Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1310: Please stay

Not far from the front, a group of outer disciples were waiting there, but all of them had complicated expressions and slightly worried eyes.

Xuan Peng rolled his eyes and shook his head with a smile: "Haha, Junior Brother Jiang, it seems we can only talk about this!"

"Huh?" Jiang Tian was stunned when he heard the words. He looked up at the side and couldn't help but laugh.

"Hehe, that's okay, see you tomorrow, we can talk and discuss more if we have time!"

Xuan Peng didn't say much, and immediately patted Lou Qingyan and Huang Yu, and left together.

Jiang Tian walked towards the group of outer disciples, but he had just walked a few steps, before he had time to say hello, a powerful aura pressed from behind!


Amid the low roar, Yue Zheng stopped beside Jiang Tian, ​​his brows were full of arrogance, and the breath of the whole body was like Yuan Ding Yue Zhi!

Jiang Tian instinctively flashed a purple light, and the pressure was swung away, but the outer disciple next to him changed his face and fell in exclamation!

"Jiang Tian, ​​I know that you are not happy in this competition. In fact, I am also the same. Now that you are an inner disciple, we will have another battle sooner or later!" Yue Zheng didn't mean anything, his words showed domineering.

Jiang Tian nodded lightly: "Okay, since Brother Yue is so interested, of course I am willing to accompany you!"

"Hmph, you don't have to be afraid. For the time being, I won't use the strength of the Xuanyang realm to suppress you, lest others say that I am incapable of victory. In this competition, wait until you really reach the inner door. Waiting for you!" Yue Zheng smiled coldly, leaving a domineering gaze and left proudly.

As soon as the pressure of the Profound Yang realm dissipated, the outer disciple beside him breathed a sigh of relief, and leaned in fear.

"Junior Brother Jiang!" Qi Yurou looked solemn, as if she had a lot to say but she didn't know where to start.

"Jiang... Junior Brother..."

The others were even more restrained. They were originally full of expectations, but at this time they stopped talking. They all seemed quite nervous and hardly knew what to say.

Seeing the complicated eyes and expressions of awe, Jiang Tian frowned slightly: "What's the matter with everyone, is there something difficult?"

Qi Yurou shook her head and sighed: "There is nothing difficult, but...cough, now you are an inner genius, everyone is discussing, should I call you inner brother when I meet again in the future?"

"Hahaha!" Jiang Tian shook his head and laughed, and immediately understood the thoughts of these people.

He took the name of the leader of the martial arts, and was promoted to the inner sect by the suzerain. As long as he was not a fool, he could see the importance of him.

And with his aptitude, after being promoted to the inner sect, his cultivation level will surely advance by leaps and bounds, and his strength and status will naturally rise. In contrast, these outer sect disciples are naturally far behind.

Before this meeting of martial arts, most of the outer disciples were very prejudiced against Jiang Tian, ​​and even those who mocked him and despised him were not lacking in others.

But in just a few days, everyone's opinions were repeatedly changed. This change was so drastic that it would inevitably make them feel very emotional, and it is inevitable that they will feel uneasy.

In the eyes of everyone, today's Jiang Tian is no longer the original Jiang Tian. After his status soars, will he still mingle with them as before?

They looked at each other, their expressions were complex, and they were worried, and the atmosphere even became dull and suppressed.

Jiang Tian waved his hand and smiled: "Don't worry, we are both friends and friends. What should we call when we meet in the future? What do we do in so many unnecessary forms?"


Everyone looked at each other, their expressions were still very cautious, and they were still cautious in the face of Jiang Tian's open words.

After all, the future Jiang Tian...No, the current Jiang Tian is already something they can't afford to offend!

"Do you think I'm the kind of person who forgets my roots?" Jiang Tian frowned slightly, annoyed.

"Of course not!" Qi Yurou let out a sullen breath and said with a smile.

"Isn't that all right?" Jiang Tian rolled his eyes, "If you still treat me as a friend, don't be so cautious and disobedient. If you have any questions about practice in the future, please feel free to ask me to discuss it!"

"Too... great!"

"Junior Brother Jiang, you are enough!"

"Hahahaha! What are you still doing, let's go!"

Everyone laughed, their doubts disappeared, and Jiang Tian left the square with Jiang Tian.

In the crowd behind, a certain Qingpao disciple was always watching Jiang Tian's back, his sharp eyes filled with coldness!

This person stared at Jiang Tian, ​​his eyes flickering, as if he was lost in thought, and then he smiled coldly after a while, and a strange and unfathomable smile came from the corner of his mouth!

There was a surging crowd in the square, and it didn't take long for tens of thousands of disciples to leave.

However, among the last few sparse figures, there was a person who was slow, slumped, and extremely lonely.

This person is no one else, but Duanmu Yunqi!

There were two inner disciples beside him, but they were all pale and extremely gloomy.

These two are not others, one is his brother Duan Muchen, the other is his cousin Ouyang Ming.

Ouyang Ming just woke up from a coma after the meeting of martial arts was over, but he was obviously defeated and was seriously injured.

Duan Muchen was slightly better than him, but thinking of the scene of losing to Pang Ning and being provoked and humiliated by Jiang Tian, ​​it was naturally impossible for him to feel better.

The three looked at each other, the atmosphere was extremely depressed, and they all looked like there was nowhere to spread fire.

At this moment, a few inner disciples passed by them. Although they were very low-key, their depressed figure and lonely temperament immediately attracted their attention!

"Huh? It's them!" Duan Muchen's eyes lit up!

"Xie Ran, Di Feng...Ke Jiu!" Ouyang Ming gritted his teeth, remembering how these people had been defeated by Jiang Tian, ​​and his anger became more raging.

Duanmu Yunqi naturally didn't have a good mood. One of the top geniuses of the inner sect, the third place of the previous Zongmen Huiwu, was lost to Jiang Tian, ​​the outer disciple of the Chongyang realm. This is the biggest shame in his life!

It was for this reason that after the meeting ended, he did not leave with the same door after the meeting, but stayed with the two brothers at the end, waiting for the disciples of the same door to walk almost before leaving with a slow pace.

Seeing the despair of Xie Ran, Di Feng, and Ke Jiu, the corners of his eyes throbbed, and he wanted to laugh subconsciously, but he couldn't laugh at all after thinking about it.

After all, he himself had lost to Jiang Tian, ​​so what right did he have to laugh at others?

The three of Xie Ran were obviously in a very bad mood, especially after witnessing Jiang Tian's final strong performance, they were even more down-hearted and complex!

When the two groups of losers met, they were in no mood to say hello. They glanced at Duanmu Yunqi, shook their heads and smiled bitterly before leaving.

"Eh! The three of you stay!" Duan Muchen suddenly rolled his eyes, and a strange light flashed between his pale eyebrows.

The corners of Ouyang Ming's mouth twitched, and he stopped talking. He was a bit subconsciously avoiding this kind of scene, but he didn't want Duan Muchen to call the other party actively.

"Brother Chen, you... don't be troublesome!"

"Faulty? Humph!" Duan Muchen smiled coldly, a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes.

As a descendant of the Duanmu clan, his status in the clan is slightly inferior to that of Duanmu Yunqi. He doesn’t have much respect for this cousin of the Ouyang clan, even if the other party’s cultivation is comparable to his. I don't care much.

"Cousin Ouyang, you don't understand what I want to do, how do you know that I am troubled?"

"You...huh!" Ouyang Ming obviously didn't deal with him, his face flushed when he heard this, and he stopped talking.

If on weekdays, he naturally has the confidence to compete with this cousin, but today his mood really fell to the bottom.

After the terrible defeat to Jiang Tian, ​​he felt that his life was simply gloomy. At the moment when he just woke up, he even felt that the martial art was completely broken, and there was no way forward!

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