Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1349: Old man in golden robe

"Patriarch! Houshan Forbidden Land... Someone broke into Houshan Forbidden Land!"


"Houshan Forbidden Land!"

Everyone's faces changed upon hearing this, and angrily rang through the hall.

"Outrageous! Come with me!"

Kuang Tianwei was furious and immediately escaped from the hall after leaving the throne.

A group of elders followed, rushing out of the main hall one after another, toward the forbidden area of ​​the back mountain.


The dull roar broke the dim night, and after a while everyone rushed to the back mountain.

However, at this moment, the several black-robed warriors who came to commit the crime have all been punished and turned into a few corpses.

Dozens of family martial artists held torches around the surrounding area. A deep-breathed old man in golden robe with white beard and hair turned his back on his back. He stood quietly on the edge of the forbidden ground, revealing an aura of arrogance.

"Too elder!" Kuang Tianwei's eyes shrank, and the elder of the family hurriedly gave a solemn salute.

"See the Supreme Elder!" The crowd dared not neglect, and greeted in unison.

This grand elder can be said to be a legend of the Kuang family, and the atmosphere in front of him cannot be suppressed.

"I wanted to stay alive, but a few of them were desperate to escape, so they had to be sent on the road."

The old man in Jinpao didn't look back, and spoke lightly, a deep domineering voice in his voice.

Kuang Tianwei took a few steps forward and frowned, "Can the elders see the purpose of these people?"

"Purpose? Do you still have to ask!" The old man in Jinpao's face sank, and there was a breath of majesty all over his body.

"But..." Kuang Tianwei's expression changed, and he stopped talking, seemingly scrupulous.

"There is no outsider, it's okay to say it straight!" The old man in Jinpao snorted coldly, seemingly unhappy.

Kuang Tianwei frowned, but he was very puzzled: "The secret of the forbidden land is only known by the core elders in the family. It is said that it will not leak out. How can they know this?"

The old man in the golden robe suddenly turned around and glanced at the crowd coldly, his eyes sharp and forceful, a vague anger rose from his body, forcing everyone's bodies to tremble, and their hearts horrified!

"There is no impermeable wall in the world! The Kuang family has been here for so many years, do you think some secrets can really be kept forever?"

"The meaning of the elder too..." Kuang Tianwei's eyes twitched, his face becoming ugly.

"The meaning of the elders is very simple!" The beautiful woman in red strode out, first bowed to the elders, and then showed a proud face.

"The secret of the forbidden land has been spotted by the evil people of the Black Moon Country, and will never be able to guard it anymore!"


"This is impossible!"

"No! The secret of the forbidden land is only known to the elders of each generation of the family, and even the children are not allowed to privately teach it. This secret cannot be leaked!"

Everyone changed their faces when they heard this, but then they shook their heads and categorically denied it.

"Stupid!" The beautiful woman in red shook her head coldly, "If the secret of the forbidden area has not been leaked, how could these evil people suddenly commit crimes one after another, and now they are even breaking into the forbidden area at night?"


"Is it impossible?"

"Perhaps they came in in the dark, but accidentally entered here?"

The beautiful woman in red shook her head and sneered: "Huh! No matter how stupid they are, they won't be able to leave the large halls, so they must go to such remote places to search and looting?"

"Hiss! It's not impossible!" After hearing this, everyone's complexion changed again and again, and they finally began to realize the seriousness of the matter.

"Everyone needn't argue! If there are only the first two things, everything may still be disputed, but this time they have a clear goal, no doubt!"

Patriarch Kuang Tianwei shook his head and drank coldly. At the same time, he glanced at the crowd and confirmed the inference of the beautiful woman in red.

"If this is the case, they will definitely not give up, they are likely to commit crimes in large numbers!"

"Yes! What shall we do next?"

"These three attackers should only be their vanguards. As far as I know, the closest Profound Sage stronghold is located in the territory of the Black Moon Kingdom more than a thousand miles away. Presumably they won't be able to commit the crime on a large scale for a while. !" The Seventh Elder said with a deep face and frowned.

Kuang Tianwei shook his head slowly: "The distance of more than a thousand miles is nothing to warriors like you and me. If they really intend to act, they may commit crimes at any time!"

"Don't worry! With the old man, there will be no accidents in the family forbidden area. However, the power of the evil people in the Black Moon Country is too strong, and you have to find ways to strengthen your defense!" The old man in the golden robe nodded slowly, but there was still a wave in his eyes. Worry not to go.

He groaned for a moment, frowned and said, "It really doesn't work, we have to use the token left by our ancestors back then!"

"Creditable?" Everyone was stunned when they heard the words, but even the beautiful woman in red felt surprised.

Although she is the third elder of the family, she doesn't know anything about "credentials".

The other people looked at each other and were greatly puzzled.

Could it be that the ancestors left behind any shocking methods back then, or some mighty treasure could not be achieved?

Although everyone was silent, they were unavoidably contemplating and wondering about the "credential".

Kuang Tianwei had a deep complexion. He didn't seem to react too surprised when he heard the words of the Supreme Elder. Instead, his eyes flickered and thoughtful.

"There is nothing else here for the time being, you guys step back first!"

After a moment of contemplation, he waved his hand and motioned the elders to retreat.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, but they all realized that the follow-up matter already involved the deepest secrets of the family, and they were not eligible to participate for the time being.

Especially in the presence of the Supreme Elder, they didn't even dare to hesitate, and immediately quit and drove out of the family forbidden area.

"Come with me!"

The elder Taishang waved his hand and led Kuang Tianwei into a simple and heavy stone temple deep in the forbidden ground.

Kuang Tianwei's expression was a little slower, and his attitude changed slightly. He was no longer as rigid as before, but his expression seemed a little hesitant.

"Uncle Si, although the ancestors left the token back then, it has been a long time after all. Now, is it really useful to take it out?"

The old man in Jinpao turned cold, and said in a deep voice, "There is a traitor!"

The corners of Kuang Tianwei's eyes twitched, and his face became extremely ugly: "It seems that you can't hide anything from Sishu!"

"Patient will raise the traitor! This matter can't be delayed for long, you, as the leader of the clan, decide for yourself!"

"My nephew obeyed!" Kuang Tianwei nodded his head heavily, a flash of cold murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

The old man in Jinpao kept walking and said indifferently: "As for that token, your worry is not unreasonable, but it is actually superfluous!"

"Oh?" Kuang Tianwei's eyes twitched, obviously a little surprised, but his eyes became brighter, and his frowning brows were slightly loosened.

"A gentleman's promise is heavy! What's more, it is the promise made by the dignified generation of ancestors?" The old man in Jinpao smiled coldly and walked into the stone palace with Kuang Tianwei.

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