Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1252: That outer disciple?

Under the influence of this kind of thought, he unconsciously regarded the thin disciple as an opponent similar to Di Feng, so as soon as he met, he used thunder-like means to win.

It is a pity that Jiang Tian didn't care about her test at all, which really made her feel depressed.

However, if you think about it carefully, although the thin disciple is also good at strength, there is still a little gap with the person like Di Feng. Thinking about it this way, she can't help but feel even more depressed!

"What do I care about these unimportant things? It's really inexplicable, huh!"

Chu Yun withdrew her gaze in annoyance, and snorted in anger, intending to stop thinking about it, but some thoughts in her heart just lingered, and the more she wanted to drive her away, the more she became annoyed.

"It's time for us to play!" In the preparation area, a few deep inner disciples walked towards the ring leisurely.

"Hmph, this martial arts meeting is really disappointing. After several rounds in the third round, there are still no real resistances!"

"Hehe, in my opinion, the reserve force of the sect is really inferior to one generation, and if this continues, the Azure Cloud Sect will really become the bottom of the three sects!"

"Regardless of what those people do, will we still be afraid of the people of Tianluo Sect and Jin Yuanzong with our strength?"

These people looked arrogant and arrogant, and there was a certain calm and calm will of the strong from their eyebrows, and they didn't communicate with ordinary disciples, as if they were in a small circle.

And looking at their appearance, it seems as if the Sect Huiwu is only beginning now, it is really a bit weird!

"Hehe, don't be too disappointed with a few people. Although there are not many surprises this year, there are still two or three characters that make people shine!" A gray-robed disciple with a rather low-key posture said leisurely, suddenly attracted just now The sight of a few people.

However, their gazes at this person were obviously less arrogant and more solemn, but a sneer quickly appeared at the corners of their mouths, which obviously did not agree with him.

"Huh! Junior Brother Xuan, where are the ‘sharp characters’ you mentioned, why didn’t I see?" A yellow-robed disciple shook his head and sneered, his eyes flashed with disdain.

"Senior Brother Huang didn't knowingly ask, he must say that Pang Ning and Chu Yun are two people!" The Qingpao disciple next to him rolled his eyes and smiled knowingly when he saw them.

"Just the two of them? Huh, although Chu Yun is not bad, I still don't take it seriously! As for Pang Ning..." Huang Pao's disciple said, frowned slightly.

"How about this person?" Qingpao disciple's eyes kept rolling, and the eyebrows flickered.

"This person is indeed a bit mysterious, and I haven't even paid much attention to him before, but it is clear that if he is so strong, he will not remain unknown!"

The Huangpao disciple shook his head and smiled and waved his robe sleeves, obviously not paying much attention to this.

However, the grey-robed disciple sighed lightly, shook his head and said, "Brother Huang and Junior Brother Ke, although the two people you mentioned are really powerful, they are not enough to make me shine!"

"Oh?" Brother Huang couldn't help but move his eyebrows with five fingers wrapped around his robe sleeve.

"Junior Brother Xuan said...who is it?" Qingpao disciple's eyes shrank, and his eyes turned more cleverly.

The gray-robed disciple smiled leisurely, but looked towards the edge of the preparation area, and a figure wearing a pale blue martial robes was reflected in his pupils.

"It's him?"

"Are you talking about... the outer disciple?"

Disciple Huang Pao and Disciple Qing Pao looked along his line of sight and frowned suddenly.

"What? Outer disciple!"

"You guys are actually talking about outer disciples!"

Several companions nearby came over after hearing the sound, and their eyes were slightly cold, rather disdainful.

The disciples of Huangpao and Qingpao frowned when they saw their strange eyes, and their faces were annoyed!

"What are we? Obviously Junior Brother Xuan's ‘unique vision’!" Huangpao disciple frowned and said.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that Junior Brother Xuan would have such a high regard for an outside disciple!"

The disciple Qingpao rolled his eyes, shook his head and sneered.

The two people's behavior of staying out of the matter immediately caused all the eyes of their companions to focus on the gray robe disciple Xuan.

"Junior Brother Xuan, hehe, it seems that you admire that outer disciple very much?"

"I really don't understand, when the cultivation base reaches our level, he still cares so much about an outer disciple!"

"Bring an outer junior to our level, Junior Brother Xuan, this shouldn't be!"

Everyone complained to the grey-robed disciple one after another, and the atmosphere was a little embarrassing.

However, Junior Brother Xuan, the grey-robed disciple, was not upset. Instead, he smiled coldly, as if everyone was drunk and I was alone, and a wise light flashed between his brows!

"Hmph, it's not that the few of you haven't seen his performance. Isn't it an exaggeration to say below?" Junior Brother Xuan slowly shook his head and unceremoniously rejected it.

When everyone heard him say this, they subconsciously glanced at Jiang Tian, ​​but they were still quite disdainful and shook their heads.

"Haha, didn't you just defeat Di Feng? Isn't it amazing?"

"Just like Di Feng, if I want to, I can beat him to death with one move!"

"Yes, even if he can defeat Di Feng, it is far from being comparable to us! Junior Brother Xuan, looking at the entire inner sect, there are only a handful of people whose cultivation has reached our level. He is a junior in the outer sect, even though Some qualifications are not enough!"

Everyone shook their heads and laughed, still very disdainful.

They couldn't find a few rivals in the inner sect, and it could even be said that it was difficult to find a defeat, so naturally they would not put an outer disciple in their eyes.

If you really want to say that there are people who can put pressure on them, just the top ones in the inner door.

But those people are all senior disciples of the inner sect who have practiced for many years, and they basically did not participate in the martial arts of the sect, so they can be ignored at the moment.

Junior Brother Xuan frowned slightly and glanced at the people, sighed depressed, and waved his hand: "It seems that everyone is used to the feeling of being superior, but I want to remind everyone that those who were defeated by him are also arrogant and self-righteous insiders. If we really run into it, we may not be able to win easily!"

"Junior Brother Xuan is really cautious! Could it be that I have been practicing in the inner sect for a few years, and I might not be as good as an outer disciple who has just entered the sect?"

"Humph! Even if you can't win easily as you said, how about some effort?"

"Hehe, I really want to see it. How much effort can he make me take?"

Everyone shook their heads and sneered, their words became more arrogant and confident.

"Hehe, I don't want anything wrong, I hope his strength is as good as everyone's judgment!"

Brother Xuan knew that it would be useless to say more, so he tossed his gray sleeves and kept silent.

And as these people walked towards the ring, the eyes of the square gathered quickly, and there was a posture of stars holding the moon!

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