Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1289: Nine Sun Yaokong


A dull roar suddenly sounded, Jiang Tian's body was shining with purple light, and the astonishing breath of blood rushed to the sky.

The void above rolled for a while, and nine rounds of exactly the same purple blazing sun were condensed!

When this scene came out, the audience was in an uproar!

The entire square was like a frying pan. Looking at the blood anomaly above the ring, countless disciples' eyes twitched, and they were shocked!

"My God! There are nine blazing suns! How can it be?"

"God! I have never seen such a terrible blood anomaly, I have never even heard of it!"

"Impossible! This must be an illusion, I must have read it wrong, I have never heard of this kind of blood anomaly in the world!"

Among the many exclamations, there were also many questioning voices. They thought it was just a momentary illusion, but after waiting for a while, instead of dissipating the nine rounds of purple sun, it became brighter and brighter, even emitting a dazzling light. Make it hard for them to look straight!

"His! That's an exaggeration!"

"Unbelievable! Unbelievable!"

"Although there have been similar records in some ancient books, it is at most two or three rounds. Jiang Tian condensed nine rounds of the sun at once, which is incredible!"

Seeing that the rays of the nine rounds of blazing sun became more dazzling, and the **** aura that it radiated became more frightening, everyone could no longer doubt.

Before the ring, the pupils of Mu Yunyun, Xuan Peng and others shrank and their faces were shocked. They couldn't help but look at each other, shaking their minds!

"How is this possible?" Mu Yunyun's eyes twitched, shocked.

"Is Jiang Tian's aptitude really so against the sky?" Xuan Peng's face was stiff and his breathing was short of breath.

"Nine rounds of fiery sun, that is nine rounds of fiery sun! I have never heard of such miracles!" Lou Qingyan was shocked, his thoughts were gone, and only those nine rounds of purple Lie exuding dazzling light were left in his eyes. Yang.

"Is his aptitude really such an enchantment?" Chu Yun muttered to herself, her face becoming extremely complicated.

She thought that the other party was a little too arrogant just now, but now it seems that he really has enough confidence!

"No... how could this happen, it's impossible, it's impossible!" Huang Yu's expression changed again and again, she was completely desperate.

Jiang Tian's aptitude is so amazing, it's no wonder that his combat power is far beyond the same level, and even they are completely overwhelmed.

Faced with such a talented person, he can't even think of challenging him. At this moment, he even wants to avoid it and stay away from his heart.

But he didn't want to miss this wonder that he had only seen in his life. His strong curiosity drove him to keep watching, but the stormy waves in his mind were surging uncontrollably.

And on the spectator stand opposite the ring, the faces of the senior sect leaders changed greatly, and they were all shocked!


"Hi! I didn't expect Jiang Tian's aptitude to be so amazing!"

"It's really unheard of to be able to condense nine rounds of fiery sun at the level of the Chongyang Realm!"

"Only this is enough to assert that once this child enters the Profound Moon Realm, his combat power will definitely be quite terrifying!"


Numerous sect elders looked at each other, marveling at each other, their faces were extremely solemn, and their eyes were full of colors.

Jiang Tian had such a performance in the late stage of the Chongyang Realm. Once he advanced to the Profound Moon Realm, would he have it?

For Azure Cloud Sect, this is indeed a shocking talent that can never be met!

Looking at the nine rounds of purple blazing sun above the ring, a strange light suddenly lit up in Yun Xianghan's pretty eyes under the willow eyebrows. His calm expression suddenly became very moved, but he did not know what he thought of, and quickly forced it. Suppress your mood and restore peace.

"Junior Brother Jiang!" Ling Xiao muttered to himself, his eyes hot.

Although he knows that Jiang Tian is strong, he has never seen his blood anomaly. At this moment, he couldn't help but breathe in a breath of horror. Then came a burst of ecstasy!

Tang Xiao had seen Jiang Tian's blood anomaly a long time ago, so he didn't have any special reaction at this moment, he was still calm and calm, his expression unchanged.

"Yes! This kind of aptitude is unique in the entire Azure Cloud Sect. Once you step into the Profound Moon Realm in the future, your strength will surely advance by leaps and bounds. It is really a rare genius!"

Chu Tian cleared his eyes and nodded slowly, his eyes full of admiration.

Several old guys in the Presbyterian Church were also surprised and amazed, but while they were amazed, some people frowned slightly.

The leading white-haired elder frowned slightly: "Jiang Tian's aptitude is amazing, but everyone knows that the more powerful the martial artist, the higher the spiritual power requirements, and breaking through the bottleneck becomes relatively troublesome."

"Yes! Jiang Tian's current aptitude is certainly gratifying, but after all he is only at the late stage of the Chongyang Realm, and he hasn't even reached the Quasi Profound Realm. I am afraid it is not that simple to step into the Profound Moon Realm!

"This is natural! Not to mention, it can be seen from his amazing spiritual power reserve alone, and if the old man reads it correctly, his current spiritual power reserve has not reached the true peak!"

"Hi! It's amazing!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone drew cold breaths, feeling shocked.

There is no doubt that Jiang Tian's qualifications are obviously stronger than those of the elders here.

Although the realm of cultivation is not too high for the time being, once a breakthrough is made in the future, the strength will skyrocket!

"Damn! How could this kid have such a good aptitude?" Elder Meng gritted his teeth and cursed, clenching his fists tightly, and his eyes showed incomparable anger.

"The aptitude is so good, it's no wonder Yun Xianghan is so blue-eyed to him, but it's a pity... the status of the two is too far apart, huh!"

Yu Chunrou's eyes turned back and forth between Jiang Tian and Yun Xianghan, a sneer swept across her mouth.


A violent roar resounded across the square, and the coercion emanating from the nine rounds of blazing sun became even more astonishing, and it was not inferior to the red black moon on the opposite side!

"Unreasonable! How is this possible?" Duan Mu Yunqi was so shocked by the scene that he could not speak for a long time, his eyes were full of horror!

At this moment, he suddenly felt that even if he inspired a blood anomaly, he might not be able to crush Jiang Tian!

Although this thought only passed away in a flash, it shocked his heart and felt greatly disturbed, and his back even slightly chilled!

"No! No way!" Duanmu Yunqi gritted his teeth, his body aura forcibly climbed again.

"No matter how good your aptitude is, you are only a junior in the Sunshine Stage, Lao Tzu is a powerful person in the Profound Moon Stage, and you are not at the same level as you. No matter how hard you struggle, you will never be my opponent!"

Duanmu Yunqi screamed, palms shot out wildly.


A dull roar resounded through the void, and the scarlet aura burst out instantly, condensing into a huge scarlet palm print of more than ten feet, and the aura of the red mysterious moon above it blasted down towards Jiang Tian.

The rumbling noise vibrates the void, and the surging power rages wildly, blooming with terrible power like mountains and seas!

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