Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1331: Double chill

Xuan Peng pondered for a moment, and said leisurely: "Senior Brother Lou said, it should be about that mysterious ancient book, right?"

"That's right!" Lou Qingyan nodded heavily, "We forgot to ask him, and we don't know how well he is enlightened?"

"Haha, how can I think about this now? Besides, the exercise method has been selected, even if he really understands something, we don't have to go and ask!" Xuan Peng sighed and shook his head.

"I don't think it's that simple! That ancient book is basically a demon's "Book of Heaven". Even though Junior Brother Jiang has extraordinary aptitude, it is not so easy to penetrate." Mu Yunyun waved his hand and said thoughtfully.

"Huh! You don't want to cultivate well but you have such a leisurely mind, you really have leisure time!" Chu Yun shook her head and snorted coldly, closing her eyes and concentrating on her practice, and a sneer passed over her mouth.

"Ahem! That ancient book really has nothing to do with us, even if Junior Brother Jiang really learned something from the Great Fortune, we are not good to ask, or forget it!" Mu Yunyun waved his hand and closed his eyes to practice. Get up and ignore these.

Xuan Peng also shook his head and smiled, closing his eyes and paying attention.

Lou Qingyan scanned the surroundings and saw that everyone no longer cared about this issue. He also felt bored and couldn't help but smile wryly.


After walking through a passage of more than ten meters long, Jiang Tian came to the second cave hall of Hanling Cave.

According to the elder's account, there are a total of seven cave halls here, and the number and orientation of them all coincide with the number of Beidou.

After walking into the second cave hall, Jiang Tian couldn't help but wince his eyes, surprised!

Although he had already felt in the passage, he realized that the chill of the second cave hall was at least double the previous one!

"The change is so big, isn't the last cave hall unusually amazing?"

The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes shrank and he was shocked!

The elder Shoudong only told him that the chill got stronger as he went deeper, but he didn't tell him that the change was so drastic.

Jiang Tian took a deep breath, and subconsciously turned his head and glanced at the cave hall at the end of the passage, thinking of the difficult situation of those companions, he couldn't help but his eyes jumped.

They are already a bit difficult in the first cave hall. When they come to this second cave hall, I am afraid they will be shocked?

Jiang Tian retracted his gaze, shook his head and sighed aside from these distracting thoughts, and scanned the front.

There are also dozens of icicles of varying heights here. They don’t look much different from the first cave hall, but each of the icicles here is thicker, and the thinnest is thicker than the water tank, and the thickest. They are even about to accept the thickness of a millstone!

Moreover, the lowest of these icicles are more than six feet high, and the surrounding cold air is full of spiritual power than the highest icicle in the first cave hall!

Jiang Tian didn't step forward rashly, but focused on the placement of these icicles, and suddenly discovered that this arrangement seemed chaotic, but in fact it was in the shape of a strange formation.

"That's it!"

Jiang Tian nodded slowly, the light in his eyes flashed away.

These icicles are obviously carefully arranged and not entirely natural.

After a moment of contemplation, he shook his body and swept towards an icicle six feet high.

But it didn't fall there, the eyes flashed slightly, and he lightly tapped the top of the column and continued to swift up, landing on an icicle that was nine feet high.

At the same height, the chill here is more than double that of the first cave hall!

"Almost, here it is!"

Jiang Tian nodded in satisfaction, and quickly closed his eyes cross-legged, and started practicing.

There was no one else at the moment, and he had no scruples, and directly absorbed his spiritual power at full speed.

Because he has realized that the chill will become more alarming as he goes back, if he wastes too much time in front, he may not be able to enter the last cave hall.

If this is the case, it would be a great regret!

He didn't want to leave the cold cave with this kind of regret, so he had to do his best to shorten the delay time.


The roar was loud, and the icy mist vortex quickly converged, rapidly expanding from the initial range of several meters to ten meters.

A wave of icy cold spiritual power rushed towards Jiang Tian, ​​and merged into Jiang Tian's body at an astonishing speed.

It's just that the total amount of his spiritual power is too large, even if it is absorbed at this speed, it is far from being filled in a moment.


Time passed, and several hours passed in a blink of an eye.

Jiang Tian had left the nine-foot-high icicle and sat on a fifteen-foot-high icicle with his eyes closed and practiced.

At this time the first day has passed and the second day has just begun.

After struggling and adapting hard, one of the six people behind finally finished their training and left the first cave hall to the second cave hall.

This person is no one else, but Pang Ning!

Although his ranking on Zongmen Huiwu is not too high, his cultivation speed in the Hanling Cave is faster than the others, second only to Jiang Tian.

But as soon as he walked into the second cave hall, his body was shocked, and his eyes flashed with shock!

"Hi! What a strong chill!"

Pang Ning, who has always been low-key and tolerant, couldn't help but take a breath.

But he regretted it as soon as he sucked it in!

This bite was too hasty, and the strong chill penetrated into his lungs at a speed he couldn't adapt to, and his complexion suddenly changed, and he murmured something bad!

Pang Ning didn't have time to hesitate, and immediately sat cross-legged on the ground, gleaming blue light all over his body to resist the invasion of the cold.

After a full cup of tea, he breathed a long sigh of relief, but there was already a layer of cold sweat on his forehead.

However, as soon as this layer of cold sweat came out, it was condensed by the chill of the void and turned into a layer of ice beans hanging on his forehead.

Pang Ning sighed and shook his head, exhaling a long muffled breath, watching the scene ahead intently.

In a blink of an eye, he got up and shook, and drove an icicle six feet high.

"Hiss!" Pang Ning shook his head and sighed. Although a little surprised, he accepted the lesson just now, forcibly controlling the reaction and avoiding the embarrassing situation just now.

He looked up, and from this position he could only see the back of Jiang Tian sitting high on the icicle above, frowning slightly, his expression slightly complicated.

Could it be that he can only look at Jiang Tian's nape?

Do not!

From this position, he can't actually see Jiang Tian's neck, only his back.

This made him very depressed, but he quickly retracted his gaze and suppressed distracting thoughts, and his expression began to cultivate solemnly.

It was not until two hours later that Mu Yunyun, Lou Qingyan and Xuan Peng came to the second cave hall one after another.

But when they just walked in, Jiang Tian had already swept down the tallest icicle and was about to walk into the passage ahead!

"This...this is too fast, right?" Mu Yun's eyes twitched, his expression stunned.

"Unreasonable! Isn't this bullying?" Xuan Peng sighed bitterly, shaking his head, speechless.

"How can the gap be so big?"

Lou Qingyan frowned, and he was very dissatisfied, but faced with this huge gap, even if he didn't agree, there was no way.

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