Jiang Tian had no choice but to stop, looking at everyone in the way, his eyes grew colder, and his brows were slightly frowned.

"How many people are blocking my way?"

The leading Jindian old student's face sank, and he said angrily: "Don't pretend to be deep here! I ask you, why are you on the list of the four geniuses and still occupy the top position, what qualifications do you have?"

Jiang Tian nodded slowly and understood the reason.

Otherwise, he really doesn't know, and he has no interest in checking these lists.

"The ranking is set by the academy. What does it have to do with me?" Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled before leaving.

"Can't go!" A group of people stopped him tightly.

The leader of the Jindian Laosheng had a gloomy face, pointing to Jiang Tian and shouting angrily.

"The surname is Jiang, don't get cheap and behave, don't want to leave if you don't speak clearly today!"

"What do you want?" Jiang Tian smiled coldly and looked at each other lightly.

This old student of the Golden Temple is the cultivation base of the Great Perfection of the Spirit Realm, with a relatively strong aura. It is said that he is also a master of the old student, but in his eyes it is not worth mentioning.

Not to mention this stuff, even if the martial artist of the open world comes, he will not care.

The old student of Jindian smiled proudly: "Jiang Tian, ​​don't think it's amazing if you get a little limelight in the half-year exam. Today I want to let you know what a real master is!"

Jiang Tian smiled indifferently: "The academy prohibits private fights, don't you know it?"

"Arrogant! You don't want to give you a face, right?" Jindian old student shouted.

"Lao Tzu, as a master of the Golden Palace, actively challenging you is to give you face! But you can rest assured that Lao Tzu will not hurt you too much, just let you understand what strength is!"

Jiang Tian shook his head and said: "I'm not interested in fighting with you, get out of the way!"

"Your surname is Jiang Tian, ​​you are too arrogant! Even dare to refuse my challenge, without asking who is Lao Tzu?"

Jiang Tian smiled coldly and looked at each other contemptuously, disdainful in his heart.

"Sorry! What exactly are you, I have no interest in knowing."

"What are you talking about? Bastard thing! Really shameless, right? I will teach you a lesson now so that you know how to be a human being!"

Jindian Laosheng shot out in a rage, a pair of iron palms wrapped in strong spiritual power fluctuations and slapped Jiang Tian fiercely, and a dull spiritual power whistling sound erupted from the void!

"Only you?" Jiang Tian smiled lightly, and stepped out.


The invisible fluctuations abruptly took off, directly flying the opponent out.

Jiang Tian calmly moved forward, ignoring the Jindian disciple beside him.

The old man from Jindian fell to the ground in embarrassment, completely plunged into rage.

"Dare to attack and plot, I must teach you a bitter lesson today!"

Jiang Tian smiled coldly: "Don't say it's you, it's useless even if you go together!"

"Unreasonable! This Luo is too arrogant, brothers, stop him!" I don't know who shouted, and everyone suddenly rushed up, ready to take Jiang Tian involuntarily.

"I'm asking for bitterness!" Jiang Tian snorted coldly, and his bloodline spirit power slammed into motion, bursting out another pressure.

With a muffled bang, the spiritual power fluctuations suddenly dispersed, blasting all these Golden Temple disciples out.

Bang bang bang bang... The Golden Temple disciples landed in embarrassment, and their expressions changed drastically.

However, Jiang Tian did not stay, and did not continue to make a move.

"You are lucky today. If the academy prohibits private fights, you will never end well!"

Jiang Tian snorted and left the square in a big stride.

The disciples of the Golden Temple struggled to get up, looking at Jiang Tian's back, all of them showed horror, and their expressions were extremely ugly.

"Damn! How could he be so strong?"

"I... I'm not dreaming, am I?"

"How do I feel that Jiang Tian's coercion is stronger than our teacher in the Golden Palace?"

"What nonsense, how could he be stronger than our teacher?"

"Don't be intimidated by him. We have gathered experts in the Golden Palace old school. Isn't it easy to teach him?"

"The people in the Golden Palace are definitely not vegetarians. Wait, someone will take care of him!"


Jiang Tian returned to his residence and found Su Wan for the first time.

Ten days apart, the two met again, as if they had been apart for a long time, and smiled at each other.

Su Wan suddenly turned red, and tweeted: "Bold! Which apprentice dared to stare at Master like this?"

Jiang Tian scratched his head and smiled, his expression slightly embarrassed.

"Master, don't blame it! I haven't seen you in ten days. My apprentice misses Master too, but I didn't mean to offend!"

Su Wan looked at Jiang Tian up and down, and smiled: "Okay, I'm kidding you! It seems that you really gained a lot from this retreat. I don't think it's just as simple as the tenth level of the advanced spiritual realm?"

"Master is right. In addition to my cultivation base breakthrough, my physical strength has also been greatly improved!"

Su Wan nodded and looked at Jiang Tian intently: "You made such a big move in Xingchen Pavilion, I am afraid you can't hide it. Your qualifications are by no means inferior to the first day of the academy, but this is fine. The higher the qualification, the more attention it will be paid to by the college, but it will also be a little troublesome."

As the first genius of the academy, Yun Zhongtian has long been recognized by the academy for his qualifications and strength. Others have become accustomed to living in his shadow and will not have too many ideas.

Jiang Tian was different. He was just a Tongdian disciple, and suddenly making such a big movement would undoubtedly push himself to the forefront of the storm, arouse everyone's jealousy, and then be suppressed.

"It seems that Master already knows that the Star Pavilion vision is indeed related to me. I didn't expect this situation beforehand, but Master doesn't need to worry, no matter what happens, I will not back down, let alone fall easily!" Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled, calmly and confidently.

He knew what Su Wan meant, but he didn't have any fear.

To become a strong person, you must have a strong heart and inevitably have to endure some hardships. What is a small trouble?

"With your current strength, there are no opponents in the vice courtyard. Then, as long as you raise your cultivation base to the spirit building realm great perfection, you can attack the open heaven realm and promote to the main court." Su Wan nodded slowly, her eyes flashed suddenly. After a faint melancholy.

Jiang Tian pondered for a moment, and slowly frowned.

According to the rules of the academy, once a disciple of the vice courtyard advances to the Open Heaven Realm, he will automatically become a disciple of the main courtyard, and will leave the vice courtyard and the bronze hall at that time.

Naturally, we have to part with Su Wan.

It's just that he had never thought about this before, and suddenly realized this matter, and couldn't help feeling a little strange.

He always thought that he would stay in the bronze hall for a long time, but he didn't expect that he had already advanced to the tenth level of the Spirit Building Realm in just over half a year!

If you continue to practice at this speed, it is estimated that it will not take long before you can hit the Open Heaven Realm.

Jiang Tian frowned and suddenly thought of a question.

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