Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1329: Do multiple things in one fell swoop

"That's it!"

Jiang Tian nodded and smiled, and his figure flicked up.

However, as soon as his feet landed on the top of the icicles, his face suddenly changed!

"Hi! Why is the chill so strong?"

The corner of Jiang Tian's eyes twitched, and he was immediately surprised!

Although he had expected it, the situation before him surprised him.

The chill at the top of this nine-foot-high icicle is shockingly different from the condition on the ground.

"Fortunately, there is no greedy power!" Jiang Tian nodded slowly, glanced at an icicle that was ten feet high not far away, and couldn't help but jump at the corner of his eye.

After suppressing his thoughts, he immediately sat cross-legged, began to run the bloodline spiritual power, and silently adjusted his breath.

The stronger the cold in the cold cave, the stronger the aura.

Jiang Tian's physical body is strong, and after only a short breath adjustment, he quickly adapts to the environment here, and the spiritual power of his whole body is running fast, fully absorbing the spiritual power here.

As these spiritual powers enter the body, the coldness will inevitably penetrate into the body, and the bloodline spiritual power will be suppressed by standby, and the operation speed will start to slow down unconsciously.

"What a weird situation!"

Jiang Tian frowned slightly, shook his head and smiled bitterly.

If you want to absorb more spiritual power, you have to inhale the same chill. If you want to absorb spiritual power faster, the same chill will accelerate your body.

This is a pair of contradictions that cannot be resolved, and if you want to cultivate here, you must resist and resolve it. It is simply impossible to avoid it.

Fortunately, Jiang Tian has a Tyrannosaurus body to protect him, otherwise the situation will be more troublesome.

After about two hours had passed, Jiang Tian had fully adapted to the environment here, and his bloodline and spiritual power moved freely, and even began to accelerate to increase the speed of spiritual power swallowing.


There was a deep buzzing in Jiang Tian's body, and his bloodline spiritual power and the powerful chill went hand in hand, as if the Yangtze River rushed endlessly.

This scene caused Mu Yunyun and Xuan Peng's eyes to twitch and they looked sideways.

Before, they were all cultivating intently, resisting the invasion of chill with all their strength, and did not notice Jiang Tian's arrival.

It wasn't until this time that I heard the abnormal noise, and discovered that a person was sitting on the nine-foot-high icicle not far away!

"Hiss! Look at Junior Brother Jiang!" Mu Yun took a deep breath, and a hint of shock appeared on his already pale face.

"Huh?" Xuan Peng turned his head to look, and the corner of his eyes jumped.

"What's the situation?" Lou Qingyan also opened his eyes, and when he looked over there, the corners of his mouth twitched, greatly surprised!

At this moment, Jiang Tian was surrounded by ice and mist, faintly forming a vortex several meters in size, hovering quickly.

The rich spiritual power and strong chill formed a white spiritual mist, which continuously poured into the body with Jiang Tian's breathing, and even more spiritual power directly rushed to his body surface, continuously pouring in through the pores of his body.

On the contrary, a few of them, because of the cold cover, have formed a layer of frost on their bodies, but they are different in thickness because of the difference in cultivation base.

"What's the matter?" Chu Yun opened her eyes when she heard the sound. She couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth, and she was speechless.

Obviously, Jiang Tian's cultivation speed and efficiency are far from those of them.

Everyone looked at each other, shook their heads and smiled bitterly, with emotion in their hearts.

And at this moment, a strange sound suddenly came from the side, it sounded like someone was shivering!


Everyone raised their eyebrows and stared attentively, their eyes all falling on Huang Yu's body.

At this moment, he was sitting on the four-foot-high icicle, his body was trembling, his face was pale with iron blue, his eyebrows were already covered with frost, and his body was even more thick.

It looks like a stubborn old man, which really makes people laugh.

"Hahaha, Junior Brother Huang seems to be under-prepared!" Mu Yunyun shook his head and sighed.

"Huang Yu, don't hold on to it. If you continue to talk about cultivation, just resisting the cold has already greatly damaged your spiritual power!"

"Yes, Junior Brother Huang, let's change an icicle, let's get used to the chill here first!"

Everyone really couldn't stand it, and they shook their heads and laughed and suggested to him.

Huang Yu clenched his teeth for a while, suddenly shook his head and opened his eyes angrily!

"Oh! All of you... sit so tall and adapt... so fast, but I am the only one who is... spiritually weak, shivering... shivering, this is simply... it makes me depressed and about to vomit blood! "

Huang Yu shook his head fiercely and stammered. The ice crystal on the neck suddenly broke and made a strange noise.

"Everyone’s situation is different. For example, Junior Brother Jiang has strong spiritual power and is not afraid of chills. There are also some who have bonuses in their exercises. You may belong to another situation. You are not so resistant to chills. You should be safe. First think. Let's talk about how to adapt to this!" Mu Yunyun sighed, and solemnly persuaded him.

"Oh! Well... well, I can only... do this!"

Huang Yu stretched out his arms and broke through the ice crystals covering his body. When he scanned left and right, his figure moved and swept onto an icicle that was more than three feet high.

After getting used to it a little bit, he exhaled a sigh of depression and started practicing.

This time, his condition finally improved a lot, his body aura gradually returned to stability, and his bloodline spiritual power gradually reached a certain balance.


On the nine-foot-high icicle, the dull roar became stronger and stronger, Jiang Tian rotated his hands, urging the blood and spiritual power to accelerate.

The icy mist swirling around the body is also turning faster and faster, making everyone's eyes twitch and envy!

"Junior Brother Jiang's adaptability is too strong, right?"

"This kind of cultivation speed really makes me unable to wait for the dust!"

"Hehe, I don't think this icicle can trip him anymore. If this continues, he will change places soon!" Xuan Peng shook his head and smiled bitterly, with a depressed look on his face.


At this moment, a muffled sound suddenly raged, and Jiang Tian's breath swept away. The icy mist swirling around his body was instantly swept away, and the volley dissipated.

"Very good! The Cold Spirit Cave is indeed well-deserved. Not only does the spiritual power grow faster than the outside world when practicing here, but it can even temper the physical body. It really serves multiple purposes!"

Jiang Tian took a deep breath, his eyes brightened and excited for a while.

"Junior Brother Jiang, are you too good at this?"

"Your cultivation speed is at least twice as fast as ours. No wonder the combat power in the late stage of the Chongyang Realm is so amazing!"

"Hey, I really don't accept it!"

Everyone shook their heads and sighed bitterly, their faces full of envy, but they felt very depressed in their hearts.

Jiang Tian's amazing aptitude and super strategy have made them very envious, and now he is practicing so fast in the cold cave, it is useless to compare several companions with him!

"Several words are serious, everyone's situation is different, maybe my physical body is slightly stronger than yours, and it's a little cheaper." Jiang Tian shook his head and said lightly.

But before his companions could react, he suddenly stood up.

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