Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1388: Fierce dispute

There is no way, because there are too many people in the clans, even if the senior management of the Kuang family is willing to take care of it, it is impossible to cover everything.

Rather than dispersing these financial resources and failing to get any noticeable results, it is better to concentrate these resources relatively and supply them to those who have a good lineage and potential tribes.

There is no alternative to this, and it is the consensus that the Kuang family has reached for a long time. In fact, this line of thinking has been formed since the Kuang family's first foothold.

This is not selfish at the top of the Kuang family, it is really helpless!

As far as the Kuang family is concerned, it is indeed restricted by this factor, and it will not be able to greatly improve the overall strength for a long time, and it is difficult to produce qualitative changes.

As soon as this topic was raised, it was supported by many elders.

Especially those elders who are on the margins of the direct line of elders, their eyes are shining, and their hearts are hot!

This allowed them to see the dawn of their rise, but also the hope of turning over!

Speaking of it, the aptitudes of their tribesmen are not too bad, it is only because of the long-standing power structure that the resources they obtain are relatively limited.

If they really have enough resources and wealth, they can select a group of people with great potential to focus on training. As long as these people can come out of a few with strong aptitude and extraordinary cultivation, their entire branch is likely to turn over in one fell swoop. Thus occupying a higher share of family power!

In this way, they will have more say in the family.

Seeing the fiery atmosphere in the main hall, everyone was restless, and a sneer suddenly sounded!

"Huh! I think you think too much!" A black-haired old man sneered, shaking his head, showing disdain.

"Huh? What do the fourth elders mean?"

"Four elders, don't you want to completely solve the evil people of the Black Moon Country?"

"Do you want to watch the family in distress?"

There was nowhere to vent the heat in everyone's hearts. At this time, they couldn't help but sink their faces, looking at the fourth elder, glaring.

If in peacetime, they would naturally dare not use this attitude to confront the four high-ranking elders, but now the situation is special and the family is facing great danger.

And it’s the meeting in this special situation. They naturally have no scruples. And most importantly, they are now under the banner of serving their lives for the family. Even if they really quarrel with the four elders, no one else can pick out anything. It's not.

The Fourth Elder slowly shook his head when he heard the words, and the disdain in his eyes became more intense: "You don't want to think about how powerful the Kuang family is, and how powerful the evil people of the Black Moon Country are. Their stronghold is thousands of miles away, and the depths are dark. Within the territory of Moon Country, can our strength really fight them hard?"

"Huh! Did the Fourth Elder forget the six Profound Sun Realm geniuses of Azure Cloud Sect?"

"With them, we can't double the overall strength of our Kuang family, but in terms of high-level combat power, it really has more than doubled!"

"With this kind of support on the side, why are we still hesitating? If you don't use the east wind to attack in a big way at this time, should you wait for them to leave before you go to death by yourself?"

Everyone's faces were deep, and they sternly rebuked, and attacked the four elders.

The Fourth Elder still shook his head and sneered, unmoved, his face was full of mockery.

"Huh! To say that you are hot-headed is to exalt you, I think you are simply ignorant and stupid!"


"Four elders, you are too much!"

"How can we become ignorant fools for the sake of family safety?"

"Four elders, if you don't speak clearly today, we will never give up!"

Everyone was emotional, and the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became tense.

Kuang Tianwei frowned slightly and his eyes flickered. He watched the heated discussion below, but he did not stop or even say much, just letting the situation develop.

Perhaps in his opinion, the little dispute in front of him is not worth stopping.

Or maybe, he really doesn't have any good ideas or methods, so he can only let these people open up the discussion, maybe he can think of some good strategies!

The Fourth Elder's expression sank and said coldly: "Huh! The six Profound Sun realm geniuses of Azure Cloud Sect are indeed powerful, but I would like to ask everyone, can these people be mobilized when we say that they can be mobilized? They are here to help us. A distinguished guest of the Kuang family, or a thug at our disposal?"



Everyone's complexion froze, and they were speechless for a while as they looked at each other.


The genius of Azure Cloud Sect did come, but they were ordered by the sect and invited by the Kuang family to fulfill the promise of the patriarch.

Yes, they are here to assist the Kuang family in fighting the crisis, but this does not mean that they will unconditionally follow the instructions of the Kuang family!

If that's the case, what has become of Azure Cloud Sect?

What are these geniuses in the Xuanyang realm?

After all, they are disciples of the Azure Cloud Sect, and it is impossible to directly follow the Kuang family's dispatch. After all, they are here to assist the Kuang family, not to act as a thug.

Furthermore, each of these six people is a genius in the Xuanyang realm, even if they are broken up, they are all senior elder-level figures in any family!

Such a character, would he let the Kuang family call and drank casually, at the mercy of others?


It is unrealistic to think about it!

The four elders don't even need to say anything more, the words have reached this point, as long as these people are not fools, they can figure out the reasons and benefits.

All of a sudden, those family elders who were emotional and passionate stopped talking.

They looked at each other, their expressions changed from fanatical to solemn, from solemn to somewhat ugly, and finally from falling into deep contemplation.

Seeing these people's spirits receding, the Fourth Elder finally showed a triumphant smile, proudly said: "Even if the geniuses of Azure Cloud Sect can really agree to your request, this matter may not really be possible!"

"Huh?" The people on the other side looked at each other, their mouths twitched, very unwilling.

They don't deny the various realities, but if the geniuses of Azure Cloud Sect can really work together, then what is there to worry about?

"What the Fourth Elder said is a bit exaggerated, right?"

"Hmph, shouldn't the Fourth Elder be scared by the evil people of the Black Moon Country?"

"Why are you so sure that it won't work?"

Everyone frowned and scolded, looking annoyed, and finally found a little balance.

Just now, there were so many of them, they were overwhelmed by the four elders, their faces were greatly damaged, and they were really angry.

At this time, it was hard to find an opportunity to refute, and it was natural to vent it. Otherwise, they would definitely be looked down upon by the Patriarch, and might even feel unhappy because of this, which would affect their weight and status in the Patriarch’s mind.

The four elders were not surprised by the interrogation of the people, and sneered: "I want to ask everyone, the black moon country evil person base is thousands of miles away, and it is deep into the black moon country. How sure are you able to attack such a long distance?"

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