Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 381: Blatant temptation

The plump woman screamed, like a mad tigress.

The two brawny men had been thirsty for a long time, and they had already suppressed the evil fire beside the plump woman. At this time, they couldn't help being deeply attracted by the two stunning beauties. The eyes are bright, and the saliva is almost flowing out!

"Siling Lord, these two girls...hehehe!"

The two brawny men wanted to speak but stopped, their expressions incomparably greedy, as if the hungry beast had seen the weak lamb.

"The two women are at your disposal, leave this man to me!"

The plump woman has sharp eyes, and she can see the strength of the opponent at a glance.

Although Zhu Ziyue and Ling Xiaoyue had extraordinary aptitudes, they still couldn't threaten the three ling masters.

Although Jiang Tian was young, it was hard to see through, giving her a strong sense of threat.

There is no doubt that the Lord of the Three Ridges can only die in his hands.

But she somewhat doubted that this handsome-looking boy could really kill the powerful Sanling Master?

"Don't ask, I killed your'third brother'!"

Jiang Tian took a cold step forward, took out the bloodthirsty mad knife and shook it towards the plump woman, then put it away.

"Bloodthirsty Knife? It really is you!"

The plump woman's face sank, and the whole body surged with murderous intent.

But the strange thing is that she didn't take action immediately, but looked at Jiang Tian with a strange look.

"Can you really kill the third brother?"

The plump woman resisted killing intent and asked coldly.

"Why, don't you believe it?"

Jiang Tian smiled coldly, calmly.

When the plump woman's eyes moved, she realized that this young man was not easy, and she had a feeling of being hidden at a young age, which is really rare in her life!

After a moment of pondering, she suddenly yelled, bending her fingers towards Jiang Tian and grabbed it fiercely.

Hiss... a piercing scream suddenly sounded.

The sharp wind pierced the void, and instantly swept in front of Jiang Tian, ​​the powerful tearing force was like a sword splitting, it was amazing!

The corner of Jiang Tian's eyes shrank, and the whole body was full of purple light!


The bloodline and spiritual power surged wildly, and the mighty coercion surged out suddenly, Jiang Tian's fists shook together, and the Tyrannosaurus fist blasted out!

After seeing the opponent's shot, he was even more convinced that the strength of this plump woman was never lower than yesterday's gangster leader.

There was a loud noise, and the purple fist shadow burst open, engulfing ten finger winds in one fell swoop!

"So strong!"

Ling Xiaoyue and Zhu Ziyue's complexion changed at the same time, surprised.

But even more shocked was the plump woman on the opposite side.

After being blocked, she didn't even continue to take action, but stared at Jiang Tian with a puzzling gaze, as if looking at an object and admiring a treasure!

Jiang Tian was seen by her with a chill, and the corners of his eyes couldn't help but twitch.

Ling Xiaoyue and Zhu Ziyue were taken aback at first, but soon understood what they were, and they showed disgusting expressions.

"Bah! So shameless!"

Ling Xiaoyue yelled.

"Junior Brother Jiang, you are so beautiful!"

Zhu Ziyue had a weird smile and a leisurely look.

This plump woman obviously fell in love with Jiang Tian, ​​to be precise, she fell in love with Jiang Tian's strength.

The plump woman's gaze became more and more ambiguous, looking at Jiang Tian as if she was admiring the lover, making the faces of the two women on the opposite side blue.

Jiang Tian frowned when she saw him, and his face was very embarrassed.

"Sure enough, the strength is extraordinary!"

The plump woman's eyes flickered, her face was uncertain, and a bold thought suddenly flashed in her mind!

Lord Sanling could not be saved anyway, but if this young man could be put under the skirt, her power could rise instead of falling, and her position in Bloodwind Ridge would be more stable.

What's more, this is a little brother with fine skin and tender meat, much better than the rough master of Sanlingzhu!

Having spent so long in the strongman's pile in Bloodwind Ridge, it is inevitable that she gets a little tired of seeing those rough men. She also wants to take the opportunity to change her taste.

So why not do it?

"Young man, I will show you a way of life. As long as you follow me back to the Bloodwind Ridge, you will be assured that you will have a good footing, powerful, powerful and talented, as well as women!"

The plump woman used temptation methods, a strange amorous feeling appeared between her eyebrows, and her hot body twisted slightly, causing the two strong men next to her to drool.

With this method, I don't know how many strong men fell under her pomegranate skirt. She thought that Jiang Tian was forced by the situation and her temptation, and it would be no exception.

But she was wrong. Jiang Tian was not only indifferent, but disgusted and even showed a disgusting expression.


Jiang Tian's face sank and he shouted coldly.

"What are you talking about? I advise you to think about it, otherwise all three of you will die!"

The plump woman retreated, her eyes became murderous again.

The two strong men also retracted their gazes, looked at the opposite side again, and showed greedy eyes at Zhu Ziyue and Ling Xiaoyue.

"You can't kill me!"

Jiang Tian smiled coldly and didn't care.

"I don't think you can see the coffin or cry!"

The plump woman was also fierce. Seeing that Jiang Tian didn't know what was good or bad, she immediately decided to kill her.

"These two strong men are not weak, so be careful to deal with them!"

Jiang Tian frowned slightly and exhorted Zhu Ziyue and Ling Xiaoyue.

"Jiang Brother Jiang, don't worry, our strength is not that bad!"

Not to be outdone, Ling Xiaoyue nodded and smiled, her expression relaxed.

If the other party has one more person, the situation is of course not easy to say, but two on two, they will not be so unbearable.

"That's good!"

Jiang Tian's figure flickered, rushing towards the plump woman, and the Tyrannical Fist slammed out.

"Toast and not eat fine wine!"

The plump woman's ten command moves, dense claw shadows all over the void!


The purple light burst, and instantly opened the finger wind barrier.

Jiang Tian rushed out and led the plump woman aside.

The two fell in a dense forest, facing each other.

"Little brother, I'll give you one last chance. As long as you follow me, my old lady promises to let you enjoy endless beauty!"

The plump woman's face was murderous, but her eyes became seductive again, apparently practicing some kind of charm.

Staring at Jiang Tian coquettishly, he pulled the robe on his chest to both sides, revealing a seductive scene.

It might be useful to deal with a general Open Heaven realm martial artist, but to Jiang Tian, ​​who has a strong talent, it has no effect at all.

"What kind of **** Yanfu? What kind of woman Jiang likes, and he won't fall in love with such a bad guy like you!"

Jiang Tian sternly scolded, his eyes as cold as ice.

"Damn it!"

The plump woman's face sank, her eyes became extremely insidious, and she completely put away her charming technique in an instant.

Flicking his hands, dense fingerprints sprang out.

Immediately after the right hand shook, a blood-colored long whip appeared in his hand instantly, and suddenly drew it towards Jiang Tian.


In the piercing sound, the blood-colored long whip was like a blood-colored lightning, rolling out layers of killing intent.

Jiang Tian had just blasted two Tyrannosaurus fists, and then he saw the **** long whip burst through the air, with amazing killing intent!

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