Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1382: The four elders

These people's discussions were varied, such as the three elders having close contacts with Jiang Tian, ​​the three elders meeting with Jiang Tianlin, and the relationship between the three elders and Jiang Tian... such discussions are simply countless.

There are a lot of extravagant comments, even exaggerated comments, which really makes Jiang Tian feel speechless.

When he was feeling very depressed, the figure in front of him flashed, and the beautiful woman in red appeared in front of him with a smile!

"Three...Three Elders?" Jiang Tian's eyes twitched, his expression very embarrassed.

The beautiful woman in red smiled, her face was very bright, and her face was radiant.

"Oh, brother Jiang, am I looking for you?"

"The third elders are looking for me...what's the matter?" Jiang Tian frowned, subconsciously repelling a bit, but thinking about Bihecao, he felt a little sad and really embarrassed.

The third elder didn't shy away from it, giggling and strode forward: "There are so many people here that is inconvenient, let's take a step to speak!"

"Huh?" Jiang Tian's mouth twitched, and he was even more embarrassed when he noticed the ridicule of the Kuang family nearby.

"Brother Jiang is still stunned, come with me!"

The beautiful woman in red did not hesitate, and immediately dragged Jiang Tian away.

As soon as they walked out of a courtyard gate, the people behind could not help laughing.

"Hahaha, have you seen it, do you believe it now?"

"Tsk tusk tusk! I didn't expect the third elder to be tempted by a hairy boy!"

"Hahahaha! This is really an iron tree blooming!"

"Hush! Be quiet, if this kind of remark is heard by the seventh elders, I will definitely turn my face on you!" A Kuang family member with a mole on the corner of his mouth said with a strange expression on his face.

However, when he heard what he said, instead of laughing loudly, those companions looked embarrassed and the corners of their eyes twitched.

"Huh? What's wrong with you, don't you believe what I said?" The Kuang family member touched the mole on the corner of his mouth, with a confused face. He was talking about the rise, and seeing the reaction of the family members, he couldn't help it. Upset.

"What do you mean? The seventh elder thinks about the third elder, no one in the Kuang family knows, why don't you even react at all?"

"Cough! Don't...Stop it!" Someone winked at him with embarrassment.

However, this man touched the mole, but he still had no idea.

"I'm telling you that I still know many secrets of the Seventh Elder, and some rumors of the Third Elder, aren't you interested?" This person became more and more ridiculous as he spoke, his expression exaggerated.

"Enough...Don't say it!" his companion stopped him nervously.

However, the more the other party stopped, the more energy he got, his face looked like a stranger.

"Hahahaha, it seems that you really don't know! Great, let me tell you these things..."


Suddenly, a powerful slap fell on his shoulder.

The tribe's face darkened, and his brows were frowned tightly.

When talking about Xing, he was suddenly interrupted, which really annoyed him.

But he didn't notice, and the faces of the companions beside him became very ugly.

"Who? Who is bothering Lao Tzu Yaxing...his!"

The tribe member turned his head violently, and his hand touching the mole froze on his face.

"Seven... Seventh Elder!" Looking at the angry Seventh Elder on the opposite side, his expression changed a bit, and his knees softened and almost fell to the ground.

The Seventh Elder looked sharp, with a cannibal expression: "Kuang Fei, what secret do you know about me, and what rumors the Third Elder do, I am very interested, you can listen to it!"

"Cough...no, nothing!" Kuang Fei's face changed drastically, and he was almost peeing in fright.

The Seventh Elder was famous for being short-tempered, and he would definitely not be better if he were.

"Huh? Didn't you just say it with certainty, why are you now?" The Seventh Elder's face was icy and his eyes were cold.

"That...that's all bragging!" Kuang Fei's body trembled, his face pale in fright.

"Even if it's cowhide, you have to show it to me!" The Seventh Elder sternly scolded, with an angry expression on his face.

"Damn me! Damn me fucking, the seventh elders calm down, it's all Kuang Fei's bad, I'm really just bragging!"


With a plop, Kuang Fei knelt to the ground, raised his hand without hesitation and slapped himself, begging the Seventh Elder not to care about him.


Xun's family, discussion hall.

The fourth elder of the Xun family fell on the chair with a gray head and face, while the elder Qingluo, a guest with a pale robe, stood in the middle of the hall with a pale face, and his aura was extremely weak.

"It's totally unreasonable for the two late Profound Moon Realm masters to be unable to hold even a Chongyang Realm junior!"

On the throne, the Patriarch of the Xun family flicked his white sleeves fiercely, his face full of anger.

He thought that the two masters would be able to catch Jiang Tian alive to avenge Xun Chuan and Xun Yu, even if he really couldn't catch alive, he could kill Jiang Tian on the spot and bring back the body.

But he never expected that these two people, not only did they fail to achieve a goal, but ended up in such a despair.

Not to mention that the fourth elder of the Xun family was injured, the newly recruited Ke Qing master was hit hard, which really made him furious.

This time, instead of being able to avenge the revenge, he had to take a lot of pills to heal the two of them. It was another loss-making business!

"Big brother calm down!" The fourth elder of Xun's family was pale and annoyed.

"Patriarch calms down, this can't be blamed on the fourth elders, but the subordinates underestimated Jiang Tian's strength!" Qingpao Ke Qingluo's eyes jumped wildly and quickly justified the fourth elders.

The other party didn't abandon him when he was defeated, and took a certain risk to force him away. This friendship is also rare.

What's more, if he wants to gain a firm foothold in Xun's family, he is bound to fight against these direct elders, and he cannot be offended at all.

Anyway, things have happened, and he doesn't care about taking more responsibility.

The fourth elder of the Xun family obviously felt his kindness, and his heart suddenly became more relaxed, and he couldn't help but cast his admiring eyes at the other party.

"Huh! I don't believe it anymore, what can a junior in the blasting state really have against the sky?" The Patriarch of the Xun family swallowed the sky like a mad tiger. The whole body was murderous, and the roar of anger caused the entire hall to fall into one. In the midst of the killing, it became cold invisibly.

Qingpao Keqing knew that it was difficult to argue, and it was useless to say more, so she had to stand silently with her head down.

The fourth elder of the Xun family frowned, and said solemnly: "Big brother calm down! Elder Luo can't be blamed for this, after all, I took the lead in this action... ahem! In fact, we all greatly underestimated Jiang Tian's strength, and His cultivation is not in the late stage of the Chongyang Realm, he has reached the level of the Quasi Profound Realm, and his combat power is not weak at all. So..."

"So, that's why you can't get him?"

The Patriarch of the Xun family was angry and his face was so ugly that he couldn't hear any explanation.

He only knew that the two dignified late stage masters of the Profound Moon Realm couldn't even take down a young junior, and they really added to the Xun family.

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