Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 379: Surprised Ling Xiaoyue

To the average open-world martial artist, this is a difficult beast, but to Jiang Tian, ​​it is simply a walking medicine!

The bronze-armored rhino let out a thunderous roar, and rushed towards the ground with a strong bronze demonic energy.

Just as Jiang Tian was about to use the Chixue Sword Marrow to kill him, suddenly his expression changed and he changed his mind.

"Just use you to test its power!"

Jiang Tian shook his right hand, and a short gun with cold silver light appeared in his hand.

It was the dilapidated treasure that came from the treasure house of Biling Mountain Villa. After restoration, it has restored the style of a certain earth-level magic weapon, and the whole body exudes a dreadful murderous intent!

Feeling the breath of the silver short gun, the huge body of the copper-clad rhino was slightly shocked, and a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes.

"Huh?" Jiang Tian frowned. He didn't expect this cumbersome rhinoceros to be so sensitive.

Thinking of this, he no longer hesitated anymore, shaking his right hand directly and offering a silver short spear.


After the silver short spear flew out, the volley flashed into a giant Zhang Xu, stabbing down with astonishing pressure!

Roar... The Bronze Armored Monster Rhinoceros knows that it's not good, and the copper light all over his body is released, and the billowing monster aura surges out!

Although this kind of monster body is strong, its speed is relatively slow. Knowing that it can't avoid the attack of the silver spear, it tries to use its body and demon power to carry it hard.

It's a pity that it was wrong. Although this silver spear is only a remnant treasure, it has recovered a bit of vitality after the spiritual power of the Purple Profound Realm has been accumulated. How can it be easily resisted by its might?


The silver short spear slammed down, smashed the billowing demon energy, and pierced the thick body of the bronze armor in one fell swoop!

Ow... The bronze armored rhinoceros only let out a dull scream and died.

"Hi! So powerful?"

Jiang Tian widened his eyes, a little annoyed.

Although the Bronze Armored Rhinoceros is cumbersome, its overall strength is not much worse than the warriors in the late stage of the Moon Realm.

But with such a blow by the silver spear, the whole physical identity fell apart, and most of the blood was lost instantly, and some of the gains were not worth the loss.

Jiang Tian shook his head and sighed, and quickly recalled the silver spear, before reaching the demon rhinoceros and began to devour the blood.

In the muffled sound of the rumbling, the **** vortex converged and quickly condensed into a drop of broad bean-sized essence.

Jiang Tian sighed, slightly disappointed, but quickly swallowed it.

The essence, blood, and spiritual power are divided into two, one is integrated into the Dantian, and the other is absorbed by the Purple Profound Realm.

In a short period of time, Jiang Tian's spiritual power increased, which was equivalent to refining two or so top-grade pill.

After putting away the demon beast materials that went down, he continued to rush towards the deep valley.

Roar roar...The roar of anger continued to sound, and Jiang Tian was surrounded by several third-stage monsters.

Compared with the monster beasts that looked like a small mountain, his body was obviously very thin, and it was simply not worth mentioning.

But within this thin body, an astonishing coercion erupted, making these crazy monsters frightened and froze in place!

Jiang Tian shook his head and laughed, harvesting these monsters suppressed by their souls one by one and throwing them into the Purple Profound Realm.

"It's almost time, you have to go back quickly, otherwise they will definitely be anxious."

Jiang Tian shook his head and sighed, feeling somewhat depressed in his heart.

If he is the only one, of course he will continue to stay and hunt more monsters.

But he still has two companions, it's not good if they get separated.

Up to now, he has hunted dozens of Level 3 monsters. Not to mention the blood that is waiting to be swallowed, so many Level 3 monsters are worth a lot of silver.

Jiang Tian unfolded his body skills, plundered wildly, and soon returned to the cave just now.

Zhu Ziyue and Ling Xiaoyue just walked out and couldn't help being stunned when they saw Jiang Tian.

"Junior Brother Jiang, you..."

Ling Xiaoyue's eyes were fiery and her expression was surprised.

Jiang Tian was taken aback, shook his head and smiled: "I took a walk outside, this is not just coming back."

Zhu Ziyue shook her head and smiled, and said leisurely: "Senior Brother Jiang, Senior Sister Ling didn't mean that."

"Huh?" Jiang Tian widened his eyes, somewhat puzzled.

Zhu Ziyue smiled mysteriously: "This is less than an hour, why has your cultivation base aura changed?"

"Have it?"

Jiang Tian raised his eyebrows, scratched his head and smiled bitterly, with an "innocent" look on his face.

In fact, his cultivation base aura has indeed improved.

In the canyon just now, he swallowed the blood of several monsters, and the change in his breath couldn't be hidden.

But this has affected his major secrets, of course, it is impossible to tell the truth, and can only play stupid.

"Is the Chixiao fruit so powerful?"

Ling Xiaoyue looked puzzled, thinking it was the effect of Chixiao Fruit.

"Haha, it should be!" Jiang Tian's eyes flashed with a different color, and he nodded immediately.

However, Zhu Ziyue looked suspicious, and looked at him leisurely, making him feel hairy.

"Should we go back?"

Jiang Tiangan laughed and made sloppy eyes.

Zhu Ziyue turned her head: "Sister Ling, what do you think?"

Ling Xiaoyue shook her head and said, "How can we go back now? We just came out, and we haven't hunted a few monsters yet!"

"Monster?" Jiang Tian almost laughed out loud.

He was hunting monsters just now, and he didn't think the number was too small to be addictive. He didn't expect Ling Xiaoyue to hunt monsters too.

He would not refuse this kind of undesirable good.

"Okay, then go quickly!"

Jiang Tian looked "excited" and couldn't wait.

The three immediately swept down the stone cliff and rushed towards the depths of Jinlinggu.

Ho Ho Ho!

In a deep dense forest, the screams of monster beasts one after another.

Jiang Tian, ​​Zhu Ziyue, and Ling Xiaoyue worked together to round up several Level 3 monsters.

"Junior Brother Jiang, be careful, don't let it run away!"

Ling Xiaoyue shouted loudly, a little worried.

"Sister Ling, don't worry, Junior Brother Jiang's cultivation base is higher than you think!"

With a leisurely smile on Zhu Ziyue's face, she constantly swung her Ziyue sword to slash.

Jiang Tian frowned slightly, but he was rather helpless in his heart.

In front of the second woman, he was inconvenient to use many methods, and could only use his own cultivation base to force a bombardment.

However, it is of course impossible for these monsters to break through from his side. Whenever they want to push hard, they are frightened back by his slightly let go of soul suppression talent.

"Weird! Why are these monsters so stupid that they are about to rush out, and why are they running back on their own?"

Ling Xiaoyue was puzzled and surprised.

"Don't worry about so much, just kill it first!"

Zhu Ziyue's long sword swung swiftly, and she continued to drink.

The three of them cooperated and killed more than 60 third-level monsters in one day!


Time flies, and night falls!

The three returned to Shiya, filling their stomachs while reminiscing about today's harvest.

"Hahahaha! Twenty third-level demon pill, and many demon beast materials, this time it is really profitable!"

Although Ling Xiaoyue is not short of money, she is still very excited about the things she has hunted.

"I didn't expect the hunting of monster beasts to go so smoothly. I have some doubts, are these monster beasts really Level 3 monsters?"

Zhu Ziyue shook her head and smiled bitterly, looking at Jiang Tian intentionally or unintentionally, with a slightly strange look.

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