Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1379: Eavesdrop

The terrain of this old forest is complicated. He almost chased after him just now, but finally caught up, but it was a pity that he missed the thrilling fight just now.

"Huh? There is actually a stone cave... What are they doing here?" The Seventh Elder swept around, his gaze immediately fell on the half-human black hole.

Thoughts rolled in his mind, and the corners of his eyes suddenly twitched, and his face became very ugly!

"Damn, shouldn't they..." Qi gritted his teeth angrily and walked towards the stone cave with a murderous expression on his face.

This stone cave didn't seem too deep. Standing outside the entrance of the cave, he could vaguely hear the voice of the beautiful woman in red and Jiang Tian talking.

"...This fragrance is so strong!" Jiang Tian admired the spirit grass breath.

"How about Brother Jiang, Yujiao didn't let you down, right?" Kuang Yujiao's voice faintly came from the depths of the cave with a sweet smile. weird.

"Hehe, the treasures of the Three Elders really make my eyes shine!" Jiang Tian said with a smile, his voice was calmer, but it sounded a bit erratic after being refracted by the cave wall.

"Oh, Brother Jiang doesn't know something. I have kept this secret for many years. Except you have never told anyone, let alone let the second person see it. Up to now, only the two of us know it!" Kuang Yujiao laughed. He said, his voice was full of pride.

"That said, I'm really lucky!" Jiang Tian laughed loudly.

"Why is Brother Jiang still stunned? Hurry up and help me take it down!"

"Haha, the three elders are polite!"

After a sigh of voice, there was a burst of cheerful laughter.

"This thing is really good!" After a moment of silence, Jiang Tian exclaimed.

"Then it goes without saying that I have been waiting for more than ten years before finally waiting for it to mature!"

"Then I'm taking advantage of it?" Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled, slightly teasing.

"Brother Jiang, what are you talking about? Of course you have to share the good things with someone you are destined for. If we didn't see it right away, I wouldn't bring you here!"

"Haha, it's almost there, let's go!"

"it is good!"

While talking, the two walked out from inside.

And the Seventh Elder, who had been eavesdropping at the entrance of the cave for a long time, already had a gloomy face, dark clouds between his eyebrows, and his whole body was full of anger.

"Huh! How do you quibble this time?"

In a blink of an eye, Jiang Tian and the beautiful woman in red walked out of the stone cave in tandem, and they looked up and saw the seven elders who were glaring and murderous!

"Seven elders?" Jiang Tian's face turned dark, inexplicably embarrassed.

"Old Qi! Why are you here?" Kuang Yujiao's face sank, greatly annoyed.

This location is extremely remote, and it is impossible for anyone except her to know, let alone find it accurately.

"Did you follow us all the way?" After a little thought, she realized that there was no other possibility except being followed by the other party.

"So what?" The Seventh Elder didn't deny it, his face was full of anger, and his eyes looked like a man-eating beast.

"Unreasonable! Why are you following us? What do you want to do? If you don't make it clear today, don't blame me Kuang Yujiao for turning my face ruthlessly!" The red-dressed woman Liu eyebrows were erect and she was very annoyed.

"There is nothing to say!" The Seventh Elder smiled angrily, his face slightly sullen, "Do you dare to do such a good thing, are you afraid of being followed by others?"

"You...what are you talking nonsense?" The red-clothed woman's face changed, and she was almost furious upon hearing this.

"Do you still need to explain what you have done?" The Seventh Elder sneered, shaking his head, the cold light blooming between his eyebrows.

"The Kuang family was in crisis, but you went to this remote place to do such unbearable things. It is really shameless..."


"Fuck your mother's shit!" The beautiful woman in red raised her hand and slapped her over, shaking with anger, completely furious.

"Seven elders! You can't talk nonsense if you have no basis. Jiang Tian is a man. The three elders and a female generation, how can you want to discredit?"

Jiang Tian's face also sank when he heard the words, and he was very angry, and immediately pointed to the other party and sternly scolded.

The seventh elder held his hot cheeks, his eyes twitched wildly, almost out of anger!

He was first slapped by Kuang Yujiao, and then severely accused by Jiang Tian. His heart was already burning with anger, and he wanted to fight Jiang Tian.

"Okay! Very good!" The seventh elder gritted his teeth and yelled, "I have done something unbearable and I have to beat him down. I can see your true face, Kuang Yujiao, I was blinded before..."

"Huh!" The beautiful woman in red shook her head and sneered before he was finished. "You are indeed blind!"

"You...what are you talking about?" The corners of the seventh elder's mouth twitched wildly, his eyes shot coldly.

The beautiful woman in red said coldly: "If you weren't blind, how could you say such filthy words?"

"Damn it!" The seventh elder could no longer contain the anger in his heart, and the aura all over his body suddenly soared, exuding a dreadful killing intent.

However, his goal is obviously not Kuang Yujiao, but Jiang Tian.

But before he could make a move, Kuang Yujiao blocked him and scolded him severely.

"Seven old men, I warn you! Jiang Tian is a distinguished family guest, if you dare to act rashly, don't blame me for being polite!"

"In such a hurry to protect him? Okay! I want to take a look, how can you be rude?"


The Seventh Elder's breath soared, and he wanted to attack Jiang Tian with an angry shout.

But the next moment, a loud noise suddenly erupted, Kuang Yujiao's breath bloomed, and he directly blasted him out.

"Presumptuous! The distinguished guest that the family finally invited, how can you allow you to offend wantonly?" Kuang Yujiao gritted her teeth and scolded.

"Three Elders, calm down!" Jiang Tian frowned and sighed, his heart also quite speechless.

The seven elders were really thoughtless, too impulsive, and rashly asserted and added slurs based on guesswork without real evidence. In other words, no one was afraid of it.

But the situation is a bit special for both Cangyunzong and Kuang's family. He is a guest, and he can't take it as a bad deal.

"Calm down?" The beautiful woman in red was annoyed when she heard the words, "Brother Jiang, it's totally unreasonable that he slandered us and you let me calm down!"

Why didn't Jiang Tian get annoyed, shook his head and sighed, and stopped persuading him.

"Kuang Yujiao!" The Seventh Elder yelled furiously, his face extremely blue, and his eyes seemed to burn two groups of angry fire.

"Stop **** nonsense!" The beautiful woman in red angrily interrupted the Seventh Elder, shaking her right hand, and took out a few inches of tall grass with thin green stems and narrow leaves.

By now, she knew that it would be difficult to deal with if she didn't explain clearly.

"See, we are here to find Bihecao, not as dirty as you think!"


The Seventh Elder was startled when he heard the words, and suddenly froze in place.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Tian also took out a green crane grass, shaking his head and sneered, with a speechless expression on his face.

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