Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 405: Three places

"Huh! That's fine, I will defeat you in front of everyone today, what else do you have to say?"

Tiantian Shuo believed that as long as Jiang Tian was defeated in public, Zhu Ziyue's heart would still return to him.

"Zhao Tianshuo, I wonder who of the three of us will fight him first?"

Fu Yan sneered.

"No matter who takes the first shot, he must be beaten to death!"

Shuo gritted his teeth during the day.

"That won't work, if you meet first, you have to give him a breath, otherwise how do we fight?"

Qi Bin shook his head and laughed, already unable to wait.

At this moment, a disciple of the main courtyard dressed in white hurried over.

"Cousin Baixian, why is this a coincidence?"

Tian Shuo was taken aback when he saw the incoming person, then he shook his head and smiled, with a hint of pride flashing in his eyes.

Although the opponent is older than him and promoted to the main court earlier, his status in the family is not as high as him. Although he is a cousin, the relationship is not that close.

"Cousin Tianshuo, why are you leaving the customs now?"

Bai Xian frowned slightly, and his face was not pretty.

"Is it very late to leave the customs, as long as it doesn't delay the assessment?"

During the day, Shuo shook his head and sneered, not paying attention.

"Cousin Tianshuo, are you having a holiday with that Jiang Tian?"

"Festival? Huh, I and him are not as simple as celebrating the festival. I have been thinking about this person for a long time, and today I must defeat him in public!"

Shuo Shuo said sharply during the day.

"This...may be a little troublesome!" Bai Xian frowned and sighed.

"What's the problem?"

During the day, Shuo disagreed.

"I was careless a few days ago, and once suffered a loss in Jiang Tian's hands..."

Baixian's face was embarrassed, and he was interrupted before finishing speaking.

"How bad is your strength?"

During the day, Shuo snorted and suddenly released the blood pressure.

Bai Xian was also the 300th best player on the battle list anyway. He jumped at the corner of his eyes and immediately released coercion to confront him, but he was shaken back in a blink of an eye.

"Hey! Cousin Tianshuo, your strength is so strong, what a monster!"

Bai Xian was not surprised and rejoiced, his eyes were fiery.

As the genius of the white ape family, Tian Tian Shuo did not live up to his aptitude, and he was so strong after only being promoted.

In time, he will definitely become a great powerhouse.

"Making a fuss! I haven't used my full strength yet, otherwise you will have vomited blood and injured. How about my strength to teach Jiang Tian?"

During the day, Shuo smiled coldly and said tauntingly.

"Your strength should be fine, but you still can't teach Jiang."

"What did you say?" Tian Shuo's face sank.

"No, no, I didn't mean that. It is said that he has already gotten the qualification exemption and will not participate in the actual combat assessment."

Bai Xian waved his hand repeatedly to explain.

"What? This happened!"

During the day, the corners of his eyes twitched and he was very annoyed.

After finally waiting for the opportunity to teach Jiang Tian, ​​he got the exemption quota. Is this a coincidence?

"Why is this Lulu so lucky? But he won't be happy for a few days!"

During the day, Shuo frowned and thought for a while, and directly waved back Bai Xian.

"What? He actually got the exemption quota!"

Qi Bin and Fu Yan's eyes twitched when they heard Tian Shuo's words.

"This **** countryman is so lucky, but I won't just let him go!"

Fu Huo screamed angrily, his sullen eyes fixed on Jiang Tian on the viewing platform.

"Don't worry, his hard life is about to begin!"

Qi Bin shook his head and sneered.


"There are three exemption places for the actual combat assessment. They are Jiang Tian, ​​Qin Dong and Xiao Zhan!"

An elder of the main courtyard announced the assessment rules, and the drums of war sounded through the audience.

After the drum beat, the actual combat assessment officially began!

After a round of draws, the disciples geared up, and dozens of arenas fought at the same time.

However, the strengths of these disciples are uneven, and they have no observation value to Jiang Tian. He just glanced at it and felt a little uninterested.

"There are still two places for exemption. What are these two people?"

Jiang Tian frowned slightly, somewhat puzzled.

"I know that Qin Dong and Xiao Zhan are the top figures in this group of disciples. They are stronger than many old students who have been promoted for two or three years. They may have done rewards, or they may have exchanged disciples points for exemption places. "

Ling Xiaoyue explained patiently.

"Able to get the exemption quota, it seems that their strength should not be weak."

Jiang Tian nodded slowly, thoughtfully.

He thought that there were no great masters among the disciples of the main courtyard, but the appearance of Qin Dong and Xiao Zhan slightly changed his opinion.

No matter how these two people get the exemption quota, they must have some strength.

But this will not shake his confidence, and it is still not a problem for him to have an annual assessment.

"Qin Dong has outstanding aptitude and is the best among this group of disciples, but he has always been alone and doesn't like to deal with people; as for Xiao Zhan, Junior Brother Jiang should be careful."

Zhu Ziyue smiled leisurely and added in due course.

"Oh! What is special about Xiao Zhan?"

Jiang Tian was a little surprised. Could it be that Xiao Zhan is an extremely powerful master?

"This person is Xiao Lei's cousin of the same clan, and the two have always been closely related. You must pay attention to the assessment outside the hospital."

Zhu Ziyue nodded and said.

"Xiao Lei... which Xiao Lei?"

Jiang Tian frowned, and he didn't seem to remember him.

Zhu Ziyue shook her head and smiled: "Try the sword square, in front of the mysterious wall, your subordinates are defeated, don't you remember?"

"Try the Sword Square, in front of the Xuanlingbi... So it was him!"

Jiang Tian shook his head and sneered, with a look of disdain.

There are so many people who have been defeated by him, how could he remember the names of all of them.

"I see. It's just an ordinary discussion. If Xiao Zhan really wants to avenge Xiao Lei, then it's too big a fuss, right?"

Jiang Tian shook his head and smiled, not paying attention.

Are those cousins ​​and cousins ​​who are okay enough to eat, fighting for the shortcomings of the little brothers around them all day?

"In your opinion, it's a fuss, even inexplicable, but in their opinion, it may not be the case. You have beaten someone's brother, and you are not allowed to speak out evil and find a place?"

Zhu Ziyue looked leisurely and said with a smile.

"Don't worry, it's fine if he doesn't find me. If you really dare to make a move, I will want him to look good!"

Jiang Tian smiled coldly, very disdainful.

From before to now, he has offended more people. It is true that he hit the small ones and caused the big ones, but so what?

He is not afraid!

"Junior Brother Jiang, I think that Junior Sister Zhu is right. Although you are strong, Qin Dong and Xiao Zhan are not general, so it's better to be careful."

Ling Xiaoyue held Jiang Tian's arm and said seriously.

Su Wan sneered coldly: "Huh! People don't offend me, I don't offend people! No matter who it is, whether it is a man or a woman, as long as you dare to find fault, you will beat me fiercely!"

"Master is right, I will not be vague!"

Jiang Tian twitched his eyes and quietly pushed away Ling Xiaoyue's pink arm.

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