Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1324: Research spar

The appearance of Xinjin Xuan Tie and Xuan Geng Stone is somewhat similar. If you don't distinguish it carefully, you might even mistake it for one thing.

But if you carefully distinguish them in your hand, you will find that their attributes are completely different.

Although they look quite similar in appearance, the two are completely opposite, one is hard and one is soft, one is firm and the other is soft!

"Great!" Jiang Tian took a deep breath, extremely excited.

When he first came to Azure Cloud Sect, he had inquired about this kind of spar from Ling Xiao, but unfortunately there was no such thing on the Tianxu Peak, but he didn't want to run into it in the Zongmen Treasure Hall!

Jiang Tian held the spar tightly, his eyes flickered in contemplation for a moment, and after hurriedly browsing the few remaining materials, he quickly left the three-story hall.

Although he had a few slightly pleasing choices before this, they were all pale in comparison with this piece of Xin Jin Xuan Iron.

In front of this rare spar, those few rare materials and even fragments of spirit-level magic weapons are simply unattractive!

"Xin Jin Xuan Tie!" Looking at this spar, the elders of the Treasure Hall showed their eyes and were surprised!

More than a year ago, a certain Inner Sect elder came here to collect some refining materials, including a piece of Xin Jin Xuan Iron.

However, the elder at the time obviously said that the quantity was not enough, but it was a pity that only one piece was found after searching for a long time. It seemed that it was not as big as this one!

"Where did you find it?" The elder of the Treasure Hall frowned and asked with a puzzled look.

"On the innermost shelf of the three-story hall." Jiang Tian hesitated and said truthfully.

"Innermost?" The elder of the Treasure Hall was puzzled, but seeing Jiang Tian's calm appearance didn't seem to be lying, he couldn't help but feel strange.

More than a year ago, the Inner Sect elder not only did it by himself, but even brought two trusted disciples to help him find it. He almost rummaged through the collection of the Treasure Hall, only to find a piece of Xinjin Profound Iron.

If you let him know that Jiang Tian found another piece by accident, it would be depressed for a while.

"I have to say, your kid is very lucky!" The elder of the Treasure Hall sighed depressed, shook his head and smiled bitterly and said what happened a year ago.

Jiang Tian was also fortunate to hear that, although he didn't know if it was the elder who took a look, or the two disciples who came with him lazily missed it, in short, this piece of Xin Jin Xuan Iron was found by him now.

"If the elders have no doubts, I need this piece of Xin Jin Xuan Iron!" Jiang Tian nodded slowly, lest he regenerate and change, and dare not delay.

The elder of the Treasure Hall looked a little hesitant. He looked at Jiang Tian with curiosity, and raised his eyebrows: "I'll be honest! You are young, you probably don't know the art of refining tools, what do you want with this piece of Xinjin Xuan Iron use?"

Jiang Tian frowned slightly, his eyes flashed slightly, and he shook his head and smiled: "Of course the disciple doesn't understand refining tools, but he has only been in touch with a few ancient books on refining materials. He is interested in these things and always likes to collect them."

"Is it really just like this?" The elder of the Treasure Hall curled his lips slightly and looked at Jiang Tian with a smile, looking at him a little embarrassed.

"Ah... Does the elder think that the disciple is really proficient in the art of refining?" Jiang Tian didn't explain much, he didn't answer the question after he turned his mind.

The elder of the Treasure Hall stared at him suspiciously for a moment, then suddenly shook his head and sighed, looking bored.

"Forgive your kid, it's impossible to be proficient in the craftsmanship. Fortunately, you have a coincidence. The inner door elder sent someone to inquire a few days ago. If you happen to catch up, this spar will probably be He forcibly took it away." The elder of the Treasure Hall shook his head and smiled with a teasing expression on his face.

"Then why hesitate? If there is no problem, please register quickly, and the disciple will take it away!" Jiang Tian was a little nervous for fear of sudden change.

"Hehe, don't worry, there is no special need, and that elder usually won't come to the treasure hall in person."

The elder of the Treasure Hall shook his head and smiled, shaking the spar in his hand jokingly, and after taking out the account book to register, he handed it to Jiang Tian.

Holding this heavy spar in his hand again, Jiang Tian finally breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly folded his right hand into the storage bag. After thanking him, he quickly turned and left without staying for a moment.


Although the spar is already in his possession, if he happens to catch up with the elder to come here to investigate, it will inevitably be tricky.

Although it is impossible for him to sell, unnecessary troubles are of course better avoided.


After leaving the Treasure Hall, Jiang Tian went back to the Tianxu Peak residence without any delay.

In the secret room, Jiang Tian took out the Xin Jin Xuan Tie again, held it in his hand and observed it, turning it from time to time and feeling the weird texture.

"Xin Jin Xuan Tie, and Xuan Geng Stone, one is hard, one is soft, one is firm and one is soft, but they are both rare refining materials. I wonder if the effect is as powerful as the ancient books say?"

Jiang Tian looked at this spar, his eyes flashing, thoughtfully.

After repeated observations for a while, his right hand shook lightly, driving the bloodline spirit power to open the storage ring.

With a strange sound of "pop", a layer of subtle fluctuations appeared in the void.

When the red light was released, the Fire Spirit Lord, who was shaped like the sun, appeared, illuminating the entire secret room.

"Young man, what's the important thing to find the deity?" The Holy Venerable Fire Spirit blinked lazily, still in that high-arrogant posture.

Jiang Tian didn't make any detours and blurted out, "Holy Fire Spirit, how long does it take to refine Xin Jin Xuan Tie?"

"Xin Jin Xuan Tie?" The Fire Spirit Sovereign was startled when he heard the words, and couldn't help but stare at the spar in Jiang Tian's hand!

"Huh? It's really Xin Jin Xuan Tie! Where did you get it?"


While speaking, the Fire Spirit Sovereign rushed to the front, and the afterimage of the void shook, and the whistling sound of the flames sounded, and rippling back and forth in the secret room.

Staring at the spar in Jiang Tian's hand for a moment, he slowly nodded, his eyes brightened a bit.

"Yes! It really is Xin Jin Xuan Tie, this can be achieved, you kid really have a bit of luck!" The Fire Spirit Sovereign said in the tone of a senior expert, and slowly nodded with a smile.

"Stop talking nonsense!" Jiang Tian's face was dark, frowning: "This material ground is soft, it shouldn't be difficult to refining, shouldn't it take a long time like the Xuan Geng stone last time?"

"What are you talking about?" Sage Huo Ling frowned and suddenly sneered.

"Hmph, young man, that's what you said wrong!"

"What do you mean?" Jiang Tian frowned slightly, his expression slightly complicated.

Although the Fire Spirit Venerable is only an incomplete primordial soul with limited mana, after all, the background is mysterious, so his words cannot be blindly obeyed.

But it is undeniable that his rich insights really make Jiang Tian beyond the reach!

Having such an insightful existence following him can often help him solve some difficult problems.

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