Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1304: Mixed feelings

He suddenly thought of Yun Xianghan's previous statement. She seemed to say that that genius disciple would appear at the Canglan National Martial Arts Conference.

But Zongmen only had ten places, except for the seven of them, Yue Zheng, Jiao Bing and Duanmu Yunqi, how could there be any vacancies?

This made Jiang Tian very puzzled, but thinking of Yun Xianghan's calm and calm performance, he was puzzled.

After frowning for a while, I had to shake my head and sigh, suppressing the distracting thoughts in my heart, and at the same time dared to be even more curious about the mysterious Tianjiao of Xiuyunfeng!

After a period of noise, the noise in the square gradually subsided.

Chu Tianhua waved his hand and continued to speak.

"Next, it's the rewards that everyone cares most about!"

Upon hearing this, all the disciples pricked their ears!

This meeting of martial arts was different from previous years. In previous years, the Zongmen Huiwu University announced the rewards in advance. However, this year the Zongmen did not release any news, which also made all the disciples curious.

What rewards did the sect have prepared, and why is it so mysterious?

This has also evoked the minds of many good people, who have long speculated about what kind of favorable conditions the senior sect leaders will offer as prizes for this martial arts meeting.

However, thinking that the top prize, which has attracted the attention of all people, will be taken away by Jiang Tian, ​​the inner disciples are particularly unhappy.

But there is no way, who can make people strong?

Even if the inner disciples were unwilling, they could only grit their teeth.

But in the final analysis, these rewards have nothing to do with most people. The ones who are really upset are probably the six people Lou Qingyan and Mu Yunyun.

Especially Lou Qingyan, he was only one step away from the top prize, and his mood at this time can be imagined.

However, he did not have much resentment towards Jiang Tian, ​​because this was due to his strength. No matter how unwilling he was in his heart, he knew very well that he was far from Jiang Tian's opponent!

As for Mu Yunyun, Xuan Peng, and Chu Yun, there was nothing to say.

Although I was not reconciled at one time, but after witnessing Jiang Tian's performance throughout the process, they realized that they and Jiang Tian are not at the same level. Now they are only envy, as for jealousy...hehe, in fact, they are fundamentally different. Can't be jealous!

Huang Yu's mood is extremely complicated. After seeing Jiang Tian's performance, he regrets his stupid performance even more.

He even thought with annoyance that at the beginning he was obsessed with his mind or something, that he would despise and mock Jiang Tian. Now he can only pray silently, hoping that everyone who has witnessed that scene will forget everything, otherwise he Will surely become the joke of the inner door!

However, it is clear that these strong fighters who practice martial arts all the year round are not so forgetful. On the contrary, many people are very clear-headed with spirits. At this time, many eyes are focused on him, with ridicule. Whispering.

Although these people didn't laugh at him loudly, their weird looks and strange eyes had revealed their true thoughts.

Although Huang Yu lowered his head, his whole body was as uncomfortable as being pierced by a needle, especially feeling those strange eyes constantly cast on him, wishing to dig a hole in and escape from this embarrassing scene.

While everyone cheered and exclaimed, on a tall stand at the corner of the viewing platform, Jiao Bing, who was dressed in a green robe, looked dignified, his expression ugly!

Although the competition was over long ago, he still hadn't recovered. Even though the Sect Master Chu Tianhua had announced the result in public and made an exception to promote Jiang Tian to the inner sect, he still couldn't believe it was true!

"How is it possible? How is this possible!"

Jiao Bing's eyes twitched, muttering to himself, his expression was extremely complicated.

Despite the endless cheers and exclamations beside him, and the noisy sounds like thunder, he turned a deaf ear to him as if he was an outsider.

His gaze stretched across the void, staring at the proud and unruly figure on the ring, watching the slightly tattered light blue martial arts disciple, there were waves of stormy waves in his mind!

It is incredible that a junior in the late stage of the Chongyang realm can fight against the Xuanyang realm powerhouse for so long, and has not even suffered too much!

"Impossible! Not to mention the Chongyang realm, even a quasi-Xuanyang martial artist can't cross a gap of more than a big realm. It's impossible to face a strong Xuanyang realm!"

Jiao Bing roared in anger, his face even flushed with overexcitement.

When Duanmu Yunqi was defeated, there was only disdain and ridicule in his heart, and even a little proud.

He was very happy to see the other party deflated. After all, Duanmu Yunqi had been dissatisfied with him since three years ago. At this moment, he lost face in front of Jiang Tian, ​​which would undoubtedly curb his arrogance.

At this time, he himself did not feel any pressure, or threat.

For Jiang Tian, ​​he still has enough confidence to crush him!

After all, after these three years of hard work, his strength has been firmly above Duanmu Yunqi. What Duanmu Yunqi can't do does not mean that he can't do it either.

Duanmu Yunqi couldn't beat Jiang Tian, ​​but he was confident enough to defeat him, even easily crushed!

Just when Yue Zheng shot, he was depressed and annoyed that he could not teach Jiang Tian himself and showed him his tyrannical strength.

This undoubtedly made him one less chance to show himself in front of the senior Zongmen, but because Yue Zheng forced the shot, he had no choice but to accept it.

But then, as Yue Zheng and Jiang Tian fought again and again, his expression quickly became serious, and in the end it was extremely complicated and ugly.

Although he is very confident, he is not stupid. Through the scenes of these two fights, he has clearly realized that even if he makes a full shot, I am afraid that he is not Jiang Tian's opponent.

Because of the strength that Jiang Tian showed during the match against Yue Zheng, he felt jealous and even frightened!

And he also looked forward to the final result of the match between the two. Although he didn't think Jiang Neng could really threaten Yue Zheng, he still wanted to see how far Jiang Tian could go in front of Yue Zheng in the Xuanyang realm. ?

It is a pity that with the expression of the sovereign, Chu Tianhua, all of this has finally become eternal suspense.

No one will know what the outcome will be if Jiang Tian and Yue Zheng continue to fight.

I am afraid that even Yue Zheng himself can hardly predict what the final situation will be.

Although Jiang Tian has strong confidence and fighting spirit, the cost of burning his blood is absolutely extraordinary. No matter what the final result is, he will suffer a strong backlash and may even damage his foundation.

It was precisely after seeing this that Chu Tianhua suddenly took action at the critical moment and stopped the hill-like confrontation and heavyweight collision in time!

Whether it is Yue Zheng or Jiang Tian, ​​they are both top candidates for the Canglan National Martial Arts Conference next year. No matter which one of these two suffers hard, it is a loss he does not want to see and cannot afford.

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