Heaven-defying Skills

Chapter 98 The Four Great Empires Piano Art Competition

This year is destined to be extraordinary. The turmoil surrounding Princess Yue's twentieth birthday has not yet been extinguished, and another sensational event has begun to brew. The once-a-decade Four Empires Piano Art Competition is about to kick off.

I learned from Mr. Chai that Tai Chong died, but left no useful information, and the clues to the Dream Building were completely cut off. During this period, the imperial capital has been in a tense atmosphere, and guards patrolling everywhere can be seen anytime and anywhere. , the imperial city announced to the outside world that because the four empires' piano art competition was about to begin, the imperial capital must ensure absolute safety, but a few people knew that the drunkard's intention was not to drink.

Aunt Bing is solely responsible for this piano competition. Each of the four empires has ten contestants. Among the contestants from the Blazing Empire, Han Fengxue and Bing Xinyun are prominently listed. As for the other eight people, Aunt Bing is also planning to hold an open competition in the Imperial Capital to select them.

Han Fengxue is also looking forward to this piano competition. For a piano lover, it is very exciting to be able to communicate with elites from various countries.

Outside the Imperial City, a huge project is also under construction. There will be the venue for the piano art competition. The empire also attaches great importance to this matter. Never underestimate the strength of an empire. , it can be seen from the quality of the outstanding youth of the empire, and piano art, from another perspective, can also reflect the achievements of the empire's youth in other aspects. The development of an empire must be comprehensive.

In addition, if the piano skill reaches its peak and reaches the realm of the marrow, if you learn the piano skill, your achievements will be unprecedented. Compared with technicians, knights and other professions, the attack power is not inferior at all.

The ancient trees in the imperial capital have fallen leaves, and the cool autumn breeze is refreshing. Outside the Imperial City, various luxury carriages or magical beasts enter the Imperial Capital every day. If you are careful, you will find that among them, many guards have extraordinary temperaments, including the army and the guards of large families, and the people they protect People, without exception, are young people under twenty years old.

This is a business opportunity, many businessmen think so; when the time comes to make a fortune, the roosters and dog robbers are ready to take action; while the nobles and common people have much simpler ideas, and the imperial capital is bustling.

The people of the three empires traveled across mountains and rivers, traveling thousands of miles, and all of them were tired of the journey. They were taken to the outside of the imperial capital with a special reception. There, a huge meeting point with a radius of hundreds of miles was set up, with four corners. Pavilions and buildings of various styles and bright red carpets are overwhelming. In the central area, stages with a height of five or six meters rise out of thin air. Especially the largest stage in the center is tens of meters high. If you have good eyesight, even in Hundreds of miles away, the gorgeous flags on the high platform can be seen fluttering in the wind, with the words "Four Empires Piano Art Competition" written on them.

Han Fengxue was really shocked by the scene in front of him. When he came here a month ago, this place was still empty. In just over a month, such a magnificent project has been completed. He had to sigh with emotion at the efficiency and investment of the empire. So big.

Looking at the people around me, they were all a little lost. There are still three days before the competition will actually begin. As contestants in this competition, Han Feng, Xue Bing, Xinyun and other ten people must first become familiar with the arena.

"You still don't know the rules of the competition?" Aunt Bing, the leader, asked these people.

Everyone nodded.

"The competition is held over three days and is divided into three rounds. In the first round, each person plays a song and is judged by the referees from the four empires. Twenty people will be eliminated. In the second round, lots will be drawn and two pairs will compete, and they will be eliminated again. Ten people, the remaining ten people will compete in the final round and compete on the same stage. The playing process is not only a test of piano skills, but also a test of piano skills. The ranking will be determined in the order of exit. The one who persists to the end will be The winner of the competition will receive corresponding points for the last ten people. Twenty points will be awarded to the first place, eighteen points will be awarded to the second place, and two points will be lost for each next-place finisher. The final points will be calculated based on the selection of each country. The sum total determines the ranking of the four countries.”

Everyone nodded. This is indeed very fair. The first round is a test of basic skills. As long as your piano skills are outstanding, you will naturally stand out. As for whether the referee is fair, there is no need to ask. The eyes of the people are sharp. , no one is a fool, there may be a small error, but there is no possibility of deliberate favoritism. Wouldn't that be a slap in the face?

As for the second round, although there is a bit of luck involved, if you are really capable, you won't care about that bit of luck, unless you are extremely unlucky and run into a seeded player from each country.

The third round is the time to truly test your skills. Ten people are competing on the same stage. If they cannot concentrate all their energy on their own playing, they will simply not be able to continue playing in such a noisy environment. Moreover, even if they calm down, they can still play. You have to prevent others from using their piano skills to attack. This will be a true battle combining piano skills and piano skills.

Seeing the excitement in everyone's eyes and their eagerness to try, Aunt Bing said: "The last competition was held in the Sword God Empire ten years ago. The contestants that time were the strongest in history. The four countries reached the level of There were actually eight people in the marrow realm, and three masters appeared in the Sword God Empire alone. In the end, they won the four-nation team championship without any suspense. However, the individual championship was won by the only piano player in the Cang Yue Empire who had entered the marrow realm. Well, I had the honor to accompany the contestants to the Sword God Empire to witness that competition. I can only describe it as a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger. Not only were the piano skills outstanding, but the various magical piano skills were simply astonishing. I never thought that the piano skills could be used like that. ." At this time, Aunt Bing's eyes were fascinated, and she seemed to still remember the situation vividly.

Eight people have reached the marrow realm, which is really shocking. You know, all the contestants are young people under the age of 20.

"So what place did our Blazing Empire get?" one person asked.

"The last one." Aunt Bing replied with a wry smile.

"Uh..." Everyone felt a little disappointed, but at the same time, they were inexplicably excited. It is easy to add icing on the cake, but it is difficult to help in times of trouble. The weaker the ranking last time, the more rare it would be if they could help the country achieve good results this time.

"Are there any rewards for winning the competition?"

"Haha, of course there are rewards. Before the competition, each country will bring four treasures as a bet for the competition, and then the people brought by the four countries will judge the value of the treasures. Each country can also take back four treasures, but it is easy to give them out, but it takes strength to take them back. The first place in the group will be selected first, and so on. The last place can basically only get the four lowest treasures. Then the country will distribute the treasures to the contestants of its own country according to their contribution. In addition, there are special rewards for the top three individuals in the competition." Speaking of this, Aunt Bing smiled without saying anything, whetting everyone's appetite.

Sure enough, when they heard about the special rewards, everyone looked at Aunt Bing with shining eyes.

Aunt Bing smiled and said, "The first place winner will be awarded the badges of the four empires, the Earl of the Four Countries; the second place winner will be awarded the Viscount of the Four Countries; the third place winner will also be awarded the Baron of the Four Countries."

"Huh..." Everyone sighed, and a special light flowed in their eyes. They secretly made up their minds: "We must enter the top three."

The title of the four empires, what does it mean? It means being recognized by the whole world, and no matter where you are, you will be treated as a noble.

"Why do the four empires give such treatment to the contestants?" When others were fantasizing in their hearts, Han Fengxue asked in confusion.

A trace of admiration flashed in Aunt Bing's eyes, and she smiled and said, "Xuefeng, the top three in the Qin Art Competition represents more than just a Qin player."

Han Fengxue was stunned for a moment, and then thought about it for a while, and immediately understood it. Indeed, those who can get the top three are not just Qin players, but must have high attainments in other fields of strength. For example, if Han Fengxue himself had not achieved such achievements in technicians and warriors, he would not be able to apply these abilities to Qin art and use powerful Qin skills. And they are all under 20 years old, and their future achievements are certainly immeasurable. Such talents are of course willing to be won over by all countries.

An illusory noble title can bring great convenience to the contestants, but the countries will not lose anything, and it is possible to make a very promising talent loyal. This kind of deal is something that everyone will do.

Seeing Han Fengxue's sudden expression, Aunt Bing smiled and said, "You can go shopping by yourselves."

"Yeah!" Everyone nodded and dispersed.

Aunt Bing said to Han Fengxue and Bing Xinyun who stayed behind, "You can go too, but Xinyun will be handed over to you."

"Uh..." Han Fengxue smacked his lips. Aunt Bing's words were too ambiguous. What did she mean by handing Xinyun over to you? It was as if she was going to marry her daughter to Han Fengxue.

Bing Xinyun was shy and blushing, and Han Fengxue on the side looked a little crazy.

Aunt Bing smiled mysteriously with deep meaning and turned away.

After Aunt Bing left, Bing Xinyun still lowered her head, her heart beating like a deer, but she felt happy. Seeing no sound, she raised her head and secretly glanced at Han Fengxue, but saw a pair of bright eyes staring at her, and hurriedly lowered her head again.

"Haha" Han Fengxue laughed happily.

"You, you dare to laugh at me!" Bing Xinyun punched Han Fengxue with her little fist, but Han Fengxue felt that she was scratching him, and couldn't help laughing even more happily.

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