Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1297: Will you not accept defeat?

"Jiang Tian, ​​my shot was not too heavy just now, isn't this result unacceptable?" Yue Zheng asked coldly, his eyes cold.

He could have done his best, but he didn't do that. First, he was scrupulous about the elder's warning, and second, he and Jiang Tian didn't have any direct grudges.

Although Elder Meng secretly communicated to him, he did not take the other party's words to heart.

After all, it is impossible for Jiang Tian to understand what his qualifications mean to the sect.

But he never expected that Jiang Tian was unwilling to lose and returned to the ring again!

If this continues, he might not be able to stop.

Jiang Tian looked calm and nodded slowly: "In terms of Xuanyang realm's cultivation base, Brother Yue's shots are indeed not too heavy, but I will not be willing to lose here!"

"Huh! Since you are so confident, you must have enough awareness and preparation!" Yue Zheng's face sank, his eyes cold and sharp.

"Senior Brother Yue rest assured, I will be responsible for my decision!" Jiang Tian said proudly without hesitation.

"Well, let's do it!" Yue Zheng's face sank, no longer talking nonsense.

Jiang Tian took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed the restless blood, his arms shook, and once again stimulated the bloodline spiritual power.

He knew that even with all his strength, he could not threaten Yue Zheng with only normal means, and his chances were not many, so he could only do his best without reservation!


The dazzling purple light rushed into the sky, and the sky above was agitated. Nine rounds of purple blazing sun instantly turned out!

There was an exclamation in the square, everyone saw this amazing scene again, and they were still very shocked!

Nine rounds of purple blazing sun bloomed crazily, and the dazzling brilliance instantly merged into one, and under the cover of this brilliance, another huge purple blazing sun burst out instantly, directly covering the other nine rounds of blazing sun!

A dull roar resounded through the square, and the purple blazing sun burst into an astonishing power. Jiang Tian shouted angrily, and pointed his right hand towards Yue Zheng's focus!

"Boom Sword!"


The dazzling purple light suddenly flew out, and a rumbling roar rose into the sky. A purple dragon-like phantom on the surface of the huge purple sword light lingered on it, exuding an incredible power!


Yue Zheng's face sank, his eyes became very solemn.

He clenched a fist with his right hand and blasted out again, but as a powerhouse in the Xuanyang realm, he did not use any blood anomaly, or even the idea at all.

A white light suddenly rose in the void, and a white giant fist emptied out and slammed into the purple sword shadow!

Amid the terrifying loud noise, the purple sword light and the white giant fist burst one after another, evolving into a terrible spiritual frenzy, rippling everywhere.

But the purple dragon phantom lingering on the sword light did not dissipate, but ignoring the violent spiritual power barrier, burst out in an instant, and continued to blast towards Yue Zheng.


Yue Zheng was not surprised by this, and he let out a cold snort, his right fist closed and changed into a palm slammed out.

The void made a muffled sound, and a white palm print flashed in an instant, turning into a barrier of more than ten feet in front.


The Zilong phantom swept wildly, but after hitting this barrier, the speed dropped sharply, becoming extremely slow!

Yue Zheng smiled coldly, and suddenly squeezed his right palm across the air. Then the giant white palm in front of him was squeezed, and a dull roar squeezed the purple dragon phantom in his palm.


Although the Zilong phantom was imprisoned, it was still constantly releasing its power in an attempt to break free, but the white giant palm was too powerful to give it any chance to break free.

However, this scene made Yue Zheng frowned and hesitated.

"It is not easy to develop the blood anomaly to such a degree!" A strange color flashed in Yue Feng's eyes, and after a cold goodbye, the aura in his body skyrocketed again.

The clenched right hand smashed with force, and the white giant palm that had been clenched into a fist suddenly let out a shocking roar, and the whole body burst open!

And the purple dragon phantom, whose power was greatly reduced, collapsed under the violent spiritual impact, and disappeared without a trace.

"The strength of the Xuanyang Stage is really too strong!"

Seeing this scene, Jiang Tian took a deep breath, his expression more solemn than ever.

Although he aroused the blood anomaly, he still couldn't take advantage of the powerful Yue Zheng. Although his shots seemed astonishing, the whole situation was always under the control of the other party.

If it hadn't been for the warning from the elders, perhaps Yue Zheng had already attacked strongly and resorted to thunderous methods!

Jiang Tian shook his head and sighed, a complex color flashed in his eyes, but after a short while, there was another light in the depths of his pupils.

The opportunity to fight against this kind of master is really rare. If you stop here, it would be too wasteful. He wants to take this opportunity to temper his cultivation and fully stimulate his potential, even if he exhausts his spiritual power reserve!

"Swallow the sky!"

Before Yue Zheng could move, Jiang Tian shot again.

The arm swung fiercely, and the right hand pointed out again.

Dozens of purple auras swirled out of layers of air waves, and instantly condensed into a huge purple finger shadow, which blasted out with a terrifying loud noise.

Although it was the same move, the power was already very different after the blood anomaly was blessed.

Even with Yue Zheng's ability, he still didn't dare to be too negligent in the face of such a blow.

Seeing Jiang Tian's almost crazy behavior, he couldn't help but feel angry from his heart, and was greatly annoyed!

"Are you still reluctant to admit defeat?"

Yue Zheng shouted sternly, his eyes became extremely sharp.

With a shake of his right fist, he slammed away at the purple finger shadow.

A thunderous roar followed, and even though Heaven-sweeping Finger exploded with amazing power, it was still inferior to the powerful spiritual power of the Xuanyang Realm, and suddenly collapsed and dispersed.

Yue Zheng snorted coldly and prepared to use another method, but Jiang Tian did not stop, but launched a continuous attack one after another.

The violent momentum has amazed the countless disciples on the square!

"Inverse sword!"


The purple sword light swept across the ground and struck Yue Zheng Xia Sanlu like lightning.


The corners of Yue Zheng's eyes shrank and became annoyed, and his right fist slammed in front of him, and then his figure flew into the air.

Jiang Tian seemed to have anticipated the opponent's reaction a long time ago, so he jumped into the air almost at the same time, and his right hand pointed out again without hesitation.

"Spinning sword!"


The dazzling sword light drew a strange arc, slashing towards the opponent like lightning.

In the face of this extremely fast offensive, Yue Zheng, who wanted to take a shot to suppress Jiang Tian, ​​had to treat it seriously, shaking his right fist once again to disperse the sword light.

At the same time, Jiang Tian's third offensive has already arrived!

"Boom Sword!"


The dazzling purple light struck violently, involuntarily breaking open the spiritual power in front of Yue Zheng, and it was about to hit his chest.


An angry outcry suddenly sounded, and at the same time a white light piercing fist popped out like lightning!

The void was violently twisted, and billowing spiritual power rushed out of this fist, and instantly greeted the sword light.

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