Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1360: Is this idiot going to kill us?

"Who are you?" Jiang Tian said with a solemn expression.

"Boy, what are you **** pretending to be foolish?" The green robe warrior gritted his teeth, his expression surging with murderous intent.

"Huh! Shao Te is so wordy, waiting for me to take you down, it will make you understand!"

The white-robed martial artist screamed sternly, and the whole body swept, releasing a powerful Profound Moon Realm coercion.

More than ten days ago, they had received a family call to inform the Azure Cloud Sect Huiwu of the various matters and Jiang Tian’s situation. They knew that this Junior Chongyang Realm had won the first place in the Sect Huiwu and defeated many Xuanyue Realm Masters. .

At first they were really surprised, but seeing the family report had no intention of letting them go, and could not help dispelling their doubts.

In particular, the content of the communication was rather strict in terms of words, and the eagerness to win Jiang Tian's revenge was revealed everywhere, making them unable to think of anything else.

Together, they found that the Azure Cloud Sect Huiwu had a strict age limit, and the participating disciples were all under 30. Although Jiang Tian won the first place, he was younger and only had the strength in the late Chongyang Stage!

Surprised, they couldn't help but ridicule. Azure Cloud Zong was in vain as one of the three sects. Unexpectedly, the level of the disciples had declined so severely. No wonder they have been suppressed by the two sects of Tian Luo and Jin Yuan in recent years!

It is true that Jiang Tian once killed the fifth elder Xun Chuan, and his combat power was definitely not weak, but after all, he was only a young junior.

The four elders of the Xun family dignified, together with the newly recruited masters of Keqing, and the two powerhouses of the late Xuanyue realm teamed up, would they still be afraid that he would not be a junior of the Chongyang realm?

Is there any suspense?

As a result, they no longer have any worries, just waiting for their opponents to show up.

Today, after finally waiting for Jiang Tian to show up, they can no longer hold back!

Jiang Tian stared at the white-robed martial artist, and felt the aura of the familiar cultivation base, suddenly his expression moved.

"Are you from the Xun family?"

"Huh! It seems that your kid is not stupid, but now I know it's too late!"

The white-robed warrior swept around, and the five-finger Zhang Zhang of his right hand directly took to Jiang Tian, ​​attempting to crush him with the advantage of his cultivation realm.

Jiang Tian smiled coldly, without seeing any movement, when the opponent's big iron-like palm was about to reach his body, suddenly his figure disappeared in place.

"Huh?" The white robe warrior's face sank, and his heart was suddenly shocked.

Jiang Tian can dodge his attack at such a rapid speed. The method is really extraordinary. He thought that the other party would take advantage of the situation to launch a counterattack against him.

But as soon as this thought came up, there was an angry exclamation from Elder Ke Qing!

"Boy don't go!"

Accompanied by the anger of the elder Keqing Qingpao, Jiang Tian already swept down the mountain while his figure was shaking. After a few ten feet, he stood still, and swept coldly towards the rear mountain gate, with a sneer from the corner of his mouth, and then he followed him. The shape flickered and disappeared behind a dense forest.

"Unreasonable! Stop him!" The white-robed warrior screamed and rushed out without hesitation.

"Boy, you can't run!" Qingpao Keqing walked around the dense forest outside the Azure Cloud Zongshan gate and chased after her.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the three of them disappeared from sight.

The six inner sect masters under the mountain gate looked at each other and couldn't help being stunned!

"This...is this kid's head flooded?"

"Huh! He is a complete idiot, knowing that we are here but still running out, is this not seeking a dead end?"

"I think he really has a problem with his head. Does he think he can escape the tracking of the two late Profound Moon Realm masters?"

The crowd shook their heads and scolded them with disappointment, and they were speechless to the extreme.

"Huh! A stupid person like him, I really don't know how he is valued so much by the Sect Master?"

"I heard that the Sect Master talked and laughed to him in front of a group of elders and tens of thousands of disciples, and doubled the rewards in public, and increased the high-ranking treasure pill, which was originally only ten, to twenty!"

"Wh...what? High-level Baodan...twenty?"

When everyone heard this, their eyes couldn't help but become fiery, followed by deep envy and intense jealousy.

"It's unreasonable! High-level Baodan is not easy for us to get. This kid can get twenty at a time. How good is he?"

"How did this stupid deceive the Sect Master's appreciation and trust? I really can't figure it out!"

Everyone looked at each other, their faces were green, and their hearts were extremely annoyed.

They really couldn't figure out why a junior of the Chongyang Realm could be so favored by Sect Master Chu Tianhua?

Is it just because he was lucky to get the first place in the Zongmen Huiwu?

Humph! The reason why he achieved this kind of result is probably because of the excessive consumption of various opponents, which made him pick some cheap!

"As far as I know, he is the last to play against Duanmu Yunqi. Lou Qingyan and Mu Yunyun are all ahead of him. It seems that Duanmu Yunqi's defeat was a bit wrong!"

"It's not just wrong, it's just his mother's embarrassment!"

Everyone looked ugly, and fell into a short silence after a burst of anger.

But in a blink of an eye, someone suddenly exclaimed!

"Hi! Not good!"

"Huh? What's the matter!" Hearing the exclamation of their companions, the other five people's eyes shrank immediately, surprised.

I thought he was thinking of something terrible, but the person shrank his eyes, his face sank, and he became extremely angry!

"Everyone! This is right next to the mountain gate. If he is severely injured by an outsider or even killed on the spot, we may be implicated!"

"Hmph, what's so great about this, didn't he ask for everything?" Someone shook his head and sneered, with a look of disdain, showing a smirking smile.

"No! No, no, no, I can't say that! Before setting off, the elder personally told Jiang Tian to take care of Jiang Tian and not to bully this newly promoted inner sect brother, and even to communicate more and give advice on his practice. !"

"Huh! Even if the elder has nothing to explain, do you think that if something goes wrong before the gate, we will not be punished? Don't forget, everyone, the lord is very fond of this'rising star'!" Someone stared. His mouth was open, but his face was full of dissatisfaction.

"Hey! What are you still hesitating about, this kid is besieged by two late Profound Moon Realm masters, I am afraid he will be severely injured in a moment!"

"What's a moment and a half? I think he has something bad now!"

"Damn it! Is this idiot going to kill us?"

"Unreasonable! Lao Tzu must teach him a lesson for this rash and stupid talent, and let him be completely arrogant!"

"Stop your **** nonsense, if you hesitate any longer, that kid might really be dead!"

"Quickly, go over and take a look!"

Boom boom boom!

Accompanied by a few dull roars, everyone scrambled to spread their breath, rushing towards the bottom of the mountain gate full of anger.

"Quickly stop Lao Tzu!"

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