Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1220: Ruthless

To rescue Mu Bingfeng, he must first repel Yun Xianghan, even if he was forced to retreat for a while to get Mu Bingfeng out of danger, the rest would be easy to say.

No matter how overbearing Yun Xianghan is, he can't really fight him to the death, right?

"As a sect elder, instead of taking responsibility by example, but openly shielding this despicable person is really contemptible! Since you are obsessed, I will make you sober!"

A cold color flashed in Yun Xianghan's eyes, and she patted out with her left hand in an understatement. She didn't even bother to look at the dazzling giant Xuanyang in mid-air.


With the shot of her left palm, the blue light of the void bloomed, and the tyrannical wave of spiritual power ignored the oppressive barrier of the Profound Sun Realm and went straight through the air, involuntarily banging on Mu Dayan's chest.


Amid the dull roar, Mu Dayan screamed and flew out again, the huge yellow Xuanyang suspended in the air instantly collapsed, and the will of the Xuanyang realm martial arts that filled the void also disappeared!

A dead silence on the square!

Everyone was in a deep shock!

However, before everyone had time to exclaim, Yun Xianghan's right hand was already lightly patted to his side.


There was another muffled sound, and Mu Bingfeng let out a screaming scream. The whole person rolled frantically on the ground, vomiting blood, and his cultivation base was rapidly declining. In a moment he lost all his spiritual power and became a useless person. !


The square was silent and the atmosphere was dead!

Everyone stared at this scene in a daze, completely shocked by Yun Xianghan's methods!

The left hand hit the flying wood performance, the right hand abolished Mu Bingfeng's cultivation base, only in a flash.

Yun Xianghan's strength is even more terrifying than they thought!

"Yun Xianghan!!" Mu Dayan fell ten feet away, struggling to get up and hissing and roaring, his breath was turbulent.

On the other side, Mu Bingfeng was still tumbling and screaming in pain, looking extremely tragic.

"Hi! What a ruthless method!"

"It's terrible! It's terrible!"

"This person...can't mess with it!"

"My God! She put aside the deacon disciples, and directly punished Mu Bingfeng with a heavy hand. She also severely injured Mu Dayan twice in a row. It was too domineering!"

After a while, everyone sucked in cold air and exclaimed, all in shock.

Some people who had molested the female disciple of Xiuyunfeng even had a cold back and almost urinated their pants in fright.

The few disciples with thieves and eyes looked at each other with fear in their eyes. Fortunately, they didn't do anything too much, otherwise they would have to end up with Mu Bingfeng at the moment.

Mu Bingfeng still has the inner door elders as a backer, but they don't have any reliance on it. You can imagine how it will end!

The crowd was surging like a tide, and all the male disciples in the square subconsciously stepped back and took the initiative to distance themselves from the female disciple of Xiuyunfeng, lest they cause trouble to the upper body.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled bitterly. Although he didn't sympathize with Mu Dayan and Mu Bingfeng at all, he had to say that Yun Xianghan's methods were too domineering.

"From now on, Mu Bingfeng has been expelled from the sect and is no longer a disciple of Azure Cloud Sect!"

Yun Xianghan spoke harshly, demonstrating domineeringly, and his dignified and cold voice pierced everyone's minds, making everyone's heart startled!

Didn't pass the deacon disciple, let alone the Hall of Law Enforcement, the peak master of Embroidery Yunfeng directly announced that he would expel Mu Bingfeng from the sect. Was it a bit too domineering?

Although many people were shocked, they subconsciously thought, what did she do for the Zongmen Law Enforcement Hall?

As a display?

Where did you put the presbytery and the suzerain again?

"Deacon disciple!" Yun Xianghan sneered coldly without looking back.

The two deacon disciples were immediately shocked and dared not to hesitate anymore, they quickly stepped forward to set up Mu Bingfeng, whose cultivation base had been exhausted.

Due to Yun Xianghan's domineering aura, the two of them could not even consider the will of the Law Enforcement Hall anymore, at least they had dealt with the situation in front of them.

Otherwise, once Yun Xianghan is offended, how can he end up?

The two took a cold breath, and tremblingly set up Mu Bingfeng's preparations, frowning at each other and leaving the square.

But at this moment, the noise made here finally attracted a lot of high-level sects to rush over.


The dull roar rushed from far to near, and the tyrannical aura began to envelope the entire square, which made people feel depressed.

Before coming to the front, these high-ranking sects have already started to talk and talk about it!

"What's going on, can't the disciples wait for the martial arts meeting to start, and do it privately?"

"Unreasonable! Do they still have sect rules in their eyes?"

"Who on earth is doing such a foolish act, after ascertaining, it will be severely punished!"

Several elders in cloud white martial arts sullen their faces, and sternly rebuked them, already too angry.

What a serious occasion for the Sect Huiwu, these people are too courageous to dare to fight openly, it is simply outrageous!

If such a rampant act is not severely punished, where is the majesty of the sect?

However, in front of them, the Azure Cloud Sect Sect Master Chu Tianhua, who was wearing a jade-white martial robe, frowned slightly, his complexion slightly deep.

He stared at the messy scene of spiritual turbulence above the square, suddenly the corners of his eyes shrank slightly, and a strange color flashed in the depths of his pupils!

After a moment of contemplation, he suddenly shook his head and sighed, frowning and said: "Don't worry, elders, we won't be too late until we find out the situation!"

However, as soon as the words fell, an elder was very upset!

"Huh! There's nothing to say, even if you are an inner genius, you must be severely punished!"

"Sect Master Chu, a few of us know that in recent years you have taken care of the affairs of the sect. You don’t care about some subtleties. But everything has to be divided into time and occasion. Today’s affairs must be severely punished, otherwise our sect Where is the majesty of the top?"

"That's right! You can't talk about it this time, Sect Master Chu, if you are inconvenient to say something, just let us old guys sing white faces!"

"Huh! Sect Master Chu, this is the situation caused by your prolonged indulgence of your subordinates. No matter what today, our elders will have to wind them up, so as not to turn the sky in the future!"

These elders in cloud white martial arts are full of momentum, and they don't have much scruples about the suzerain in their words. They are just a few powerful old guys from the Azure Cloud Sect Presbyterian Church!

In terms of absolute power, they certainly can't compare to Sect Master Chu Tianhua, but if they unite, they will also have a huge influence on the affairs of the Sect.

Even under certain special circumstances, they can question and even impeach the suzerain. It is precisely because of such special power that they have such confidence.

Originally they were in a good mood, looking forward to the performance of those talented disciples in the third round, but who would have thought that they would be alarmed by the loud noise in front of them before they arrived in the square, and their faces were instantly pale with anger.

Naturally, the face of Sect Master Chu Tianhua couldn't see where it went.

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