Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1345: Reckless


Accompanied by a strange roar, the power of the cold spirit in the cave hall skyrocketed again at an astonishing speed, and it surged several times in an instant!

"Hi!" Jiang Tian's face changed drastically, instantly shocked!

Such a terrible chill, not to mention that he was unprepared, even if he had anticipated it, he couldn't resist it at all, not to mention the sudden violence.

He only had time to let out an exclamation, and his whole body suddenly stiffened, his bloodline and spiritual power instantly stagnated, and his whole person seemed to become a mass of ice, stiffening directly on the icicle.

Sizzle... sizzle!

A terrible chill instantly swept across the entire cave hall. At the same time, a large number of ice crystals condensed in the void and spread instantly, making a weird sound of "kaka"!

Jiang Tian had already reached the critical juncture of his cultivation, and his bloodline spiritual power instantly stagnated, which was definitely not a good thing.


A dull roar burst out of Jiang Tian's body!

The inherent bloodline spiritual power stopped working, and the subsequent cold spiritual power rushed into the body before it was too late to convert, and it all accumulated in the meridians, causing his body to shake sharply, and the breath of the whole body suddenly skyrocketed!

In normal times, this kind of skyrocket might surprise him, but now it will only make him feel scared.

This is like a sudden flood madly pouring into a narrow river channel, if it is not dredged in time, it will only cause the collapse of the bank.

For the martial artist, it means that the meridians burst, and then the body is severely damaged and the foundation is greatly damaged. In the most serious case, it is very likely that the body will burst and die!

Despite being protected by the Tyrannosaurus body, Jiang Tian still suffered a strong impact, and suddenly he spouted a **** arrow.

If this situation continues for a while, he will undoubtedly be severely injured!

"Damn it! How could this be?"

Jiang Tiantian was shocked, and suddenly realized that this was definitely not a normal situation, it must have been some kind of abnormality in Hanlingdong.

"Ah...damn it!"


Rumble... Rumble!

There was a burst of frightened and violent shouts from the cave hall in front, and it was obvious that those companions were also affected by this fluctuation and fell into panic.

"Unreasonable!" A deep anger suddenly sounded, spreading across the seven cave halls instantly!

"The change in spiritual power should not be underestimated. You must stop practicing quickly, don't be reckless!"

After detecting the abnormal change, the elder Shoudong shouted in deep anger, and his words contained powerful spiritual power rippling back and forth among the seven cave halls and spreading to everyone's ears.

Bang bang bang bang... A series of ice crystal cracking sounds sounded, and the ice crystals condensed in the six caverns in front could not withstand the powerful spiritual impact, and instantly collapsed.

But the seventh cave hall only heard a few dull echoes.

"Huh!" The elder Shoudong shouted angrily, and instantly turned into a white light and rushed out without hesitation into the seventh cave hall.


He saw his right arm shook, and a white light burst suddenly, and the ice crystals that filled the void made a blast, immediately shattered and collapsed.

"Hiss!" Jiang Tian's bloodline and spiritual power were recovering, and he took a breath, still having deep fear on his face.

Feeling the pain all over the body, he immediately urged the bloodline and spiritual power to guide him without hesitation.

"Don't be reckless!" The elder Shoudong's expression changed, and he raised his hand to stop it, but it was too late.


With another weird muffled sound, the power of the cold spirit that was originally rich and incredible in the seventh cave hall suddenly dropped, and the effort plummeted several times in the blink of an eye, which was even worse than normal!

"not good!"

Jiang Tian's eyes shrank sharply, his face suddenly changed!

This situation was completely beyond his expectations and caught him off guard.

He originally wanted to absorb a large amount of cold spirit power to push the bloodline spiritual power stagnated in his body, but as a result, he became unavailable, and the spiritual power appeared instantaneous deficit!


In an instant, his body shook sharply, a dull blast came out of his body, and his face instantly flushed red and spouted a blood arrow.

"Junior, you are so rash!"

Accompanied by an angry cold rebuke, the elder Shoudong appeared in front of Jiang Tian in a flash, and his palm was instantly pressed on his back, pouring a strong spiritual power.

Jiang Tian only felt warmth flowing into his body, his injuries stabilized in an instant and began to recover quickly, but he couldn't help feeling grateful.

If it hadn't been for the elder guarding the cave to make a timely move, he would almost certainly suffer a heavy blow under the spiritual backlash.

"Cough...Thank you elder!" Jiang Tian patted his choking chest and thanked the elder Shoudong, but he was filled with incomparable doubts.

"With a small effort, it doesn't have to be this way! But your kid is too reckless, the spiritual power changes so drastically here, you dare to practice forcibly, don't you want to die?"

Elder Shoudong's face was deep, frowning angrily.

"Ah, the disciple never expected such a weird change." Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled bitterly, feeling helpless in his heart.

He hadn't even recovered from the successive changes, and he never thought that after his spiritual power soared, he would suddenly fall back, even lower than normal, which really pitted him.

"As the elder knows, what is the reason for the change in spiritual power here?" Jiang Tian hesitated and asked with a frown.

The elder guarding the cave frowned, glanced at the seventh cave hall intently, and slowly shook his head, his expression extremely solemn.

"This situation has never happened before, and the old man has no way of knowing!"

"Oh?" Jiang Tian was taken aback when he heard the words, and the doubts in his heart continued to increase.

Elder Shoudong stayed here all year round, has he never seen such a change?

"Dare to ask the elder, did this happen in the Hanling Cave before?" Jiang Tian asked intently.

"No! Never before. This situation has never appeared in the records of the elders of Shoudong!" Elder Shoudong slowly shook his head, his expression extremely deep.

"What?" Jiang Tian's expression changed, and he couldn't help being surprised.

The past elders of Shoudong have not caught up with the change, so why did he let him catch up?

What caused the source of this change, and what does this change mean?

Jiang Tian frowned in thought, a little lost for a while.

"Huh?" Elder Shoudong frowned suddenly, his eyes stopped on the ice wall in front of him, "Did you make these ice caves?"

Jiang Tian's eyelids twitched, and he couldn't help but feel a little nervous: "It's true... the disciple did it, could it be the change here..."

"Humph! You think too much!" Elder Shoudong sneered, shaking his head, but there was a hint of surprise in his eyes looking at Jiang Tian. It didn't seem to mean to blame, but a certain surprise and admiration faintly revealed.

"The cold cave has existed for an unknown number of years. The thickness of this ice wall is simply unfathomable. Back then, one of the patriarchs wanted to find out, but it took a long time to dig deeply and never found the bottom. It's your cultivation level. , Not enough to destroy it."

Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled bitterly, a little embarrassed.

Elder Shoudong said leisurely: "But your method has made the old man admirable. In the past, some genius disciples and sect elders came here to practice in retreat, but no one has ever come up with such a magic trick that consumes spiritual energy!"

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