"Bronze Temple disciple? What a joke!"

"There is a bronze palace in a small area, and a random pick from the main courtyard can crush him to death. How could it be possible to beat Xiang Huan and Leng Yan?"

"I remember now, there is indeed a newly promoted genius in the Copper Palace, who seems to be called Jiang...Yes, Jiang Tian!"

"What? Jiang Tian!"

The crowd fell silent for a while, and after a while it was noisy again.

"I see, it's Jiang Tian who stirred the wind and rain in the vice yard!"

"This person defeated Ye Wuxue, the proud disciple of the super-cold Silent Elder when he reached the Great Perfection in the Spiritual Building Realm, he was famous for a while!

"If it were him, it would really be possible to do this!"

"No, Jiang Tian can't do this! Both Xiang Huan and Leng Yan are the top 300 players in the battle power list. If he can really beat him, then hell!"

Everyone shook their heads, not believing the news at all.

That's true. How could a disciple who had just entered the main courtyard or a hillbilly who came up from the Bronze Hall ever beat a famous master on the battle list?

The former has just been promoted, and the other two have been famous for a long time. The difference in strength between the two sides can be described as a huge difference.

If the news is true, it is really weird!

"Jiang Tian? Are you talking about that arrogant bronze palace?"

Hearing everyone talking about Jiang Tian, ​​Baixian's face sank, as if he was greatly insulted.

"Yes, Brother Bai! Jiang Tian is a popular figure. It is said that he defeated Mei Hao and Yan Dong on the first day he was promoted to the main courtyard!"

"By the way, Senior Brother Bai, if I remember correctly, Jiang Tian and your cousin Baishuo, it seems that it is a holiday?"

Someone shouted.

"Bai Xian... Tian Shuo, that's how it is!"

Jiang Tian frowned at the periphery of the crowd, shaking his head and sneered.

No wonder this Baixian made him feel familiar, who turned out to be Tian Shuo's cousin, what a coincidence.

Zhuo Lei and Qiao Ya looked at each other, their expressions becoming serious.

"Zai Shuo's cousin turned out to be the top 300 masters in the battle list!"

"Junior Brother Jiang, let's not join in the fun, shall we look elsewhere?"

Qiao Ya frowned, lest everyone would recognize Jiang Tian and cause unnecessary trouble.

Jiang Tian didn't care, shook his head and smiled, "What's afraid of a white sage?"

"Junior Brother Jiang, we are new to the main courtyard, so it is better to cause less trouble!"

Qiao Ya shook her head and smiled bitterly, pulling Jiang Tian to walk away.

It is better to do more than to do less. After having suffered many losses, she has learned to stay away from right and wrong.

However, before they left, there was a contemptuous sneer from the crowd.

"Huh! I wanted to teach that guy a long time ago, he better not let me run into him, otherwise I will let him cry for his father and beg for mercy!"

Of course, Bai Xian knew the grievances between his cousin and Jiang Tian, ​​so he was quite hostile to this man who had already become famous before he was promoted to the main courtyard, and the limelight even overshadowed the four great geniuses of the Golden Palace.

"Of course! Senior Brother Bai has a strong cultivation base. Isn't it enough to deal with Jiang Tian?"

"Humph! In front of Brother Bai, Jiang Tian can only kowtow for mercy!"

Everyone flattered wildly.

"No!" Baixian suddenly shook his head and sneered, a hideous flash in his eyes.


Everyone's faces became stiff, and they didn't know what Baixian meant, they all waited for the next step.

Bai Xian smiled proudly and said loudly: "In front of me, Jiang Tian didn't even have a chance to beg for mercy! I let him kneel before he can kneel. If I don't let him kneel, he can only be on his stomach!"


A burst of laughter erupted from the crowd, and everyone laughed wildly and gave thumbs up.

Bai Xian enjoyed the atmosphere of holding the moon among the stars very much, with a sneer, slowly scanning the crowd.

When he glanced over a strange boy, his brows suddenly frowned, and a chill flashed in his eyes!

He didn't know this boy.

But when everyone was flattering, this person always kept calm, and there was obvious disdain in his cold eyes, which made him extremely unhappy!

"Then kid, just let it out if you have something to say, look at me with this kind of eyes, do you really want to fight?"

Bai Xian looked at the man coldly, and sternly shouted.

Everyone turned their heads to look around, and they were also taken aback.

"Where is the boy who doesn't have eyes?"

"I dare to be so arrogant in front of Senior Brother Bai, I really don't know that the sky is so great!"

"Huh? Isn't this Jiang Tian!"

"It's Jiang Tian, ​​it's him!"

Renyou recognized Jiang Tian, ​​and the crowd quickly exploded.

"What! He is Jiang Tian?"

Baixian's face sank, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

It's really nowhere to find any place to break through the iron shoes.

Jiang Tian, ​​who was itchy teeth by his cousin's hatred during the day, turned out to be this kid, and it seemed that there was nothing special!

Bai Xian shook his head and sneered, his expression almost hideous.

Jiang Tian's expression was calm, always keeping calm and calm.

The faces of Zhuo Lei and Qiao Ya were extremely ugly. They regretted that they shouldn't join in the fun, otherwise how could they get into such trouble?

"Junior Brother Jiang, let's go!"

Qiao Ya tugged Jiang Tian's arm and wanted to leave in the chaos, but he shook his head and smiled without moving at all.

"Others have already scolded my face, if I remain indifferent, it would be too useless, right?"

Jiang Tian looked at Qiao Ya's anxious pretty face and smiled leisurely.

"But..." Qiao Ya hesitated to speak, her face extremely solemn.

Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled: "Don't be afraid, this kind of stuff is not worth mentioning!"

Qiao Ya shook her head and smiled bitterly, and looked at Zhuo Lei helplessly.

Zhuo Lei was also helpless, he knew Jiang Tian's temper, and it was useless to persuade him, so he didn't say more.

"Jiang Tian, ​​I heard that you have defeated Xiang Huan and Leng Yan. It seems that you have some skill. Do you dare to accept my challenge?"

Bai Xian sneered proudly, his expression extremely contemptuous.

Before Jiang Tian answered, there was a burst of wanton mockery in the crowd.

"Hehe, what are you kidding Brother Bai, Jiang Tian is just waiting for a false name, how dare he accept your challenge?"

"This kind of stuff will stir the wind and rain in the vice yard. If you don't keep a low profile in the main yard, you will only be beaten!

"I guess he will run away with his tail clipped, and he will never accept the challenge of Brother Bai!"

The ridicule of the crowd made Bai Xian even more proud.

"Jiang Tian, ​​come here if you have the guts, otherwise, immediately kneel and kowtow, I can consider letting you go!"

Bai Xian sneered proudly, and Jiang Tian didn't dare to fight, and he became more and more unscrupulous.

Jiang Tian took a step forward and smiled coldly: "Who said I dare not?"

The crowd was silent for a moment, but after a short while there was even harsher laughter.

"What? He really dare to fight!"

"This kid is crazy, right?"

"It's so reckless!"

"Senior Brother Bai, you have to relax, don't kill him inadvertently!"

"Hahahaha, I think this kid is not dead or half disabled today!"

Bai Xian waved his hand, and the noisy crowd stopped.

"Don't worry, everyone. I just told him to kneel before he can kneel. I don't let him kneel. He can only concede defeat on his stomach!"

As soon as the voice fell, the harsh laughter broke out again.

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