"Very good!" Jiang Tian felt ecstatic in his heart, and immediately urged him again.

He knew that taking advantage of this momentum, he could break through the first "mountain" with more effort.

Boom... Boom!

Under his urging, the purple spiritual power rose into the sky again, turning into furious purple dragons, roaring and swooping down, continuously bombarding the "mountain peak".

Ka Ka Ka... Boom!

After a while, accompanied by a strange noise, this stubborn "mountain" finally collapsed!

"Hahahaha! Great!" Jiang Tian was in full bloom and couldn't help but ecstatic.

With so much effort and effort, he finally opened the door to the mystery of the animal skin and bone books. How could he not feel happy?


After the "mountain peak" burst, a large white light suddenly rose from the ruins, illuminating the entire phantom space for a while.

"Is this... the mystery contained in the animal skin and bone book?"

Seeing the white light rising into the sky, Jiang Tian couldn't help but shrink the corners of his eyes, his spirits rose, his eyes became fiery!

But the next moment, an unexpected scene appeared!


The white light rising up into the sky suddenly burst into a ball, carrying a terrible coercion and madly scattered, and the entire space was suddenly filled with a violent and terrifying aura!

"Hi! How could this happen?" Jiang Tian's expression changed and he couldn't help being surprised.

But before he had time to react, he was enveloped by this breath. The body was shaken and the whole body's breath became turbulent, and it was almost impossible to control those purple spiritual powers.

"not good!"

Jiang Tian's pupils contracted and his face changed drastically.

The purple spiritual power that was out of control did not dissipate. Instead, it turned into a raging dragon roaring and flying horizontally in the space, opposing each other with the manic breath exuded by the white light, bursting out with terrible roars.

The carefully controlled situation fell apart in an instant, and Jiang Tian was completely shocked!

If this situation is encountered in the real world, even if he can't suppress and calm down, he can at least withdraw.

But this happened in the illusion world formed by the fusion of his mind and will and animal skin and bones, and he couldn't retreat at all.

Jiang Tian gritted his teeth and furiously opened his eyes, trying to forcibly get rid of this terrible situation.

But the situation of entering the goal made him even more shocked!

What appeared in front of him was not the secret room where he lived, but a strange world filled with spiritual power frenzy, and he did not really get rid of it!

"Damn it! How could this be?"

Jiang Tian was horrified, and he roared angrily, turning his hands around, constantly bombarding the void, trying to break the illusion with various methods, but everything was futile after all.

Agitated by the frenzied and violent purple spiritual power permeating the void, he was directly caught in this terrifying illusion, as if he was in a dead end!

With cold sweat on Jiang Tian's forehead, his heart was shocked!

He couldn't help but regret his reckless behavior. After all, he hadn't expected that this animal skin and bone book would be so sinister, that such a dangerous cardinal was hidden.

If this is known, it is not difficult to prepare in advance.

Finding someone to protect the law can avoid all kinds of accidents, at least when he is in danger, it can force him to break free.

But now it's useless to say anything. Jiang Tian can't get out of the illusory world of animal skin and bones, and everything can only rely on himself!

After recognizing reality, Jiang Tian forcibly calmed down, concentrating on clues.

"No wonder the animal skin and bone book is so difficult to crack, it turns out that there is a wonderful trap hidden!"

Jiang Tian took a deep breath, and soon figured out many things.

At first, he didn't think much about it, but thought that the animal skin and bone books had hidden important secrets, and it was reasonable to be difficult to decipher.

In the face of this situation, he can only try his best to use all his strength.

Not to mention him, as a warrior, he would become more curious in this situation, and he would use all possible means to crack the secret.

The result did not disappoint him. After trying every possible means, he did find the mystery of the animal skin and bone book, and initially cracked it.

But who would have thought that this was a sinister trap?

With the collapse of that "mountain", Jiang Tian, ​​who was in ecstasy, was instantly in danger. If he hadn't had a strong mood, he would have been in a state of chaos at this time and could only wait to die.

"What are the thoughts of the ancient monk who created this bone book? Why set up such a complicated and strange restriction? What is his purpose for doing this, and what is hidden in it?"

Jiang Tian frowned, concentrating in deep thought.

There is no doubt that to be able to put such a weird prohibition with great effort, there must be a lot of secrets hidden in this bone book, although the truth is not known, it must be unusual.

After calming down, Jiang Tian no longer panicked, glanced at the violent void of spiritual power, gave a cold drink, and stood up!


Accompanied by a dull roar, Jiang Tian's body was shining with purple light, and a tyrannical aura swept away in all directions.

But he immediately discovered that this method did not work at all.

Whether it is the manic aura emitted by the white light, or the purple spiritual power that is out of control, it is still unaffected, and it is still violent and irregular.

After a moment of contemplation, he did not hesitate to arouse the blood anomaly!

In the loud rumbling sound, nine rounds of purple blazing sun instantly turned out, shining in the sky!

The tyrannical aura of blood rumbling away, the purple spiritual power that had been out of control suddenly stagnated, and gradually began to fall.

"Huh, it's unreasonable!" Jiang Tian was not satisfied, but his face sank, greatly annoyed.

These purple spiritual powers were originally motivated by him, but now they seem to have become a thing of no owner. Even if he had a bleeding anomaly, it was only a little silent and did not actively return to his body.

Jiang Tian's face sank, and his arms shook without hesitation. A huge purple blazing sun instantly turned out, directly covering the previous nine rounds.

Ten rounds of purple blazing sun merged into one, shining in the sky, exuding an incomparably amazing martial arts will!


The violent roar suddenly swayed, and the blood and aura carrying Jiang Tian quickly filled the void.

This time, those purple spiritual powers that fell into silence finally reacted.

Where the martial arts will pass, the purple spiritual power trembled, and gradually became submissive. After a while, following Jiang Tian's arms move, these spiritual powers rolled back like a tide and gathered around him.

In this way, the vision in the void has been nearly half calm.

But those white lights continued to release a manic aura, and after feeling the blood aura on Jiang Tian, ​​they condensed into a group, like terrifying monsters, pounced at him.

It seems that there is a great momentum to swallow him!

"Hiss!" Jiang Tian took a breath and couldn't help feeling jealous.

In this strange space, he is almost irreversible. If he is really invisible under the siege of white spiritual power, he really doesn't know what will happen.

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