Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 341: Courteous

He just saw Jiang Tian not pleasing to his eyes, so he took this opportunity to teach him.


The coercion of holding the moon realm came up, covering Jiang Tian.

Jiang Tian's face sank, as he was about to stimulate his bloodline spiritual power, but Su Wan had already stood in front of him.

"Tong Yu, what do you want to do?"

Tong Yu's face changed slightly, and he quickly put away the pressure.

"Su Wan, why are you protecting this kid like this? What is your relationship with him?"

Su Wan sneered coldly.

"He is my apprentice, I don't protect him, who protects him?"

"Your apprentice?"

Tong Yu frowned, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

He faintly realized that the relationship between Su Wan and Jiang Tian was by no means as simple as an ordinary master and apprentice.

But Su Wan said that he was unable to refute, so she could only hold the fire in her heart.

He rolled his eyes and smiled coldly.

"Boy, my childhood sweetheart and Su Wan have grown up together, I warn you, stay away from her!"

"Who is your childhood sweetheart? Tong Yu, you are too much!"

Su Wan sternly scolded, her eyes cold.

Jiang Tian shrank his eyes slightly and smiled coldly.

"Tong, I also warn you, don't hit my master's wrong idea!"


Tong Yu's face sank and was about to attack, but was shocked by Su Wan's coercion.

He knew that Su Wan couldn't move Jiang Tian at all, her eyes shrank, and a threatening glance flashed in her eyes.

Turning his head, he put on a smiling face.

"Su Wan, where do you live and I will take you there?"

"It's not necessary, I will go by myself."

Su Wan greeted Jiang Tian and walked forward.

"Our residence should not be far away, I am more familiar with it, I will take you there!"

Tong Wei hurriedly followed, showing up his face and showing great hospitality.

"Go away, don't bother me!"

Although Su Wan yelled at her coldly, Tong Wei was always wrapped around her like a fly seeing honey.

Jiang Tian looked at his brows frowning, and silently noted this person.

Then they walked to the residence with Zhuo Lei, Qiao Ya and others.

As soon as they left, several people walked out beside them.

The two leaders are Mei Hao and Yan Dong!

"So he is Jiang Tian!"

"Follow up and teach him a lesson first!"

A cold light flashed in their eyes, and they quickly greeted their companions to follow.


"Heh! The main courtyard is really extraordinary, even the residence is so big!"

"This treatment is really incomparable!"

After arriving at the residence, Zhuo Lei and Qiao Ya were very surprised.

Although they didn't have any special treatment when they first entered the main courtyard, the courtyard was still several times larger than when they were in the bronze hall.

The difference in the treatment of the disciples of the primary and secondary courtyards is really huge!

Jiang Tian was not too surprised.

After all, he had been living with Su Wan when he was in the Copper Palace, and the conditions were much better than those of his companions.

"Junior Brother Jiang, why are you still in a daze, come to my place to sit for a while?"

Qiao Yajiao smiled and invited.

"What about me?"

Zhuo Lei frowned, looking upset.

"Hehe, of course, can I still blast you out?"

Qiao Ya gave Zhuo Lei a white look, causing him to shake his head and laugh.

Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled as he was about to walk into the yard.

"Jiang Tian, ​​get out of here!"

The cold curse suddenly sounded, and several disciples from the main courtyard came over aggressively.

Jiang Tian looked over coldly, and couldn't help but feel a little strange.

Although the two leaders did not know each other, they seemed to be familiar.

Zhuo Lei and Qiao Ya frowned, their faces a little ugly.

They didn't expect that someone would come to find bad luck just after being promoted to the main courtyard.

Jiang Tian is their best friend, they must not just watch Jiang Tian being insulted.

"Who are you, why are you shouting here?"

Zhuo Lei's face sank, and he greeted him.

"Why scold someone for no reason? Hurry up and apologize to Junior Brother Jiang!"

In front of her courtyard, Qiao Ya did not show weakness, her pretty face sank, and she shouted angrily.

Several disciples in the main courtyard shook their heads and sneered, and did not put them in their eyes.

"Two guys, don't know what you can do!"


Mei Hao's whole body pressure rose, and the powerful power shattered the two in one fell swoop.

Zhuo Lei and Qiao Ya's complexion changed drastically, and they retreated, knowing that they had met the masters of the main courtyard.

Pop, pop!

Two palms were placed on the back, and took them off.

"Don't worry, let me come!"

Jiang Tian let go of the two and stepped out.

"What do you want to do?"

Jiang Tian looked at each other coldly, calmly.

"My name is Mei Hao, Mei Jiang's own brother!"

Mei Hao's face was gloomy, murderous intent surged in his eyes.

Jiang Tian understood as soon as he heard it, his eyes moved and fell on the person next to him.

"If I guessed right, you should be Yan Xu's brother, right?"

In the severe winter, his eyes shrank, and the cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Yes! I am Yan Xu's cousin, Yan Dong!"

"You are here for trouble, right?"

Jiang Tian smiled coldly.

"You understand!"

Mei Hao nodded and said.

"Anyone who is acquainted should be self-disciplined, otherwise you will die than life!"

Yan Dong's face sank, and his killing intent rose.

"Absurd! Are you two brains okay?" Jiang Tian scorned each other, shaking his head and laughing.

"With your words, Jiang is going to stop here, do you think it's possible?"

"If you don't want to, we have to do it ourselves!"

Severe winter's eyes shrank, and the killing intent was about to come out.

"Huh! The last time the college has concluded that Mei Jiang and Yan Xu are just looking for death on their own, and want to avenge them. You wait for the next life!"

Jiang Tian shook his head and sneered, still not caring.

"Do you really think we dare not do it?"

Mei Hao took a step forward, the whole body was about to move.

Jiang Tian said coldly: "I must remind you that private fights between disciples are strictly forbidden in the academy.

Mei Hao and Yan Dong looked at each other, with cruel sneers on their faces.

"Jiang Tian, ​​are you scared sometimes?"

"It's useless to be afraid! The academy prohibits private fights, but it didn't say that we can't compete. Today, we just missed a moment. Do you think the academy will hold the two of us accountable for a dead person?"

Jiang Tian nodded slowly: "I see, you swear not to give up until you reach your goal today!"

"I understand now, it's too late!"

Mei Hao shouted angrily and rushed out.

The breath of the whole body skyrocketed, and the powerful pressure of the Open Heaven Realm pressed heavily towards Jiang Tian.


There was a tremor in the void, and a dazzling golden sword instantly turned out, bursting out with astonishing killing intent.

8-Rank Intermediate, Golden Sword Bloodline!

"Sure enough, it is the same way as Meijiang!"

Jiang Tian smiled coldly, disdainfully.

He was able to defeat Mei Jiang and Yan Xu when he reached the Great Perfection in the Spiritual Construction Realm. How could he be afraid of Mei Hao now?

The right fist flicked and suddenly burst out.

There was a loud bang, and the huge purple fist shone in the void.

The golden knife phantom shattered at the sound, and Mei Hao's body was shaken backwards.

"Damn it! I was too careless. It seems that you still have two things. No wonder you can defeat Mei Jiang and Yan Xu!"

Mei Hao's face was gloomy and his eyes were fierce.

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