Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1368: Surprised

"Huh! You can say this, I want to do it, but those evil people are not so stupid!" The beautiful woman in red shook her head and sneered, with a mocking look on her face.

The elder frowned and sighed: "They may not want to, maybe the time has not come!"

"Yes! Judging from the current situation, the offensive of the evil people of the Black Moon Country is getting more and more intense. Maybe it won't be long before they really may attack!" A black-haired old man was worried and nodded slowly.

"Huh! Unreasonable!" The Seventh Elder shouted angrily and slapped the armrest of the seat under him severely.

"Why don't the people of Azure Cloud Sect come yet? Is it interesting to be so appetite? I don't think they have any sincerity at all. Even if they really send someone, they are probably a few to deal with errands, and it's not worth mentioning!

Upon hearing this, the elders shook their heads and sneered in disdain.

"It would be great if we really want to, we can also throw away our illusions and concentrate on dealing with the offending enemy!"

"Huh! No matter who they send, our Kuang family's survival will ultimately depend on our own people. It is useless to count on those helpers!"

"I think it's really impossible to send a message to Azure Cloud Sect, and tell them not to use it, so that I will wait here and wait and wait to get upset!"

Everyone sternly scolded, with an angry look on their faces.

The elder shook his head and sighed. Seeing that everyone was so annoyed, he didn't bother to persuade him for a while.

Kuang Tianwei shook his head and smiled bitterly, frowning and sighing: "I fully understand everyone's mood, but you should also understand some situations. Although Fenghe Town is located in the territory of the Azure Cloud Sect, our Kuang family has never been self-reliant. Zong paid any offerings, and suddenly asked for help. To be honest, my Patriarch felt a little lack of confidence! If it wasn't for the survival of the family, I wouldn't do it anyway."

"Huh! What's the matter? The Azure Cloud Sect is Weiwei, is it still worth our consecration!" The Seventh Elder sneered, shaking his head, completely disapproving.

"That being said, it's a bit reluctant to hold the Buddha's foot temporarily. We really can't put all our hopes in the hands of Azure Cloud Sect!" The beautiful woman in red changed her previously confident attitude, shook her head and sighed, her eyes slightly clear. lonely.

After all these discussions, she also gradually realized that Azure Cloud Sect's assistance was not what she originally imagined to be called to come and go.

At least the relationship between the two parties was not very close, but the distress of the Kuang family coincided with the gradual decline of the Azure Cloud Sect's momentum.

"No! Someone is coming!"

At this moment, an exclamation suddenly sounded outside the hall, and the guards in the mansion were panicked.

The evil people of the Black Moon Country come to commit crimes from time to time, and they have become frightened birds.


"It is such a bold attack in broad daylight, is it true that no one in my Kuang family can do it?" There were several violent shouts when the hall was neutral.

"Kill!" The Seventh Elder said involuntarily, and the whole body soared out of the hall.

Immediately afterwards, other elders rushed out one after another, preparing to fight against the evil people of the Black Moon Country.

But when they saw the galloping flying boat, they were all stunned on the spot!

"Huh? What a white flying boat!"

"This seems... not the evil person of the Black Moon Kingdom!"

"In this direction, is it..."

"Yes! It seems that the Azure Cloud Sect should be here!"

"Hi! Such a flying boat, I must have a very different identity!"

"Patriarch, Azure Cloud Sect's help is here!" Someone immediately shouted into the hall.

"Well, what am I talking about? After all, Azure Cloud Sect is so majestic, it is impossible not to keep its promise!" The beautiful woman in red yelled, feeling excited.

"Is it really here?"


Kuang Tianwei and the Great Elder glanced at each other, rushing out of the hall full of surprises, and instructed everyone to open their positions to welcome the people.

The white flying boat was still thousands of feet away before, and within a few moments of effort, it flew over the Kuang family mansion, circling a little, and flew towards the wide square in front of the family hall.


The roar was slightly reduced, and the white flying boat slowly lowered.

"Kuang Tianwei and the elders of the Kuang family welcome the arrival of the elders of Azure Cloud Sect!"

Kuang Tianwei's face was full of joy, and he bowed and saluted everyone, and greeted them solemnly.

"Haha, Patriarch Kuang is too polite!" With a young and hearty laugh, Zong Tienan led six fellow disciples out of the cabin, jumped off the flying boat and landed in front of everyone.

"Dear elders coming to our mansion, the Kuang family is shining up and down, I am very grateful...Huh?" Kuang Tianwei was ready to say something beautiful, but he was stunned before he finished the sentence.

"Patriarch...cough, Patriarch!" The elder behind him gently pulled his sleeves, his mouth twitched, and he stopped talking.

Kuang Tianwei raised his head questioningly, and when he saw the seven young offspring in front of him, his smile suddenly froze!

"This...cough cough cough! Please forgive Kuang Mou for taking the liberty to ask the elder of Azure Cloud Sect, are all... so young and promising?" Kuang Tianwei looked around at several people, wondering in his heart, and his face became very embarrassed. .

Others didn't say that the white-robed disciple who led him was only thirty-five or sixteen years old, ten or twenty years younger than the youngest elder in their family.

Looking at others, they are even younger than the other, obviously a group of youthful young people!

The one at the far end wearing a light blue martial robe is even more terrible. He is less than twenty years old at first glance. He is just a hairy kid!

Could it be said that Azure Cloud Sect has fallen to this point...A young man in white clothes can become the elder of the sect?

Perceiving the strangeness of the Patriarch, the other elders also suppressed their nervousness and looked forward.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, you are also stunned on the spot by this look!

What's the situation?

How come all of them are young people?

The oldest one is much younger than the Seventh Elder, right?

The youngest one looked less than twenty years old, almost as old as the young descendants of the family.

The elders of the Kuang family looked at each other, their expressions extremely embarrassed, and their expressions were more weird.

Zong Tienan seemed to feel the strangeness, shook his head and smiled: "Hehe, Zong Tienan came to help your house on the order of the elder Zongmen. These are the juniors and brothers around him. Patriarch Kuang and the elders do not need to be too polite!"

Kuang Tianwei took a deep breath, pondered for a moment, and frowned, "Dare to ask...When will the elder Guizong come here?"

"Elder?" Zong Tienan frowned slightly, shook his head and smiled.

"Hehe, the affairs of the clan have been too busy recently, and the elders can't get out for the time being. Besides, there are only a few evil people from the Black Moon Country. I have more than enough to wait for the action. Why do the elders come in person?"

"Nephew Zongxian, don't get me wrong! The old man didn't mean anything else, it's just that the evil men of the Black Moon Country have tyrannical and weird methods. If there are no elders to suppress the battle, I'm afraid...cough!" Kuang Tianwei frowned slightly, and stopped talking.

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