Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1280: Grey Great Axe

Mu Yun screamed, but did not try to burn blood spirit power like Pang Ning did. Instead, he punched his chest fiercely with his fists. The breath of his body rose wildly at an astonishing speed, and his figure jumped into the air in a flash.


His figure was instantly submerged in that round of white mysterious moon, and at the same time a thunderous explosion came from the void. The next moment, a white giant sword with a length of more than ten feet issued a strange and piercing explosion. Down.

There was a burst of exclamation around the ring, and everyone was shocked by Mu Yunyun's methods!

But even in the face of such methods, Duan Mu Yunqi still only smiled coldly, flipping his right palm lightly, and a fiery red palm print suddenly appeared.


When the palm of the fire flew out, the whole body soared rapidly, and in a flash, it rose to a giant of ten feet, and it slammed into the white giant sword, making a world-shaking explosion!

The red and white spiritual powers are intertwined with each other, and they are devouring each other frantically, forming an amazing picture in mid-air, as if two giant beasts, one red and one white, are falling and biting!

However, this situation did not last long. After only two or three breaths, the red spiritual power had the upper hand, and the powerful spiritual impact completely shattered the white giant sword.

Mu Yunyun let out a sigh, his body shook sharply, and he almost fell from mid-air.

Duanmu Yunqi raised his eyebrows lightly, slightly surprised by the result of this match.

In his opinion, this palm should knock down Mu Yunyun while shaking the white giant sword, but the current scene is somewhat beyond his expectation.

"Hehe, the pastor brother seems to have gotten a lot of guidance from the elders!" Duan Muyun nodded slightly, his eyes full of meaning.

But then the right palm flipped again, and another red palm print rushed out.


There was no suspense this time, the scarlet palm prints broke through the air with a loud rumbling noise, and blasted Mu Yunyun out in one fell swoop, without even giving him the slightest chance to fall into the ring.

"Senior Brother Duanmu has a strong cultivation base, Mu Yunyun feels ashamed, and he is willing to go down!"

After staggering to the ground, Mu Yunyun didn't have much shame, shook his head and sighed, bowing his hands to the other party.

"You don't have to be polite, pastor, your strength is already among the top among this group of disciples. Given time, even if you catch up with me, it won't be impossible."

Duanmu Yunqi smiled indifferently, seeming to be complimenting each other, but in fact he still raised himself intentionally or unintentionally.

Although many people heard this meaning, no one dared to say anything to refute it.

Because what he said was the truth, and thinking about it, he was actually very humble and gave Mu Yunyun a lot of face.

In time, can Mu Yunyun catch up with his cultivation base?

Hehe, how much "time" does it take?

Even if Mu Yun wanted to chase after him, Duan Mu Yunqi would not stop and wait. Both parties are working hard and the qualifications are almost the same. Is this gap-like gap so easy to make up?

He said this just to give Mu Yun a little face, so that he would not be upset by his performance just now, but he couldn't take it too seriously.

"Ten breaths, two moves!" Zongmen elder announced the result loudly.

Mu Yunyun shook his head and smiled bitterly when he heard the words, his expression ashamed.

He had already exerted his full strength, but he was only taking one more breath than Pangning, and he would inevitably feel depressed.

In the eyes of the other five disciples who have not yet appeared, this difference in breathing already represents a considerable difference in cultivation level.

Although this breathing time is fleeting, it should not be underestimated!

Pang Ning tried his best to almost burn blood and spiritual power, but only insisted on nine breaths. Mu Yun's full shot but supported one more breath time. There is no need to say more about which is higher and lower.

"Hehe, if you have no objections, let me play next!"

Xuan Peng shook his gray robe sleeves, faintly arched his hands to the crowd, with a calm smile on his face.

"Brother Xuan, please!"

"Junior Brother Xuan, even if he takes the shot!"

"Hehe, it doesn't make any difference who goes first, brother Xuan, please!"

Everyone smiled and had no objection.

In fact, if they shoot at a later time, their spiritual power can recover one more point, and they can also observe and absorb the experience of the previous few people more. Why not?

It's just a pity that Duanmu Yunqi's strength is too tyrannical, even if they postpone their shots, it will only be a momentary difference.

Even if they were in their heyday, they could not threaten each other, not to mention that their spiritual power could not be recovered much in such a short period of time. Delaying the shot was more of a psychological comfort.

After the first two fights, they no longer expect the first player to cause any interference to Duanmu Yunqi, let alone any fluctuations in the other's spiritual power, because that is simply nonsense, idiotic dreams!

Xuan Peng nodded and smiled, swaying his body to the ring.

"Looking up to the name of Brother Duanmu for a long time, Xuan Peng is offended!"

"You don't have to be polite, let's do it!" Duan Muyun smiled lightly and nodded.


A dull roar followed, and like Pang Ning and Mu Yunyun, Xuan Peng also aroused the blood anomaly as soon as he came up, and shot with all his strength without reservation.

A gray beam of light rushed into the sky, and in a blink of an eye, it condensed into an astonishing gray giant axe, carrying a rumbling noise, and smashing down with force!

Looking at the momentum, it seems that even if a high mountain is blocked in front, it will be smashed!

"Good job!"

In the face of such an attack, Duanmu Yunqi just smiled indifferently, his face remained unchanged, the whole body just swung away and set the gray giant axe in the air, causing its speed to drop suddenly, as if it was frozen in the air. !

Surrounded by the ring, Xuan Peng did not hesitate to stop. He shouted wildly before applying measures, preparing to put pressure on the opponent, and at the worst, he could not let the opponent take the action too calmly.

It's a pity that his strength can't threaten the opponent at all. He saw Duanmu Yunqi smile coldly, wave his right hand across the air, and after a fire palm swept out, the gray giant axe suddenly collapsed.

The violent spiritual power suddenly dispersed, and a violent storm was set off around the ring.

Xuan Peng's gray light soared, and instead of retreating, the whole body swept forward. The soaring gray light made it impossible for everyone to see his figure.

But as Duanmu Yunqi's spiritual power dissipated, the dazzling firelight suddenly swallowed it, and the dazzling gray light instantly converged, revealing Xuan Peng's figure again.

In front of the rolling red spiritual power, he seemed to be just a small boat in the angry sea. In a blink of an eye, he was shaken out and fell directly under the ring.

"Hey! My strength is inadequate, and I have nothing to say about losing!" Xuan Peng sighed and sighed, sighing fiercely.

He also lost two moves in front of Duanmu Yunqi, but he persisted for half a breath longer than Pang Ning, and half a breath less than Mu Yunyun, that is, nine and a half breaths.

Although this result is not bad, he is totally unhappy.

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