Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1295: Aggressive offensive

However, after a while, Jiang Tian's body flashed with purple light, the crackling noise quickly disappeared, and his body gradually stopped trembling, and his whole body stood up forcibly and stood up proudly!

"I have to say that Senior Brother Yue's strength is really strong, but it is a pity that at the level of the Xuanyang Realm, your absolute strength is not too amazing!"

"What did you say?" Yue Zheng's face sank when he heard that, greatly annoyed.

Just when the attack was about to happen, he suddenly found Jiang Tian's breath change, and he was surprised, even a little surprised!

"How is it possible? He actually forcibly held my martial arts will!" Yue Zheng took a deep breath, his eyes filled with surprise.

Not to mention a junior in the Chongyang realm, even Duanmu Yunqi at the pinnacle of the Profound Moon Realm could not have such a tough performance.

However, when his thoughts flashed, he suddenly realized that he had underestimated Jiang Tian. After all, this outer disciple had just defeated Duanmu Yunqi with an undisputed performance. At this time, comparing the two would inevitably be inappropriate.

"Huh! Juniors in the Chongyang realm dared to talk about the experts in the Xuanyang realm, as if you had seen a few experts in the Xuanyang realm!"

Yue Zheng shook his head and snorted coldly, his face full of disdain.

Jiang Tian's tone was a little too loud. Listening to his meaning, it seemed that he had felt the pressure of a strong Xuanyang realm?

Are you kidding me?

If he could really fight against a strong Xuanyang realm, how could he have survived until now!

Yue Zheng shook his head and smiled with disdain. He naturally didn't know that Jiang Tian had already experienced the erosion of the powerful will of martial arts when he lit the Xuanyang stele. Since then, he has also experienced the baptism of Tang Xiao's will of martial arts, and he has been against the Xuanyang realm. The coercion has already had considerable knowledge and a certain resistance.

"Boy! I just tried a little trick, don't be too happy!"

Yue Zheng yelled coldly, his arms and whole body suddenly soared!


Accompanied by a dull roar, an even more astonishing aura rose from his body, and the tyrannical fluctuations of spiritual power spread wildly in all directions, rolling up a terrifying spiritual storm!


As the storm dissipated, the ring was surrounded by exclamations, and many spectators retreated in exclamation, far away from the scope of the storm.

"It would be too arrogant to want to shock me like this!"

Jiang Tian shouted coldly, the purple light all over his body rose again, and the Tyrannosaurus body swiftly moved, once again forcibly dissolving the oppression of the opponent.


A terrible force rushed towards him, but was driven away by the violent purple light. Only a few of them really fell on Jiang Tian, ​​but it did not affect his proud and powerful body. .


The corners of Yue Zheng's eyes shrank, and the eyebrows bloomed, surprised again by Jiang Tian's performance.

"Huh! If even a junior of the Chongyang Realm can't be subdued, what kind of a Xuanyang Realm expert is Yue?"

Yue Zheng yelled angrily, and the aura of his body soared again.

This time, it was different from just now. His martial arts will no longer just swept forward blindly, but changed the way of attack.


Accompanied by a piercing blast, the dazzling white light hovered around Yue Zheng's body quickly, carrying his powerful martial arts will and rushing towards Jiang Tian.

Wherever he went, there was a violent tremor in the void, as if a huge tornado was involuntarily rolling towards Jiang Tian.

The incredibly hard Xuangang rock countertop was even lifted by this hurricane, and it was found that there was a squeaking noise, which made people palpitate!

"Good job!"

Jiang Tian shouted, and the purple light all over his body also hovered, rotating in the same direction as the oncoming white spiritual power whirlwind, bursting out tyrannical power!


As soon as the two forces touched, the white spiritual power was instantly unloaded by the rapidly rotating purple light and rushed to the side indiscriminately.

From a distance, it seemed that this force had turned a corner before it even touched Jiang Tian, ​​no matter how strong it was, it could not really be applied to Jiang Tian!

"Hi! How is it possible?"

The corner of Yue Zheng's eyes jumped, and his heart was astonished.

If the opponent is a martial artist in the Profound Moon Realm, he would not be too surprised to possess this method, but Jiang Tian is only a junior in the blasting sun realm, how could he have such an amazing method?

He naturally didn't know that this was the unique benefit of the Tyrannosaurus body and the bloodline of the Savage Dragon. It was this kind of bloodline that gave Jiang Tian enough confidence to deal with the oppression of the strong in the Xuanyang realm.

The momentary loss of consciousness slowed the white spiritual power offensive slightly, and taking advantage of this rare opportunity, Jiang Tian reacted decisively!


His arms shook, and the purple aura suddenly rolled back. Amidst the dull roar, the purple light exploded with an astonishing power. He suddenly bounced the white whirlwind away and rolled towards Yue Zheng!

"Hi! Unreasonable!"

The corners of Yue Zheng's eyes twitched, and his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

Jiang Tian's performance just now surprised him, but the situation at this time really shocked him!

The junior Chongyang Realm also wanted to use this method to fight back against him, it was arrogant and stupid!

After a momentary shock, Yue Zheng shook his head and sneered, his eyes flashed with thick disdain.

The right arm shook, and the white whirlwind that bounced back immediately disintegrated, but after a short while, it turned into a fierce storm and moved towards Jiang Tian!


This storm, more powerful than the previous spiritual whirlwind, could not help but descend on Jiang Tian.

Although Jiang Tian forcibly resisted, the terrible power still shocked his body and he couldn't help but retreat!

"not good!"

"Junior Brother Jiang is in danger!"

"God! If this continues, he will definitely be blasted out of the ring!"

An exclamation sounded in the square, Qi Yu softly and many outside disciples were full of fear, watching Jiang Tian retreat to the edge of the ring, but there was nothing he could do.


Jiang Tian gritted his teeth and yelled, the purple light all over his body spun wildly, smashing away the oncoming terrifying power again and again, but Yue Zheng's offensive was too strong, and the martial arts of the Xuanyang realm waved higher than the wave to attack him. He can barely maintain an effective defense.

Deng Deng Deng Deng!

Jiang Tian retreated and then looked back to see that he had retreated to the edge of the ring, and was about to be blown out in the next moment.

"A strong Xuanyang realm cannot be underestimated after all. Although my physical body is powerful and bloodline, I still have no power to confront it directly at the current level of cultivation!"

Jiang Tian shook his head and sighed, a trace of unwillingness flashed in his eyes, but his defeat was naturally unacceptable.

There was a flash of lightning in his mind, Jiang Tian shouted violently, and purple light suddenly rose from his body. The astonishing breath of blood spread quickly, forcibly opening a space, allowing him to stabilize his figure.

In this situation, he couldn't hesitate anymore, he had to take the initiative to resolve Yue Zheng's crush, otherwise he might be knocked off the ring in an instant.

"Swallow the sky!"

Jiang Tian shouted angrily, raised his right arm sharply and pointed, dozens of purple auras suddenly bloomed in response to the crazy impact of white spiritual power, and instantly condensed into a dazzling finger shadow to strike out.

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