Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1392: Everyone is speechless

Can she pick out the flaws in this trouble-free arrangement?

This made Zong Tienan very speechless. He raised his eyelids and frowned slightly and said, "I wonder what is the third elder's dissatisfaction?"

In fact, his question is relatively restrained. According to his subconscious reaction, he wants to blurt out and question, is she satisfied if she wants to get Jiang Tian?

However, considering the identity of the other party, the relationship between the Zongmen and the Kuang family, and various factors, he still forcibly held back and did not say such rude words.

Instead, he expressed his ridicule and doubt in a very tactful way.

Kuang Tianwei frowned and said nothing. In fact, his reaction to the three elders was also quite critical.

Zong Tienan's strong support for this matter has already made him feel very rare. The three elders did not clap their hands and cheered, but even spoke against them. What reason is this?

Isn't it possible that she is really like what the recent rumors said, because of Jiang Tian's appearance, she has already...has been overwhelmed and lost her mind?

Thoughts surged in Kuang Tianwei's mind, his brows frowned and his face became quite deep.

Although this Kuang Yujiao was not too old, he was promoted from the branch and promoted to the clan because of his lack of aptitude.

Soon because of the rapid growth in strength, he entered the elders level, and at this time, the original three elders had an accident and happened to vacate a position.

This coincidence allowed her to break the routine and became the third elder of the family at a young age.

This incident was also passed on by the family and even the martial arts community around Fenghe Town as a good story.

Including Kuang Tianwei himself, the Kuang family were once proud of it.

Unexpectedly, today, she actually did all kinds of insults because of an outside disciple of Azure Cloud Sect, which really made Kuang Tianwei dissatisfied.

This Kuang Yujiao, as long as she is willing, there are so many good men in the Kuang family, are they not enough for her to pick?

But why does she have to provoke such criticism?

But considering his face, he still didn't bluntly persuade him, but in this way, even persuading was useless.

Thoughts flew in his mind, Kuang Tianwei exhaled, and a sneer suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The Kuang family has its own rules. What if Kuang Yujiao really likes Jiang Tian?

First of all, as an elder, she would not be allowed to leave the Kuang family. Secondly, according to his private observations and various sources, Jiang Tian himself seemed to be... not very interested in Kuang Yujiao.

Think about it, too. How could Jiang Tian, ​​a young hairy boy, be interested in an old girl like Kuang Yujiao?

Thinking of this, Kuang Tianwei almost couldn't help but laugh out loud, but the reservedness of being the lord of the clan made him hold it back.

He silently watched the development of the situation in the hall, and he remained silent.

"If the three elders are dissatisfied, you might as well speak up. We are all here anyway, and we can discuss anything wrong." Zong Tienan sneered, with a confident look.

He wanted to arrange four people to participate in the operation, but even then, he didn't take Jiang Tian into consideration.

However, out of various considerations, the Patriarch of the Kuang family only asked the Azure Cloud Sect to dispatch three people, so he had a balance.

If he does not need to sit here, I am afraid he will also participate in this operation.

All the arrangements are the result of careful deliberation. I really don't know what else the three elders can single out?

Zong Tienan smiled coldly and stared at the beautiful woman in red without evasiveness.

But I have to say that the three elders are really beautiful, undiminished in charm, and quite attractive.

Zong Tienan's heart was in turmoil, and he couldn't help but frown slightly, scolding himself for being distracted.

Thinking about the other party's age may not be older than him, but still commensurate with "good nephew", it is inevitable that there will be discomfort in my heart.

The beautiful woman in red frowned and sneered: "Nephew Zongxian thinks this arrangement is really okay?"

"What can be the problem?" Zong Tienan shook his head and sneered, with a look of disdain.

"Three elders, we all think it's okay, but you think there is a problem, I think you just want to bring Jiang Tian with you? Humph!" The seventh elder finally couldn't bear it, his face was sinking, and he coldly scolded.

"Old Seven!" Kuang Tianwei frowned and shook his head slowly, beckoning him not to be impulsive.

"Huh!" The Seventh Elder snorted coldly, and because of the Patriarch's affection, he had to suppress it forcibly.

The beautiful woman in red groaned for a moment, and said with a serious face: "Yes! I don't think it is necessary to dispatch three Profound Sun realm geniuses for this operation. It is most appropriate to remove one and bring Jiang Tian!"

"Haha!" The Sixth Elder sneered, shaking his head with disdain.

"Three elders, you really never forget! You really have you!" The seventh elders gritted their teeth and exclaimed, and the words showed incomparable jealousy.

Zong Tienan shook his head and sighed, he was speechless to the extreme.

The three elders really liked Jiang Tian to the point where there was nothing to say!

"Don't the third elders think that one more Xuanyang realm expert will make you more sure? If you really bring Jiang Tian and reduce one Xuanyang realm expert, what else can he do besides being able to hold back once he encounters a strong enemy? "

At this time, Zong Tienan was no longer polite.

The beautiful woman in red made it clear that she would never forget Jiang Tian, ​​and she wanted to take him with him for such an important action.

I believe that even if his attitude is tougher, the Kuang Patriarch will never say anything.

This is indeed the case. After the Three Elders showed their attitude, even Kuang Tianwei couldn't stand it anymore.

He shook his head and sighed, slandering in his heart.

The three elders would really find excuses. They wanted to bring Jiang Tian and said straightforwardly that they even went around the corner to find out the reasons.

He was only a little disappointed just now, but now he feels a little annoyed.

"Three elders, I also think this is very inappropriate!" Kuang Tianwei frowned and said in a deep voice.

The beautiful woman in red smiled coldly: "It's really wrong to do it your way!"

"Huh?" Kuang Tianwei's face sank and frowned.

The stubbornness of the three elders, Jane was so obsessed!

"Huh! Strong words!" The seventh elder looked gloomy and sternly rebuked: "The third elder, I would like to hear, what is wrong with doing this?"

The beautiful woman in red scanned the crowd coldly, and said calmly: "I would like to ask the Patriarch and everyone, which is more important, spying on intelligence or the safety of the family?"

"Does this still need to be asked? Of course, the safety of the family is more important!" The Seventh Elder replied, almost without thinking, angrily.

As long as you are not a fool, you will know the answer. Still need to ask such questions?

Kuang Tianwei's eyes jumped, his expression suddenly became solemn, his eyes flashing, thoughtful.

He was not as impulsive as the Seventh Elder. Hearing the beautiful woman in red said this, his expression moved slightly, and he couldn't help falling into thought!

Liu is so long that he shook his head and sneered, but immediately frowned, as if he was also lost in thought.

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