Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1224: Malicious look

Although he was wounded twice by Yun Xianghan, he was ultimately a strong in the Xuanyang realm, and it was not difficult for him to recover from his solid foundation.

It's just that the hatred in his heart is not so easy to subside, and this matter will also become his lifelong shame, and he will never forget it!

"Yun Xianghan... Jiang Tian! Humph!"

The angry voice reverberated in the hall, but was dissipated by the roar of the square below the mountain.



The dull roars kept ringing one after another. On the square below the main peak, the third round of martial arts had already begun!

Compared with the weird rules of the previous two rounds, the rules of this round seem to be much more normal than most people expected.

This round adopts a random lottery rule. There are two sets of the same lottery number. Those with the same number will fight on the stage, the loser will be eliminated, and the winner will pass.

More than 2,000 disciples caught the challenge. Although the number was far fewer than the previous two rounds, the progress of the competition did not accelerate significantly.

After all, after the previous levels of elimination, the gap in the strength of the remaining two thousand disciples has been greatly reduced, and everyone is well prepared, making most of the matches take a long time.

Jiang Tian drew the No. 1991 pick, which was relatively late, and he was watching the battle in the preparation area.

But up to now, he doesn't know who his opponent is, because more than two thousand disciples each hold the number and will only be on stage when the elder calls the number after the previous competition is over.

Until then, they will know who their opponent is.

"Junior Brother Jiang, what's your number?"

Qi Yu Ruan surrounded Jiang Tian with a few outside disciples, all looking worried.

Jiang Tian smiled indifferently and showed his number without hesitation. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and secretly rejoiced.

"Fortunately, fortunately, we won't run into it!"

"Hehe, if you meet Junior Brother Jiang, you don't have to compare."

"Hey! It's going to be a comparison, just as asking Junior Brother Jiang for advice and asking him to give us some guidance!"


Everyone burst into laughter, their faces full of self-deprecation.

When they met Jiang Tian, ​​they certainly didn't have any hope of winning, and of course they didn't have to worry about being hit hard by him. After all, everyone is now a friend, and the ring will end naturally.

At this moment, a few unkind gazes suddenly looked over here.

Jiang Tian immediately noticed it, frowning and looking at it as expected. These hostile gazes came from Di Feng and several other inner disciples.

The other party was looking at him coldly, his face was extremely gloomy, and his sword-like eyes revealed an incomparable chill. Some people even showed a grinning smile, licking their tongues at Jiang Tian as if a beast was treating its prey.

Di Feng even stretched out his hand to wipe his neck, threatening him unabashedly.

"Junior Brother Jiang..." Qi Yurou also noticed the situation there, and her brows were frowned and worried.

"Haha! Don't worry, these people have no threat at all, and they may not be able to meet them." Jiang Tian retracted his gaze and shook his head with a smile, his eyes full of disdain.

Those people thought they would eat Jiang Tian, ​​but they didn't know that Jiang Tian didn't care about their threats.

It's okay not to run into it, if they do run into it, they will definitely regret it!

Qi Yurou sighed softly and said in a low voice: "Jiang Brother, I know you don't care, but these inner disciples are obviously unkind. They are so many and powerful. If you really want to stumble you, you can't be too much. Underestimate the enemy."

Jiang Tian smiled leisurely and nodded faintly, still looking calm and calm.

After the few people headed by Di Feng whispered to each other with gloomy faces, they all smiled and seemed to be even more proud.

Regarding this, Jiang Tian directly dismissed it, took a cold glance and then withdrew his gaze and ignored it, causing the other party's face to be pale and murmured.


The roar of dozens of arena is one after another, and the competitions are carried out one after another. The scene is obviously much more intense than the second round.

Many disciples who are slightly at a disadvantage are unwilling to be eliminated, often forcing their potential to use tyrannical methods to try to win a victory, but in the end they are still defeated by their opponents in all likelihood, and the defeat is quite tragic.



Accompanied by a dull loud noise, a certain inner disciple in a green robe screamed and flew out of the ring. The blood that had not yet landed had already burst out, and the ground of the square was stained red!

Several companions gathered around to help him up, shook his head and sighed, looking helpless.

However, there is no way in this situation. Although they have a good relationship, but if they happen to meet by chance, they naturally have to fight with all their strength. In the end, there will be wins and losses.

The elder Zongmen continued to call, accompanied by a sharp shout and a long howl, two disciples with the same sign jumped onto the ring and started fighting.

More than an hour has passed since the start of the first game, and the number of the match has only reached more than 400.

This made the disciples behind the lottery feel uneasy and excited. Some people even got too excited because of the excitement. The whole person began to become tense, and the bloodline and spiritual power surged in the body without control. The rising and shrinking of the popularity rate attracted the attention of the same door.

"Junior Brother Jiang, look at that inner disciple!"

Qi Yurou raised her finger and pointed to a turbulent inner disciple in the depths of the crowd, her expression a little hesitant.

Jiang Tian turned his head and looked at it and suddenly sighed: "Don't look at it, this person will definitely lose!"

"Huh?" Everyone hesitated, including Qi Yurou.

Jiang Tian didn't know who his opponent was, so he dared to make a determination about the outcome. Is his tone a bit louder?

Jiang Tian understood the doubts of his companions and shook his head and smiled: "Look, he was so excited before he even played, he couldn't even control his bloodline and spiritual power effectively. What would happen once he played?"

Everyone's complexion changed slightly after hearing this, and they frowned!

Bloodline spiritual power is the source and foundation of the martial artist's strength. Once you lose control, your strength is almost half useless. Let alone fight against the same level, even if you encounter an opponent whose cultivation base is much worse than your own, you are definitely not optimistic!

Everyone looked at each other, and they immediately understood Jiang Tian's confidence. When they looked at the inner disciple again, they couldn't help shaking their heads and sighing with regret.

Apart from these, of course everyone feels vigilant. What if this happens to them?

It's better not to think like this. Once thinking about it, all kinds of uneasy emotions spread quickly among everyone, so that several outer disciples began to tremble lightly, and their breathing became unstable!

"Jiang... Junior Brother Jiang, I... we..."

"No! Don't we want to be like that inner disciple, haven't played yet and have no self-confidence?"

"What to do? What can I do now?"

The uneasy emotions intensified, and everyone's expressions changed. Even Qi Yurou, who had originally felt it, began to frown, and was involuntarily infected by these people, causing her breathing to fluctuate and her spiritual energy restless.

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