moment, "Haha, it seems that your teacher is not a pedantic person like me." The dean smiled happily, and then continued: "Although you are a fire technician, since your teacher agreed to let If I teach you, then you will come here often and I will do my best to help you."

"My teacher not only agreed to let you hand me over, but also asked me to become your teacher." Han Fengxue said without any surprise.

Sure enough, the dean stopped and was silent for a long time before he said calmly: "I'm old and don't have the courage anymore. I originally thought that your teacher was not as powerful as me, so I allowed you to agree. It seems that I treated you with a villain's heart. I am ashamed of myself for being so courageous and generous.”

Then he looked at Han Fengxue with joy and said: "I never thought that with my strength, I would share a disciple with others, but your first teacher doesn't care, so what do I have to worry about? Besides, I am old. Ji can get such an outstanding disciple, so what can I find fault with as an old man?"

After hearing the dean's consent, Han Fengxue was about to kneel down and perform the ceremony of becoming a disciple, but the dean stopped him and said, "There is no need to stick to vulgar etiquette."

Han Fengxue didn't show any pretense and called her teacher.

The dean sighed and said: "Okay, I have found someone to inherit the mantle. It's just a pity. It would be better if you were a water technician. This is the only regret."

"Teacher, I didn't seem to have said that I was not a water technician." Han Fengxue blinked.

"Huh?" The dean was confused and frowned: "But Xue Heng said you were a fire technician. Could it be that he lied to me or remembered it wrongly? Isn't this right?"

"Teacher, have you forgotten the dual department technician?" Han Fengxue smiled, whetting the second teacher's appetite.

"Buzz," the dean's eyes flashed with light, and his aura leaked out, causing some tables and chairs around him to fly out, and even Han Fengxue couldn't help but take a step back.

"Hahahaha," the dean couldn't help but laugh loudly. He came to Han Fengxue and firmly clasped his shoulders and said, "Xue Feng, you really surprised me. In the past two days, my heart has been pounding." You made me a lot bigger."

Looking at the excited dean, Han Fengxue giggled. "It seems that this teacher is also a generous person."

"Teacher, my real name is not Xuefeng, but Han Fengxue. For some reasons, the disciple has to conceal his identity." Han Fengxue said slowly. Since I have become a disciple, there is no need to hide my real name.

"Oh?" After glancing at Han Fengxue, the dean didn't say anything. He knew that Han Fengxue would naturally say something when he should. He smiled and said: "Fengxue, you have two teachers now. Should this issue of naming be resolved? It really feels like meeting your teacher."

"It's simple. Teacher, what is your last name? If both teachers are here, I will just add your last name in front of the teacher."

"Well, that's fine." He looked up and looked out, a little confused, and said, "As for my name, it's been a little blurry since I haven't used it for a long time, Hexiao."

The master and apprentice chatted for a long time before Han Fengxue left. At this time, Han Fengxue was a little relaxed and a little excited. Although he had attended courses in various departments, what the teacher could deliver was limited after all, and in the college library Inside, the skills of each department are limited to the Zong level and below. Every skill at the King level or above is extremely precious and cannot be easily taken out by anyone, so even in Yaohui Academy, it is not intended to You can learn it by just studying. Unless you reach the level of Skill King and become an elder, you will be qualified to access more advanced techniques and skills. But now that she has the dean as a teacher, Han Fengxue doesn't have to worry about water skills at all.

Han Fengxue was thinking when suddenly four people came to him and stood in four directions, blocking Han Fengxue's retreat.

He frowned slightly, he didn't expect to encounter this kind of thing in the academy. At this time, several more people came towards this side, and Han Fengxue was relieved. The people who came over were the two brothers who were crippled by him and Leng Wuya. The two brothers were walking on one side with fierce looks on their faces. On both sides of the middle-aged people are their father, Earl Hao.

Feeling the auras released by the four people surrounding him, Han Fengxue was slightly surprised. Although there was no strong skill king, the four of them were all at a high level, at least six-star skill masters.

"I didn't expect those two boys to be active in two days. It seems that Earl Hao has spent a lot of money this time." Han Fengxue was thinking in his heart, but his face was indifferent.

"It was you who injured my son." Earl Hao stared at Han Fengxue as he spoke, with a fierce look in his eyes.

"I know what else you're asking." Han Fengxue's tone was calm, as if he had done an extremely ordinary thing.

"Hmph, you are really calm." Seeing Han Fengxue's nonchalant look, Earl Hao sneered.

"Don't you know where this place is? You dare to do something in Yaohui Academy."

"Of course I won't take action, but the four of them are also students of Yaohui Academy. It would be none of my business if they take action."

Han Fengxue looked at the four people in surprise. This made Han Fengxue a little surprised. Earl Hao actually invited people from the academy to deal with him.

"Before you do anything, you four better find out my identity first, and don't make mistakes." As a student of the technician department of Yaohui College, the other party helped outsiders to deal with him. Han Fengxue's voice was not very friendly, but he still reminded the four people.

The people around saw the situation here and came forward to see what happened.

The person opposite Han Fengxue heard Han Fengxue's words and shrugged and said, "You scare me, are you still a relative of the dean?"

"Humph," Han Fengxue snorted coldly and threw the elder order to the person who spoke.

The man caught it and looked at it, his face changed, and he said solemnly: "It's the elder order."

Hearing his words, the scene fell into a brief silence. Earl Hao and the other three people who surrounded Han Fengxue frowned and fell into silence, while the college students who were watching whispered.

"No wonder Xue Feng is so strong. It turns out that his teacher is an elder of our academy. It would be great if I could become the elder's disciple." One of them said this, with envy beyond words. They could only think this way. As for Han Fengxue being an elder of the academy, they would never believe it.

The whispers around him entered Han Fengxue's ears, which made him stunned for a moment, but then he smiled in his heart. It was better for them to think this way. Han Fengxue was not a person who liked to show off.

The four people who surrounded Han Fengxue looked at Earl Hao and shook their heads. It was very unwise to offend a college elder at the level of a skill king. The faces of the two brothers Hao Tian and Hao Qun were livid. They were crippled by Han Fengxue and the other two, and they would never be able to become powerful knights in their lifetime. Their hatred for Han Fengxue can be imagined. Hao Qun said to Lord Hao coldly: "Father, although we can't do anything to this bastard now, what about his family and friends? As long as we kill them, we are not afraid that this kid will not take revenge. What happens to him then can't be blamed on us." After hearing this, Lord Hao's eyes lit up.

Since the warrior's cultivation broke through the martial arts sect, Han Fengxue's hearing has become several times more sensitive. Hao Qun's words were heard word by word. Han Fengxue's face finally changed color, looking at Hao Qun coldly and said: "What did you say?"

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