Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1203: So wrong

No matter how arrogant Xun Yu and Xun Hao are, they won't let the pigeons of the sect know how to martial arts. Will there be any internal affairs in this?

Jiang Tian just moved his eyebrows, still maintaining a calm and composed look, looking at everyone with a smile, without evading his eyes.

Seeing his appearance, everyone looked at each other with speculation in their hearts, and some even doubted whether their disappearance had anything to do with Jiang Tian.

However, this kind of thought can only be thought in private, and it is not easy to say it in person. After a while of eye contact, everyone can only suppress their doubts in their hearts, and no one will ask too much.

In fact, Xun Yu is used to being tyrannical at the outer door on weekdays, and his popularity is really not very good. Even if there is any accident to him, no one will feel sorry, and no one will feel sad.

In a blink of an eye, the weird atmosphere dissipated, and everyone vented their anger and sternly criticized Xun Yu and others for their actions.

These angry voices caused the nearby colleagues to stare, thinking that there was a dispute.

A group of Inner Sect disciples came from the side, frowning, in shock!

"What the **** are these outer disciples doing?"

"Hehe, there must be someone who was lucky enough to be promoted, so happy they don't know what the last name is!"

"Hmph, it's the same, isn't it just past the second round, is it necessary to be so excited?"

"Understand, these outer disciples should have nothing to pursue, and they don't have enough strength. For them to be promoted is like a big luck!"

"These are really speechless! Humph!"

These inner sect disciples passed by, looked at the crowd surrounding Jiang Tian with contempt. After leaving a few disdainful eyes, they flung their sleeves and walked away.

When they got farther, the outer disciples curled their lips, shook their heads and sneered.

"Huh! Isn't that the inner disciple, what's the bullishness?"

"Hehe, you guys can't even beat Junior Brother Jiang, are you embarrassed to show off here?"

"I used to admire the inner disciples very much, but after this martial arts meeting, my opinion is a little different!"

"Me too. Although our outer disciples are low in strength, there is no need to bend their knees to them. Who is not promoted from the outer door, is it possible that they are born masters of the inner door? Humph!"

"I dare not say anything else. As long as Junior Brother Jiang is there, the inner disciples don't even want to step on our heads and shit!"


"well said!"

As soon as the words fell, there was a burst of applause, and everyone's emotions became more and more high. If Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled bitterly.

However, he could also clearly feel that after he stepped on ten inner disciples to pass the test, the spirits of these people were obviously different.

Not only did he show great kindness to him, but he also had a little more confidence in his heart, and no longer considered inferiority and low self-esteem, and regarded himself as an outsider who can be deceived by adults.

But he is also a little strange. There is never a shortage of geniuses in the outer sect. People like Gao Hanyang, and geniuses like Tong Qing and Xu Ying are all outer sect disciples.

But these outer disciples, why didn't they have such confidence before?

"You don't have to be like this, I'm a little surprised. The main peak has talented masters such as Gao Hanyang, Tong Qing, Xu Ying, etc., who have also won a lot of glory for the outer door. Why don't you take them as examples and benchmarks?"

Jiang Tian's eyes flashed, and he said the doubt in his heart.

Everyone was silent for a while, and their expressions became complicated.

After a while, a tall red-robed disciple shook his head and sighed, and slowly said: "Junior Brother Jiang doesn't know. Although there are many talented people in the main peak, there are even more powerful people like Gao Hanyang, but they are after all. The main peak disciples, from the beginning, are half a block higher than ours. They don't even treat themselves as outer disciples, and we never dare to treat them as equal brothers."

The disciple in the red robe frowned slightly, with a look of loneliness and helplessness. From his eyes, it was not difficult to see the awe and alienation of the disciples of the main peak.

"That's right! We have never regarded them as the same kind, nor have we ever sat on an equal footing with them!"

"Junior Brother Jiang needs to know that even most of the inner disciples don't dare to underestimate the main peak outer disciples. How can our strength be compared with others?"

"As soon as people enter the sect, they are destined to be geniuses. In the future, they will also be promoted to the inner sect. It is not something we can match!"

Everyone sighed and shook their heads and smiled bitterly, looking lonely.

Jiang Tian nodded slowly, a complex color flashed in his eyes, he shook his head and let out a sullen breath, his eyes brightened again!

"You don't have to be like this. No matter how high their aptitude and cultivation base are, the outer disciple is still the outer disciple; even if our strength is weaker, as long as we work hard to cultivate, we will be promoted to the inner sect in the future!"

Hearing his words, everyone felt a little more comfortable in their hearts, but the long-standing thinking patterns could not be disintegrated for a while.

Seeing their reaction, Jiang Tian snorted coldly and raised his voice: "Say a thousand words and ten thousand, everyone is human! They are all with one head, two arms and two legs. They are nothing more than us, and we are no better. What are they missing, why should they be above us?"

Everyone was shocked when they heard this, and their eyes brightened, and there was a blood sprouting deep in their hearts!

Jiang Tian proudly said: "What they can do, we can do the same. As long as we work hard and cultivate hard, we can also have strong strength!"

Everyone rushed with blood, but they became sober again in an instant, thinking about their qualifications, they shook their heads and sighed again.

"Oh! Junior Brother Jiang doesn't need to comfort us, we know this aptitude in our hearts, even if we work hard to cultivate, we can't reach their level!"

"Yes, otherwise, I don't have to stay at the outer door for many years and make no progress!" A disciple who saw a slightly larger outer door sighed and shook his head, looking lonely.

"No!" Jiang Tian raised his arms, and his utterly decisive voice dispersed, making everyone's minds shocked again!

"This idea is so wrong!" Jiang Tian exclaimed with a solemn expression.

"Qualification does not determine the ultimate achievement of a martial artist! Since the history of Lingluo Continent, how many powerful men have been born, and how many of them are really unworldly talents with wonderful qualifications?"

Everyone was silent after hearing the words, and could not say anything to refute when they looked at each other.

On the Lingluo Continent, there are many powerful deeds that have been passed down from generation to generation and spread widely. Naturally, there are many talents with amazing aptitude, but there are also many powerful people with mediocre aptitude but extraordinary perseverance!

Jiang Tian scorned everyone, his eyes sharp: "Think about it again, how many mediocre martial artists, who have made unimaginable efforts and persisted day after day, eventually grew into powerful men? These legends, you all Have you forgotten? Do you just treat these powerhouse deeds as a deed or a joke?"

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