Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 288: Much-anticipated

"Don't worry, the owner, this time I will have a deep hatred anyway!" The elder Chen Yuanhui looked solemn, and his brows were surrounded by a strong murderous intent!

"We will use Jiang Tian's blood to pay tribute to the young master, and then bring his head back personally!"

"The owner waits for our good news!"

Chen Tianpeng's eyes were gloomy and murderous, like a fierce beast about to go mad, staring at everyone coldly.

"No! I want to do it myself to see what kind of character Jiang Tian is?"

The elders frowned slightly and discouraged.

"How about using a sledgehammer to kill a chicken? It's just Jiang Tian, ​​we just can do it alone!"

"The owner does not need to personally experience it, in case he encounters the elders of the Spirit Sword Academy, there is still room for maneuver."

Chen Tianpeng looked firm and shook his head decisively.

"Stop talking nonsense! Yu'er's hatred, I must personally end it!"


Spirit Sword Academy.

Jiang Tian greeted Su Wan, and was about to leave the residence and head to Zhanwu Platform.

"Let's go, Jiang Tian!" Su Wan smiled leisurely, and walked out of the hall alongside him.

"It's just a test, no need to come by my father!" Jiang Tian was slightly surprised.

Su Wan said indifferently: "Today's test is very meaningful to you, how can I miss it?"

"Master has reached the breakthrough point, there is no need to waste time for a small competition." Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled.

"Cultivation is not at this hour and a half. Today's competition is definitely eye-catching. Would you mind having an additional audience?"

"Since Master said so, of course I am disrespectful!" Jiang Tian nodded slowly.

The master and apprentice walked side by side and walked out of the yard.

When they came to the bottom of the battle martial stage, they were greeted by faces with different expressions and strange gazes.

Many disciples were surprised, and many people ridiculed their faces, shaking their heads and sneering at the pair of masters and disciples.

"Jiang Tian is really good. For this competition, he invited all his masters!"

"Huh! He is timid before fighting, and afraid of guilty conscience. Please Su Wan to give him courage!"

"Of course, don't look at who the opponent is?!"

"Senior Sister Ye has been practicing in the main courtyard for nearly half a year, and her cultivation level is already different from what it used to be. Dealing with Jiang Tian is not a matter of hand!"

"Sister Ye's master is the Leng Wuyan elder of the main courtyard. In front of him, what can Su Wan, the Tongdian teacher, count?"

"Yes! It's useless if Su Wan comes, Jiang Tian will definitely lose this time!"

"It is said that this competition was agreed a year ago. I don't know what bet they have?"

"I heard some news from the warriors of Tianbao City. It is said that the stakes are quite large!"

"Hahahaha! If that's the case, wouldn't Jiang Tian be out of luck?"

"It's not bad luck, it must be bad luck!"

Although in the presence of Jiang Tian and Su Wan, many of the Golden Temple disciples did not constrain, and the voices of despising and mocking appeared one after another, which sounded very harsh.

Su Wan frowned slightly, and she was rather unhappy.

But to her surprise, Jiang Tian didn't seem to care much, even as if he hadn't heard, and always moved forward calmly.

Seeing him so indifferent and calm, Su Wan's mood also relaxed.

Jiang Tian looked calm, walked steadily, looked forward and moved forward proudly.

To the cold eyes and ridicule of the people, he did not use words to counterattack, did not even use his eyes to respond, step by step, calmly boarded the Zhanwutai Square.

The crowd retreated silently, and Jiang Tian and Su Wan walked along the passage made by the crowd to the front of the Zhanwu Platform.

"Jiang Tian!" Su Wan looked at Jiang Tian deeply, her eyes full of expectation.

"Master, rest assured, I know everything in my mind!"

The master and apprentice had already figured it out, so there is no need to say more at this moment.

Jiang Tian smiled indifferently and stepped onto the Battle Martial Stage.

The weather was very sunny, and the bright sunshine reminded him of the gloomy afternoon a year ago, but his mood was completely different from then.

He quietly scanned the Zhanwutai Square, his eyes were as calm as water, his aura was calm and calm, and a low-key domineering faintly revealed!

For him, Zhanwutai is indeed an interesting place.

A few months ago, he defeated the top two geniuses of the Golden Temple here, and made it to the top of the vice-yuan disciple list in one fell swoop.

Now, he will face the challenge of Ye Wuxue, a genius in the main courtyard.

This is undoubtedly a more compelling contest!

Jiang Tian scanned the crowd silently, his thoughts surging slowly.

Every time he boarded the battle martial arts platform, he would make an amazing move, this time, no exception!

The disciples onlookers looked down the mountain and couldn't wait.

"Why Sister Ye hasn't come yet?"

"It's still necessary to ask, what kind of person is Senior Sister Ye, would she care about a contest with a winning ticket?"

"That's true. Senior Sister Ye is now a genius in the main courtyard. What a noble identity, it's a lot of face to be able to play as scheduled!"

"Hehe! Looking at Jiang Tian's thoughtful look, he must be trying to win and be afraid of losing, and he has already carried a heavy psychological burden!"

"Huh, he was taken away by the name of the first person in the vice courtyard. The Tongdian disciple challenged the genius of the main courtyard. This kind of thing has never happened in the history of the academy!"

"If it were me, I would have found Senior Sister Ye in private, kowtow and kneel to beg for mercy. He would be fine, and he really dared to fight in the public with a cheeky face. This is too shameful enough!"

"Don't say that, it's because of him that he dared to come and play, or how can we have a chance to watch this good show?"

"Hahahaha! That's right!" Everyone laughed, looking at Jiang Tian on the battle martial stage, ridiculing them.

Just when everyone was waiting impatiently, Ye Wuxue's figure finally appeared in their sight!

At the foot of Zhanwutai Mountain, a graceful figure slowly emerged. Across such a long distance, everyone could even feel the icy chill from her.

"Look, it's Senior Sister Ye!"

"Senior Sister Ye is here!"

"I haven't seen you for months, Sister Ye's temperament has changed again!"

As soon as I saw Ye Wuxue's figure, everyone was in a commotion, and the noise kept rang.

Ye Wuxue came slowly along the mountain road, and two more figures came into the sight of everyone behind her.

These are two handsome young men, tall and straight, with a calm demeanor, and they appear to be very calm.

"Huh? Who are the two behind?"

"Look at this imposing manner, it seems to be a senior from the main courtyard!"

"It turns out that the seniors from the main courtyard came to watch the competition. Are they even interested in this competition?"

"Hehe, don't think too much about it, they are here for Senior Sister Ye, not because of Jiang Tian."

Many disciples looked over there one after another, and gradually, some people began to wonder.

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