Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 334: Black moon

Chi Xue Jian Marrow flew to the ground and slashed upside down, exploding with astonishing sword intent coercion!


The sword light flashed, slashing towards the black-clothed old man like lightning.


The black-clothed old man didn't expect such a change at all, his face suddenly changed, his arms thrust forward like lightning.


The billowing black smoke suddenly erupted, turning into a huge black screen in front of him.

Chi Xue Sword Marrow came fiercely, but after cutting into this shady scene, it slowed down.

At this short time, the black-clothed old man has retreated more than a dozen feet away, the corners of his eyes twitched, and his face became very jealous.

"Unexpectedly, you still have this method?"

The black-clothed old man sipped coldly, his eyes extremely cold.

"Spinning sword!"

Jiang Tian didn't bother to talk with him. Once it was delayed, the black-clothed old man's chances of winning would be greater and greater.

After all, the other party is a powerhouse of the Moon Realm, and he is just a junior who has just stepped into the Heaven Realm for the first time.

If you want to defeat the strong with the weak, only the thunder tactics can explode the strongest strength in the shortest time!

In the roar of anger, Chi Xue's sword bone slashed out in a strange arc.

Where the sword light shone, the black-clothed old man yelled and ran down.


The sword light exploded, and the terrifying sword intent exploded. The black-clothed old man, even if he was a powerful person in the Moon Realm, was forced to be embarrassed by the mighty power of the Scarlet Snow Sword Marrow.

However, this is not Jiang Tian's strongest method.

"Boom Sword!"

Before the black-clothed old man had escaped far, Chi Xue Jian Marrow slashed towards him in a straight line, at an extreme speed!


The violent loud noise suddenly sounded, no matter how fast the black-clothed old man was, how could he be faster than Scarlet Snow Sword Marrow?

It was immediately enveloped by the burst of sword intent, and suddenly let out a scream!

"Ah...damn it!"

Under the violent attack of the stars, the black-clothed old man just fell under the wind and was forced to be extremely embarrassed.

However, after all, he is a powerful person in the Moon Realm, and this level of attack is not fatal to him.

"Hmph! I have to say, it is a miracle that you can push the old man to this level, and today the old man will let you know!"

Amid the anger, the black-clothed old man's whole body surged.


A black air soared into the sky, opening the sword intent.

Jiang Tian's complexion changed, and the Chixue Sword Marrow flew back with a move of his right hand.

It suddenly went dark in midair!

The billowing black gas turned into a layer of black clouds and surging violently. In a blink of an eye, three rounds of black moon appeared in the air, extremely weird!


The corner of Jiang Tian's eyes twitched and his expression became extremely solemn.

He finally forced the black-clothed old man's strongest method, the Lingyue vision!

This is the strongest method to capture the Moon Realm powerhouse, and with his current strength, I am afraid that he can't resist it.

Lunar Landing and Opening Heaven, these are two levels of power, and they are completely crushed by the realm!

Three rounds of black moon illuminate the void, reflecting the entire square into a black and black color, which looks very strange.

At the same time, an extremely cold and weird aura rolled down, and both Jiang Tian and Chen Tianpeng were chilling in their backs, as if their minds were frozen!

"Sure enough, you should not underestimate someone who is strong in the Moon Realm!"

Jiang Tian took a deep breath, a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

The black-clothed old man transformed into three rounds of Spirit Moon, which shows that his aptitude is not too bad, but even at this level, it can make him look like a big enemy.

"Xie Yuezhan! Go to death!"

The black-clothed old man shouted angrily and waved the bone knife in his hand.


Three rounds of Black Moon shook his body violently, billowing black energy surged down, gathered on the light of the bone knife, and slashed towards Jiang Tian.

Jiang Tian's expression changed, and his arms shook violently.

The golden magic talisman quickly rolled back, condensing into a thick spiritual wall in front of him.


The black blade light slashed wildly, bursting out strange and terrifying power!

The gold and silver charms only lasted for a moment, and the whole body was shaken, showing signs of not supporting!


After a dull loud noise, the golden charms exhausted their spiritual power and burst out!

"not good!"

Jiang Tian's complexion changed drastically, too late to care about the loss of the golden charm, purple light flashed all over his body, and a huge purple scale phantom appeared in front of him instantly!


The black sword light bombarded and slashed on the purple scales in one fell swoop.

A dull explosion followed!

An amazing scene appeared!

The black sword light that could easily cut through the defense of the golden magic talisman completely lost its power in front of the purple scale phantom.

With a flash of purple light on the scales, it collapsed instantly, turning into a cloud of black smoke and dissipating!

"Hi! How is it possible?"

This time it was the turn of the old man in black, shocked!

He subconsciously looked at the black moon in the sky, then looked at the bone knife in his hand, a little at a loss.

This is the suppression of the realm, and Jiang Tian has lost the support of the golden charm, how can he survive his attack?

Even if you don’t die, at least you have to be hit hard?

A series of questions flashed in his mind, the black-clothed old man's eyes twitched, and his heart was shocked.

"After advancing to the Open Heaven Realm, the bloodline spiritual power is really not what it used to be!"

Jiang Tian took a deep breath and felt calm.

If the black-clothed elder is stronger and reaches the mid-to-late stage of the Moon Landing Realm, he might be very jealous.

But now, the opponent obviously only has the cultivation base of the early stage of Lunar Landing, and he can't break his bloodline talent at all.

In that case, what else is he afraid of?

Jiang Tian yelled angrily and urged Chi Xue Jian Marrow to slash out like lightning.

"Inverse sword!"

In the loud shout, Chi Xue Jian Marrow slashed upside down.

The black-clothed old man's complexion changed and swung a bone knife to meet him.

"Boom Sword!"

Jiang Tian didn't hesitate, and immediately used the explosive sword before the counter-sword momentum was exhausted.

There was a loud bang!

The violent sword intent exploded, and instantly enveloped the black-clothed old man.

"Damn! Damn..."

The roar of anger continued to sound. As a powerful man in the moon realm, the black-clothed old man was forced to be so embarrassed that he almost vomited blood in depression.

He avoided and waved wildly, and the three rounds of black moon in the air instantly disappeared without a trace.

The next moment, suddenly appeared beside him, releasing an amazing pressure!


Spiritual power fluctuations suddenly surged, and the astonishing huge force forcibly swung away the envelope of sword intent.

Although Jiang Tian's performance has been amazing, the gap in realm is not so easy to make up.

With the power of the blasting sword, it still can't take much advantage.

The black-clothed old man can still protect himself with the powerful spiritual power of the Moon Realm, but the scene looks a little embarrassed.

"Unreasonable! If you don't give you a taste, you won't understand my methods!"

Jiang Tian yelled angrily, and his whole body was billowing to kill.

Purple light flashed wildly in the void, and a majestic and domineering breath surged wildly.

The Chixue Sword Marrow trembled all over, and he was ready to come out!

"not good!"

The face of the black-clothed old man changed drastically, knowing that he would not be able to please him if he kept on doing this.

The other party has various methods to rely on. Although his own cultivation base is stronger, he can't really gain the upper hand.

"Boom Sword!"

Jiang Tian couldn't help but use the explosive sword.

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