Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1259: Master Controversy


The violent roar suddenly sounded, and a fiery red astonishing spiritual power suddenly condensed, and rushed toward Pang Ning like an angry red dragon.

Bringing a terrifying whistle along the way, as if there really is an angry fire dragon flying in the sky!


A terrible whistling abruptly, the red flames like a fire dragon rushed to Chong Ning's body, the front end went up and down, like a dragon's mouth suddenly opened, it looked like a water tank!

There was an exclamation around the ring, everyone was shocked, and they were all frightened by Duan Muchen's tyrannical methods.


After the scarlet fire dragon opened its huge mouth, it swooped down at Pang Ning without hesitation, and was about to engulf him now!

At this moment, Pang Ning let out a cold snort, a cold color flashed through the eyes buried in the long hair, and a sneer of disdain swept from the corner of his mouth.


Accompanied by a low anger, Pang Ning lifted his right hand, spread his five fingers, and took it forcibly towards the rushing fire dragon!

"Hi! What is he doing?"

"Don't die?"

"How dare he..."

There were exclaims around the ring, and everyone was shocked, shocked by Pang Ning's unwise actions.

There is no doubt that Duan Muchen's attack is so tyrannical, Pang Ning is so reckless, his ending can be imagined.

However, as soon as the exclamation sounded, everyone saw an incredible scene!


Accompanied by a dull roar, Pang Ning's open five fingers suddenly burst into blue spiritual power, and the five slightly slender fingers seemed to have turned into five shimmering sharp swords, carrying an astonishing sword intent towards the road. The wide mouth of the fire dragon churns away!

Boom boom boom... boom!

The sound of metal collision suddenly sounded, and then it evolved into a violent roar!

The corners of everyone's eyes were drawn wildly and their faces stared in amazement, the invincible red fire dragon burst open with a bang!

"Unreasonable!" Duan Muchen's eyes shrank and his face suddenly sank.

However, there is no shock on his face, some are just annoyed.

The attack just now was nothing more than his casual use, and he also used seven or eight layers of spiritual power, far from using his full strength.

However, Pang Ning's performance really surprised him. He even broke the fire dragon attack he was proud of with his gestures, showing that his cultivation level is not low.

But even so, he didn't worry at all.

"Huh! Can break my'Angry Dragon Chiyan' in such a short time, few people in the entire inner gate can do it, I have to say that your strength is indeed beyond my expectations, but this cannot be changed. Your ending!"

Duan Muchen let out a cold sigh, the aura of the whole body soared instantly, and the void above it was violently twisted, and a round of scarlet black moon seemed to be looming, although it made a loud rumbling, it never really took shape.

And even if it didn't take shape, it made the onlookers around the ring jump wildly, shocked!

"Hi! What is that?"

"Could it be... the blood anomaly in the late Profound Moon Realm?"

"No! No, this is the real blood anomaly, this is just a reaction similar to the blood anomaly condensed by Duanmuchen's powerful strength!"

"That's right! With his powerful strength, if he makes the bleeding pulse anomalous, the aura will be extremely amazing!"

Everyone exclaimed, several powerful inner disciples nodded slowly, pointing at the twisted and uncertain spiritual power fluctuations above the ring.

Faced with such an abnormal change, Pang Ning still didn't look up at the other party even for a glance, half of his face was still buried deep in the long hair dancing in the wind, looking even more dejected and messy.

"Don't be wordy, come up with your strongest means." Pang Ning said lightly, as if there was no slight emotional change.

"Huh! Get out of the ring!"

Duan Muchen shouted sternly, cold light flickering in his eyes.

Being so despised by a shameless guy really made him very angry.

As a descendant of the Duanmu family, he really couldn't stand such a provocation.


The violent roar resounded through the void, and Duan Muchen's spiritual power rolled around, as if there were several red fire dragons circling around him endlessly, making his breath reach a certain astonishing level.

"Pang Ning, don't pretend to be deep here, let me go down!"

In the roar of anger, Duan Muchen's figure swayed straight to the opponent, and after flipping his palms, two red palms of fire suddenly flashed.

And as his palms kept turning, the third, fourth...In an instant, dozens of red palms condensed out, and the condensed palm prints were formed by the fire dragon. .

At this moment, Pang Ning, who had been standing in place and had never made a step, moved in his footsteps and swept out!

I saw that his right palm stood up, and suddenly slashed towards the void ahead!


The cyan spiritual power burst into full bloom, and the powerful pressure seemed to tear the void, breaking through layers of red palms like cutting melons and vegetables. Not only did the castration not slow down, it was even faster!

"Hi! How is it possible?"

The corners of Duan Muchen's eyes twitched, his face changed!

He naturally knew how strong his attack was, but Pang Ning's performance shocked him even more. It was incredible that he was able to dissolve it under such an understatement.


Pang Ning's footsteps did not stop at all, breaking through layers of fire palms and rushing to the front, a deep and terrifying coercion exuded from his whole body!

Duan Muchen was very upset, and he took a deep breath and his eyes turned red instantly!


Amidst the violent roar, an astonishing breath rose into the sky on him, and the void above was rapidly distorted, and a round of fire-colored mysterious moon instantly condensed, bursting with dazzling light, making all the disciples around the ring unable to open their eyes. Depending on.

And the astonishing martial arts will that it exudes forced the many disciples who just closed their eyes to retreat again and again, and even dozens of disciples fell to the ground in panic, and the scene became very messy for a while.

"Oh my god! Brother Duanmu actually used a blood anomaly!"

"It seems that Pang Ning does have some abilities!"

"So what? Once Brother Duanmu makes the bleeding anomaly, Pang Ning will not be able to ask for a bargain anyway!"

"Look, he will be blasted out soon..."

Before the words were finished, there was a terrible loud noise suddenly from the ring!


The violent roar suddenly swayed, followed by shocking fluctuations of spiritual power.

The red flame on the ring rose wildly, the blue light was released, and the blue and red light once again made everyone unable to open their eyes and look directly.

Two amazing martial arts wills were entangled in each other and scattered, making everyone unable to tell the truth.

"See? Brother Duanmu is showing off!"

"Yes! This is the real strength of Duanmu Brother!"

"too frightening!"

"This time, Pang Ning must have been blown away, right?"

While everyone exclaimed, they did not forget to flatter Duanmuchen.

In the crowd, there were a few powerful disciples who still stood steadily, without the slightest panic.

Among them are Jiang Tian and Xuan Peng.

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