Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1390: Countermeasure

"Oh! Really? Hahahaha!"

Everyone burst into laughter again, and the hall was full of weird atmosphere, and even revealed some kind of wretchedness.

Kuang Tianwei frowned slightly, but did not stop it.

In fact, he has also heard a lot of criticisms in the past few days, and he has a lot of criticisms about certain behaviors and actions of the three elders.

However, he, the head of the family, had some things that were not easy to say, so he took advantage of the situation and allowed these elders to run against the beautiful women in red so that she would know how improper her actions were.

"You...you have nothing to do with this!" The beautiful woman in red was flushed, ashamed and annoyed, she was really annoyed.

"Okay! Stop talking everyone!"

A deep voice suddenly sounded, echoing repeatedly in the hall, the elder shook his head slowly, his face became dark, his white hair and majestic complexion revealed an indisputable aura.

Seeing that the elders were fighting like this, he really couldn't stand it anymore.

It would be a waste of time to make such a meaningless dispute.

"Patriarch, everyone, the situation in the Black Moon Kingdom is dangerous, and we are completely unfamiliar with the situation in the stronghold. It is really not suitable to take the initiative to attack. For the current plan, based on the old man's opinion, either continue to wait patiently or send someone to spy!"

"Spy?" Kuang Tianwei's eyes moved, thoughtfully.

The Grand Elder slowly nodded and said: "I always feel that the evil people of the Black Moon Country will not suddenly stop attacking and provoking for no reason. They are probably brewing something. We can't sit and wait like this. We must prepare in advance!"

"The great elder is right, I think so too!" The beautiful woman in red nodded slowly, her face solemn.

"Spy? Who should we send to spy? Our clansmen are still Azure Cloud Sect to help, or act together?" The Seventh Elder smiled sneer, glanced at the beautiful woman in red intentionally or unintentionally while speaking, naturally, what he got was a cold look.

The corners of the seventh elder's mouth twitched, and he retracted his gaze angrily. He groaned and raised his eyebrows, shaking his head and sneered.

"Hehe, I think someone might be very interested in this task!"

While speaking, he glanced at the beautiful woman in red again, and a trace of resentment flashed in his eyes.

Everyone looked at each other, and the atmosphere in the hall became weird again.

The meaning of the seventh elders is quite obvious, nothing more than that the third elders and Jiang Tian may go out together under the name of spying.

Sure enough, the beautiful woman in red groaned for a moment, and said coldly: "I would like to spy on the front with Azure Cloud Sect to help!"

"Is the third elder so impatient?" The seventh elder's expression was slightly dark, with a mocking expression on his face.

"For the benefit of the family, even if she commits a risk, Kuang Yujiao will not hesitate!" The beautiful woman in red said with a dark face, and said coldly.

"Huh! I think you have other thoughts, right?" The Seventh Elder scolded coldly.

"You..." The eyes of the beautiful woman in red twitched, and cold light flashed in her eyes.

"Alright!" Kuang Tianwei frowned and said, "Even if there are so many elders in the family, even if they really send someone to spy, they can't let the three elders and a female stream go there. If you really want to do that, isn't it because the head of the family is negligent?"

"Patriarch doesn't have to worry too much. Kuang Yujiao will not hesitate to serve the family!" said the beautiful woman in red, arching her hands.

Kuang Tianwei pondered for a moment, then slowly nodded and said: "This matter is indeed necessary. I think so, let the three elders, the sixth elders, and the seventh elders act together with the assistance of the Azure Cloud Sect. What do you think? "

"Kuang Yujiao is here to stay!" The beautiful woman in red nodded heavily.

"No problem!" The sixth elder frowned slightly, the third elder and the seventh elder glimpsed from the corner of his eye, and the color between the eyebrows flashed away.

"Old Qi has nothing to say!"

The Seventh Elder was unambiguous, and immediately stated his position, but obviously still quite slanderous towards the beautiful woman in red.

"In this case, this matter is set, the third elder, the sixth elder, and the seventh elder stay, and the others can go back!"

Everyone nodded slowly and retired.

Kuang Tianwei pondered for a moment, and immediately ordered the family guard to invite Zong Tienan to the family hall for discussion.

After telling the reason, Zongtie South Africa did not hesitate, and even deeply agreed and strongly supported.

In fact, he has been very bored since he went to the Kuang family in Fenghe Town these days.

The evil people of the Black Moon Country are late to come, and he and several of the same sects are completely unable to display their strength, which makes him not only not happy, but even very depressed.

After all, he and his fellow are the senior geniuses of the Azure Cloud Sect Inner Sect. When they come to a small place like Fenghe Town, they are eager to use their powerful cultivation skills to frighten the evil people of the Black Moon Country. At the same time, they also show themselves to the Kuang family. strength.

But the evil people of the Black Moon Kingdom have been slow to come home, and they don't have that kind of opportunity at all. To be honest, these few days have depressed them.

In fact, in the past two days, they were also discussing whether to take the initiative to attack and kill a few Black Moon Country evil people outside to show their shock.

If they really want to stay idle like this, their full of pride and fighting spirit will inevitably be greatly reduced.

But after all, this was from the Kuang family in Fenghe Town. They were only here to help. Many things could not make their own claims and act without authorization.

Therefore, out of various considerations, Zong Tienan suppressed the impulse of his companions and continued to wait patiently.

But I have to say that if he waits like this, he doesn't need to be agitated by those companions, he might have to find a way to go out and explore.

After all, staying like this at Kuang's house is not a solution.

If the evil people of the Black Moon Kingdom never come, are they going to stay idle in the Kuang family and do nothing?

Of course not!

Not to mention that doing so is a waste of their powerful strength, which is equivalent to violating the heavens. On the other hand, if they really do nothing and return to the sect without accomplishing anything, it is really difficult to explain to the elders.

When the time comes, they don't need to talk about the same door and any run, they will feel dull.

And just at this time, Kuang Tianwei sent someone to invite.

Zong Tienan was still a little puzzled at first, not knowing what the Kuang Patriarch suddenly asked him to discuss.

When we arrived at the main hall, the two sides hit it off!

After hearing the intention of the other party, Zong Tienan and Kuang Tianwei immediately reached an agreement and decided to send someone out to spy on the evil people in the Black Moon Country.

However, Zong Tienan meant to send four fellow students to act together with Kuang's parents.

As a result, there was a small dispute over this issue.

Kuang Tianwei urged the three of the Kuang family and the two of Azure Cloud Sect. Zong Tienan was eager to make contributions, and was always obsessed with sending out four fellow students.

After arguing for a long time, the two sides decided to give in. The Azure Cloud Sect disciples sent three people, and the Kuang family also sent three elders, a total of six people went out to spy on the enemy.

"This action can be strongly supported by Nephew Zongxian, Kuang Mou is deeply gratified!" After the major event was negotiated, Kuang Tianwei nodded in admiration and was deeply moved.

In fact, he was very worried at first.

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