Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1256: Ouyang Ming

"Hahahaha! Finally made me wait!"

As the laughter spread, dozens of inner disciples who had already boarded the ring looked at him one after another, and then turned their heads in a daze!

"The twenty-ninth?"

"Hehe, Junior Brother Ouyang is lucky, but he got Jiang Tian!"

"Hahaha, Junior Brother Ouyang, congratulations!"

Everyone clashed their hands in congratulations, as if Junior Brother Ouyang was already holding the victory.

Only Xuan Peng on the 16th ring was calm and calm. Looking at Ouyang Ming who was laughing loudly, a trace of regret flashed in his eyes.

"Hahahaha! You don't have to say any more, this time, I will defeat Jiang Tian and maintain the majesty of the inner disciple!"


As soon as the words fell, Ouyang Ming's spiritual energy rolled around, and swept onto the ring with a strong breath.

"Jiang Tian, ​​right? Take a good look at this ring, because you will be eliminated by me soon!"

Ouyang Ming looked at Jiang Tian coldly, with a disdainful sneer at the corner of his mouth, but turned his head before he finished speaking and looked towards Xuan Peng, who was separated by two arenas.

"Xuan Peng, aren't you very optimistic about him? Don't you think this outer disciple is amazing? Humph, now I will let you see how vulnerable he is!"

The domineering voice spread, and immediately caused many inner disciples to shout for joy!

Hearing this, Jiang Tian couldn't help but change his expression, turned his head to look at Xuan Peng on the ring, his eyes flashing, thoughtful.

He advanced all the way and eliminated one after another inner sect master. These inner sect disciples had long been holding back their energy and wanted to teach him, but unfortunately, he also knew that the pavilion was not his opponent at all.

But listening to Ouyang Ming's meaning, this inner disciple named Xuan Peng seemed to take him seriously.

The thought flashed in his mind, and he couldn't help but carefully looked at Xuan Peng a few times. Although there were two rings, there was still a strong cultivation base aura from this person, which was really not to be underestimated.

After hearing Ouyang Ming's cold drink, Xuan Peng only glanced at him coldly, and then subconsciously cast his gaze on Jiang Tian.

The two of them couldn't help but their eyes flickered when they met their eyes. Jiang Tian hadn't responded yet, but Xuan Peng smiled and nodded to him first!

This surprised Jiang Tian, ​​but he reacted quickly and nodded and smiled at the other party.

This scene of the two looking at each other admiring each other in the air made Ouyang Ming even more annoyed, and also annoyed the inner disciples beside the ring.

"Brother Ouyang, teach this outsider a good lesson!"

"Brother Ouyang, this match is up to you!"

"Dignified inner genius, never lose to an outer genius!"

Many inner disciples raised their arms and shouted, cheering for Ouyang Ming, and at the same time exerting pressure on Jiang Tian.

"Hehe, don't worry, everyone, it's just an outer door in the sun-shroud state, and you can't make any waves in front of me!"

"Hahahaha! Of course, others dare not say, we can still trust the strength of Brother Ouyang!"

"Look, everyone, this outer door will soon be blasted off the ring!"

"Huh! Jiang Tian, ​​don't you look at your identity? We can tell you clearly that the majesty of an inner genius is inviolable!"

"Yes! Whoever violates the majesty of the inner genius will be severely hit!"

Faced with this tidal rage, Jiang Tian looked calm and sneered.

"haha, really?"

Seeing his reaction, everyone became more angry, and one by one couldn't wait to personally rush to the ring and beat him up.

In the history of Azure Cloud Sect, apart from Gao Hanyang, who is recognized as a talent against the heavens and the first person in the outer sect, no outer disciple has ever stepped on top of the inner sect genius.

And Jiang Tian not only did it, he also did more than Gao Hanyang!

"Huh! This kid is really arrogant!"

"Don't say anything, wait to see Brother Ouyang teach him!"

"Brother Ouyang, what are you hesitating about, let's do it!"

Accompanied by an angry shout, there was a loud voice in front of the 29th ring, and the atmosphere became extremely feverish.

"Ouyang Ming, how do we say it is also an inner sect brother, I must remind you that you will suffer if you underestimate the enemy!"

A deep light flashed in Xuan Peng's eyes, and he said coldly across the two rings.

"Humph! At this moment, you are still raising others' ambitions and destroying our inner disciple's prestige? Humph, when I defeat Jiang Tian, ​​I will find a chance to teach you again!"

Ouyang Ming raised his hand and pointed directly at Xuan Peng who was on the opposite side.

Xuan Peng shook his head and sighed, then retracted his gaze and said no more.

"Jiang Tian, ​​get out of here!"


A violent roar suddenly sounded, Ouyang shouted angrily, the whole body aura bloomed wildly, the powerful Profound Moon Realm late stage coercion surged like a raging wave, and Jiang Tian could not be said to be enveloped.

But Jiang Tian didn't even move his footsteps, or even the slightest movement of his body.

This wasn't much to Ouyang Ming's expectations, it just made him frown slightly.

He once targeted Jiang Tianyi to hit Di Feng severely, and saw him with his own eyes without hitting Fei Fuyan with his head. He naturally understood that he did have some strength, but this did not affect his confidence.

Seeing that Jiang Tian didn't respond, Ouyang Ming's eyes skyrocketed, and he couldn't help saying that his fists shook together and blasted towards Jiang Tian.

However, his shots are more than just one punch and two punches!


Accompanied by a dull roar, the billowing white spiritual power suddenly condensed into two giant fists, rolling a terrifying force against Jiang Tian.

After that, Ouyang Ming's fists blasted wildly again, and dozens of fists were blasted in an instant!

"Hi! What is Ouyang Ming doing?"

"It's just a competition. It's too much for him to make such a heavy hand!"

"Junior Brother Jiang, be careful, don't be aggressive!"

The outer disciples in front of the ring exclaimed loudly, their expressions all changed.

Ouyang Ming himself was a genius in the late stage of the Profound Moon Realm. Such crazy shots were not like a competition in a ring, but rather like encountering an enemy, completely reckless.

If it were replaced by an ordinary disciple, even an ordinary inner disciple, it would be deadly or injured even if it came down with a violent bombardment.

Although Jiang Tian's strength is stronger than the average person, under such a terrifying offensive, I am afraid that there will be no good results!

Including Qi Yurou, everyone's heart all mentioned to their throats.

On the other side, the inner disciple Chu Yun, who has not yet appeared, with the 38th pick, frowned slightly, with a slightly complicated expression.

"This Ouyang Ming, is it necessary to shoot so hard?"

She murmured subconsciously, and then snorted with a pretty face, her expression a little annoyed.

Jiang Tian naturally felt the opponent's will to win and the strong hostility contained in the shots, and he couldn't help but frowned.

If the opponent just shot normally, he wouldn't have any thoughts even if he used his full strength, but now this scene is obviously not that simple.

Ouyang Ming not only wanted to win the competition, but also wanted to severely inflict him in one fell swoop, and even destroy him!

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