Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 372: Clever plan

"He is not qualified, what about me?" Ye Fei's face was gloomy, and a trace of hideousness flashed in his eyes.

Qi Xuan's eyes shrank, and the murderous intent flashed away in his eyes.

However, he was afraid of the opponent's strength, but had to suppress his anger and looked at Ye Nan coldly.

"Huh! For Ye Fei's face, I won't care about you this time, but you can protect her for a while but you can't keep her forever. If you let me run into it alone...huh!"

"I think you dare?" Ye Nanyou's cousin supported him, of course he was not afraid, he wanted to argue with Qi Xuan.

Ye Fei frowned and said: "Okay! Look at your good points, is it worth it for a woman?"

The corners of Ye Nan's mouth twitched, not dare to contradict him.

"Well, Jiang Tiancai is our common goal. Take him down first, and talk about the rest later!"

Ye Fei waved his hand and pointed directly at Jin Linggu.

Qi Xuan shook his head and sneered: "For a little Jiang Tian, ​​more than a dozen masters of the main courtyard were dispatched. If this is spread, wouldn't it make people laugh?"

Ye Fei said coldly: "What's the matter? It's the man who does whatever it takes to achieve the goal. Moreover, Zhu Ziyue and Ling Xiaoyue are not ordinary people, so you can be more confident when there are more people!"

More than a dozen disciples from the main courtyard followed all the way, falling far behind the three Jiang Tian, ​​and followed Jin Linggu.

The valley is full of mist, and I can't see a hundred feet away with my exhausting eyesight. The breath is cold and depressed.

Jiang Tian and the three were extremely cautious in their actions. Fortunately, the Open Heaven Realm martial artist had very strong five senses and six senses.

"Sister Ling, is your news surely reliable?"

Zhu Ziyue frowned slightly, muttering in her heart.

"Don't worry, you can't go wrong!"

Ling Xiaoyue patted her full chest and nodded and said.

Jiang Tian frowned in thought, his eyes cold.

"Those guys have already followed, we might as well just take a trick!"

"Oh? What tricks does Junior Brother Jiang have?"

Zhu Ziyue asked leisurely.

"Let's do this..."

Jiang Tian lowered his voice and uttered his own strategy, which caused the two women to admire again and again.

"Okay, that's it!"

Ling Xiaoyue smirked and nodded.


Soon after, everyone has come to the depths of the Golden Spirit Valley.

There was a few roars of monsters from far away, which made the already cold atmosphere even more chilling!

Qi Xuan and Ye Fei each led a group of people, and the soldiers followed in two directions. With a thick fog surging in front of them, the three Jiang Tian suddenly disappeared.

"Huh! Where did they go, why did they suddenly disappear?"

"Could it be that they noticed someone was following and ran away?"

The two teams converged, and everyone frowned.

"Run? This is already the hinterland of Golden Spirit Valley, where can they go?"

Qi Xuan shook his head flatly.

"It is estimated that some hidden place has been hidden. Everyone, keep a little mind, and we must find them out!"

Ye Fei waved his hand and motioned to the Ye family brothers.

Not to be outdone, Qi Xuan immediately led Du Yong and others to speed up.

After a while, they came to the entrance of a narrow valley.

Here, dense fog is permeated, strange rocks stand tall, trees staggered, and the terrain is quite complicated.

Everyone observed for a while, and roughly guessed.

"Look, there is only one way here, Jiang Tian and the others must have entered this valley!"

"It shouldn't be wrong, let's rush in now and block them in!"

Everyone was eager to try and was restless.

At this moment, a shout of surprise came from the valley!

"Junior Brother Jiang and Sister Zhu, come and see!"

"Hey! It turned out to be the Chixiao Fruit! It has grown to such a big size, at least more than 500 years, right?"

"Then why are you still hesitating? There are three of them here. Let's take them off and eat them now..."

Exclaims came from the valley, and it seemed that Jiang Tian and the three were extremely excited.

The dozen or so people at Taniguchi suddenly lost their breath!

"What? They discovered Chixiao Fruit!"

"No wonder they want to risk coming here, it turned out to be for this kind of baby!"

"Listen, it seems there are only three!"

"The Chixiao fruit is hard to come by, not to mention the age is so high, we can't wait any longer, let's go in now and grab someone for treasure!"


"Brothers, give it to me!"

When everyone put it together, they immediately stopped hesitating.

Qi Xuan and Ye Fei raised their arms and shouted, and everyone rushed into the valley.

However, when they came to the valley, they saw clouds of mist surging.

Jiang Tian, ​​Zhu Ziyue, and Ling Xiaoyue were all gone!

"what happened?"

"Didn't it say that there are Chixiao Fruits, how about them?"

Qi Xuan and Ye Fei frowned slightly, their faces were angry, and the others were even more gloomy and puzzled.

Suddenly, there was a strange noise in the dense forest ahead, as if a few humanists flashed past.

"over there!"

"Quick! Catch up and surround them!"

Qi Xuan and Ye Fei shouted angrily, and everyone suddenly rushed out and circled over there.

"Jiang Tian, ​​you can't run away!"

"Hand over Chixiao Fruit and keep your whole body!"

Everyone shouted sternly and hurried into the dense forest.

Qi Xuan and Ye Fei followed closely behind, but when they came to the dense forest, they suddenly smelled a special fragrance.

"Huh! Why is this smell a bit familiar?"

Qi Xuan furrowed his brows, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

Ye Fei pondered for a moment, and suddenly his expression changed!

"No, this is the smell of Beast Lure Pill!"

"What? Lure beast Dan!"

Qi Xuan's face changed a lot!

Beast Attracting Pill is a pill specially used to seduce monsters and beasts, and is often used in the practice of disciples.

It would be fine if it were in other places, but now it is in Jinlinggu.

There are a large number of third-level monsters and even higher-level monsters. Once they are attracted, the consequences will be disastrous!

The two looked at each other, feeling deeply disturbed!

They are not fools, how can they still not understand the whole story?

"No! I was fooled!"

"Bring me back!"

Qi Xuan and Ye Fei shouted sternly, but the people in front of them were eager to compete for the Chixiao Fruit, and didn't care about their voices.

One by one rushed into the dense forest excitedly, searching for the shadows of the three Jiang Tian.

"Damn it!"

"Damn, these trash!"

Qi Xuan and Ye Fei were so angry that they yelled at each other, but before they could say anything, a few dull roars suddenly came out in the dense forest!

Whoops... Whoops!

The faces of the two suddenly changed, and their hearts were shaken!

"Ah... Level 3 monster!"

"No! Run!"

"Brother Qi, save me..."

Roar, roar!

There was a mess in the dense forest, and the miserable cry for help was soon overwhelmed by the roar of the monster.

The weeds flew up, the giant tree shook wildly, and the **** aura continued to rise. In a blink of an eye, several disciples were buried in the mouth of the beast.

Four or five disciples escaped by chance and rushed out, their eyes full of panic!

Du Yong hissed: "Senior Brother Qi...we are fooled!"

The Ye family ran back to the three brothers, all of them injured.

Ye Nan was the worst, dripping with blood, only half of his left arm was left.

"Brother Fei, save me!"

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