Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1276: Three years of grievance

The Qingpao disciple's reaction to him was not surprised at all, and smiled coldly without giving in.

This made Duanmu Yunqi greatly annoyed, and when his eyes narrowed, he was about to break out: "Otherwise, let's take this opportunity to open a competition to see who is stronger. How about ending the suspense over the past three years? "

"Hehe, of course I don't have any problems, but the elder Zongmen may not give you this opportunity." Qingpao disciple Jiao Bing smiled proudly, with a slightly arrogant attitude towards his brows.

Duanmu Yunqi became more and more annoyed. He waved his arm fiercely and wanted to say something. The white-robed disciple next to him quickly got up and held him down.

"Haha, Junior Brother Duanmu calm down, now is the last moment of the martial arts of the Zongmen, the elders choose you to appear on the show that they trust you, you can't delay business because of a few jokes!"

The white-robed disciple smiled and gently patted Duanmu Yunqi's shoulder. Although he didn't have much power in his hand, it revealed an inexplicable power, which quickly calmed down the irritable Duanmu Yunqi.

Not only that, but his seemingly simple remarks pointed to the point, so Duanmu Yunqi had to suppress his anger and think seriously.

Even though he is a top genius in the inner sect and is admired by countless disciples, his status and status are still very different compared to the elders of the sect.

Not to mention, seeing that all the senior members of the Zongmen are present, how can the grand occasion of Zongmen Huiwu allow his little disciple to stun the scenery?

Thinking about it this way, Duanmu Yunqi couldn't help gritting his teeth secretly, a trace of chagrin flashed in his eyes!

"Huh! Almost caught Jiao Bing, this kid is so insidious!"

After calming down, Duanmu Yunqi became very clear-headed.

If the situation is really out of control, Jiao Bing will naturally have nothing to lose. He will fight him at most, but he will not be able to escape the punishment of the elders of the Zongmen, or even a severe punishment!

"Jiao Bing, our account will be calculated later!"

"Okay, I'm waiting!"

Duanmu Yunqi let out a cold snort, forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart, and swiftly strode towards the ring.

Jiao Bing smiled leisurely, and a faint disappointment flashed in his eyes. He wanted to take the opportunity to make the other party embarrassed, but he didn't expect to be able to do so in the end.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but blame the white robe disciple's troubles, and the corner of his eyes couldn't help but glance at the opponent coldly.

Immediately, he touched the opponent's sharp sword-like eyes!

"Hi..." Jiao Bing's eyes twitched, and he stopped talking, his face a little embarrassed.

"Brother Jiao, you already crushed him three years ago, why bother to fight with him again?" The disciple of the white robe smiled coldly and said in a deep voice.

Jiao Bing took a deep breath, a trace of annoyance flashed in his eyes, but he was obviously awed by the white-robed disciple.

"Why Brother Yue knowingly ask? Since Mu Yunqi took the third place in the front end for three years, he has been very dissatisfied with my second place. He has always wanted to find opportunities to challenge, but in the past few years, we have often closed up and practiced hard. There is no chance."

"Since you understand this, you shouldn't irritate him with words, let alone choose this kind of occasion. If the situation gets out of control, won't the senior sect leaders get angry?" White-robed disciple Yue Senior said in a deep voice, his eyes faintly fierce. And rebuke.

Jiao Bing shook his head and sighed: "I'm indeed not calm enough, but you have also seen that since we came here, Duanmu Yunqi has been ridiculing me and never forgetting what happened back then, it is really annoying!"

"It doesn't matter. Find some time after this matter, how about I help you resolve this little grudge?" The white robe disciple looked slowly and smiled leisurely.

Jiao Bing immediately followed his expression, shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Brother Yue Zheng, although you are a painstaking effort, some people may not be willing to accept it!"



With the sound of breaking through the air, Duanmu Yunqi landed on the ring with a strong aura.

His presence was between the elders of the Zongmen and the seven disciples, his aura swept away, and the bodies of several people were shocked.

However, the reactions of these people were also different. The one who reacted the most was Chu Yun. A trace of unhappiness flashed in her eyes with a slight frown. She did not know whether she was shocked by coercion or because she disliked the other party, subconsciously. Take a step back.

The others were basically shaking their bodies, and they quickly stood firm with a slight shake.

Jiang Tian just moved his gaze, his robe swayed a few times, and then no other movements.

However, they all have a common reaction, that is, they are all staring at Duan Mu Yunqi's back, and they are surprised at the powerful aura that reveals him!

"Hi! In three years, Duanmu Yunqi's strength has reached such a level. Could it be that he has advanced to the Xuanyang realm?"

As soon as the voice fell, everyone twitched their eyes and took a breath.

"No! He hasn't reached the level of the Xuanyang realm, but his strength is far superior to me. He should have reached the peak of the Xuanyue realm, or the level of the quasi-xuanyang realm!" Pang Ning, who has been silent, suddenly said, deep A faint light flashed in the eyes buried in the messy elders.

"That's great too!" Xuan Peng nodded slowly, his expression extremely solemn.

"This kind of strength, can I shake it?" Lou Qingyan frowned, and kept looking at the other party, his eyes flickering.

"Elder Zongmen really conspired!" Chu Yun shook her head, a trace of helplessness flashed in her eyes.

Originally, she was still wondering, if Duanmu Yunqi's strength was not so amazing, using some means of pressing the bottom of the box might be able to create a small miracle, but now it seems basically impossible.

They had no doubt about the strength of Duanmu Yunqi.

After all, three years ago, the opponent's cultivation base should be the same as they are now.

Under this circumstance, the three-year difference in cultivation level cannot be made up by secret techniques and exercises!

If they were given another three years, they might be able to overcome the current Duanmu Yunqi, and even the soaring cultivation base, on par with the then Duanmu Yunqi and even a miraculous overtake, but now it is impossible to shake the other side.

Just the domineering aura that showed from him made everyone deeply jealous. How could he have any other ideas at this time?

Although from the realm alone, the opponent seems to be only slightly higher than them, but in fact there is a gap!

"Don't bother with those thoughts. It's enough to show your strongest strength."

"Yeah, as long as you don't leave any regrets, after all, Zongmen's arrangement is the greatest care for us!"

"Well, if we are caught in pairs, someone will inevitably end up injured, and we will definitely miss the Canglan Martial Arts Conference.

"Do your best!"

Everyone looked at each other and nodded.

After seeing Duanmu Yunqi's powerful cultivation base, they have no more thoughts, as long as they don't promote the abnormality, they will be Consummation.

Jiang Tian remained silent. Although his expression was slightly solemn, he did not sigh and sigh. Instead, he kept his eyes bright and focused on Duanmu Yunqi in front of him.

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