Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1319: Animal skin and bone

"Perhaps, Junior Brother Jiang really looks down on these ordinary techniques, right?"

Chu Yun curled her mouth lightly, smiling as if she were not smiling, and she looked somewhat slanderous.

Lou Qingyan said indifferently: "Sister Chu is right! I don't think Junior Brother Jiang should look too high. The exercises here are carefully collected since the creation of the sect. They are all hard to find outsiders. Should I choose a relatively suitable one?"

Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled, and he couldn't help being a little strange: "Don't you forget that there are three upper and lower levels in the Secret Magic Hall? The first two levels can't choose the right technique. Let's go to the third level!"

"The third floor?" Everyone was stunned when they heard this!


"On the third floor, there are some weird techniques of unknown origin. Even the elders of the Zongmen rarely pay attention to them. Didn't the elders of the Secret Technique Hall warn Junior Brother Jiang?"

"Such an important matter, hasn't the elder of the Secret Magic Hall forgotten?"

The companions looked at each other, and the atmosphere became a little weird.

Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled, and said: "I know this, the elder has already said it, but I still want to go up and have a look, otherwise there will always be regrets."

"This...well, since Junior Brother Jiang has made up his mind, we can't say anything more." Mu Yun sighed and shook his head.

"With Junior Brother Jiang's qualifications, it might really be possible to choose a suitable technique, but it's better to be cautious, don't go astray!" Xuan Peng frowned, his face solemn.

"In my opinion, let's go up and have a look. What if there is any unexpected gain?" Lou Qingyan was a little reluctant, and immediately suggested that everyone go and take a look.

"Well, it's not bad to go to the third floor." Chu Yun nodded and smiled, a bright light flashed in her pretty eyes.

Several people actually had this intention. As soon as Lou Qingyan expressed his position, everyone put down the exercises and books in their hands, and walked towards the third floor surrounded by Jiang Tian.

The number of exercises in the three-story hall was nearly half that of the second floor, but the total number was still quite expensive, which surprised Jiang Tian!

Without any hesitation, he immediately came to the first row of exercises, picked up a simple classic book and looked at it carefully.

This is a rather mysterious swordsmanship, but the art at the beginning seems to be a bit incomplete. After a few quick glances, Jiang Tian put it down decisively and continued to check other techniques.

After waiting for a while, everyone no longer hesitated, and started to check each other.

A group of exercises quickly flipped in Jiang Tian's hands, which surprised him!

These exercises are indeed like the elders of the Secret Method Hall said.

Not only are some of the tactics unfamiliar and remote, but even the practice methods are extremely strange, completely unlike normal martial arts.

There is even a book titled "Spirit Swallowing Profound Art", which made Jiang Tian's mind turbulent at a glance, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of confusion. A little hesitant effort seemed to sink into it, and he couldn't get rid of it!

"His! What a weird way!"

Lightning flashed in Jiang Tian's mind, his mind suddenly awakened, and his forehead could not help but sweat slightly.

I just watched it for a moment and I got such a reaction. I really don’t know what would happen if I started practicing?

But Jiang Tian knew very well, knowing that this method is too weird, maybe some people with ulterior motives deliberately made it to harm people, so naturally he would not really go into it.

"Some exercises are really weird, you must be careful!" After a moment of hesitation, he put the exercises back and reminded his companions loudly.

But they were all watching attentively, just nodding their heads subconsciously, not paying too much attention to what Jiang Tian said.

After reading a few weird ancient books, he realized that the warning from the elder of the Secret Law Hall was not groundless. Some ancient books were really strange and daunting.

"Isn't there a more normal one?"

After watching for a while, Jiang Tian couldn't help frowning.

These ancient books are either of unknown origin, weird tactics, or go to extremes, and are completely unsuitable for normal martial artists.

If this is the case, then there is indeed no cultivation method suitable for him on this third level.

Shaking his head and sighing, Jiang Tian came to the last row of exercises with a depressed heart.

There are a lot fewer exercises on this shelf, only a few.

Jiang Tian shook his head, really disappointed!

None of the previous exercises were suitable, and he didn't hold out hope for these.

Placed here alone, without looking at it, it gives people a sense of remoteness.

He picked up a few books at random and looked through it, and found that these exercises were even better than those before, and it was simply speechless.

After putting it down in a hurry, only the last three were left in front of me.

One of them is still very shabby and looks about to rot.

Jiang Tian's eyes twitched and he couldn't help but slander!

This set of classics does not seem to be paper, it looks like some kind of thin animal skin, strung with something similar to animal tendons at the edges, and tied to a slightly curved white tubular animal bone. It is also quite unique.

It just left it like this, giving people a feeling that they might be rotten in a few years.

Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled, took it subconsciously, shook his head and smiled bitterly as he looked at the incomplete and ragged weird technique with heads and tails.

But after hurriedly turning over two pages, he was slightly startled, thinking he was dazzled!

"Huh? How could this be!"

Jiang Tianjin blinked his eyes, and finally determined that he did not have dazzling, but that this classic book had hidden some mystery!

This ancient book of animal skins had already been half-turned by him, and the incomplete tactics that had heads and no tails suddenly changed. Suddenly, a few faint white auras flashed on the surface of the original ancient clumsy and unrecognizable handwriting!

But when he looked at it, these white lights disappeared without a trace!

"it's wired!"

Jiang Tian was surprised, and he hurriedly flipped a few pages back. It was still the same, but when he turned to the end, it became the kind of broken, broken and unfinished method.

He couldn't help sinking into thought, feeling very weird!

"Hi! I see!"

After a while, there was a flash of light in his mind, Jiang Tian's eyes shrank sharply, as if he had discovered some mystery!

He took a deep breath and gently closed the ancient book, then opened it again, turning directly to the middle page.

This time, the white aura did not flash again, and the entire ancient book looked nothing strange.

Jiang Tian frowned, and did not rush to turn it over. Instead, he used his powerful perception ability to feel it silently.

"Huh? Sure enough, there are signs of spiritual power remaining!"

Jiang Tian's eyes flickered, and for a moment of contemplation, he slowly poured a burst of spiritual power onto the strange writing, his eyes widened, and he watched!

咚咚咚... Jiang Tian has already held his breath, so quiet that he can hear his heartbeat!

After a while, the handwriting in front of me flashed slightly again, and a few faint white lights appeared!

"Sure enough!" Jiang Tian nodded his head heavily, feeling excited.

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