Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6615: Please help me sharpen my knives!

Even if they fight one-on-one, there is no certainty of victory.

Even if you can take some advantage, it is difficult to kill the opponent.

And this Central Territory warrior even forcibly killed Xuehao under the siege of dozens of people.

The strength is strong, it can be seen that 0 surrounds him, surrounds him 1

"Quick 1

Boom! After the momentary silence, the local powers were completely anxious! Space hegemony and fleshly body are stronger than blood tyrants. This Central Territory warrior is the enemy! They shouted frantically, summoning nearby companions.

In an instant, dozens of people gathered around.

Sixty or seventy local powers surrounded this hundred-zhang void.

So that the people who came later have no way to intervene.

At the same time, several other Central Territory super evildoers who claimed to fight side by side with Jiang Tian were also under siege! The combat power of these people is almost not weaker than Jiang Tian, ​​but facing the siege of the local power, it is also dangerous.

But even so, they still beheaded one by one opponents under enormous pressure.

It's just that there are more and more injuries on the body, and the shot gradually becomes slower.

Bang, bang, rumbling, 0 obstacle." Accompanied by a shrill scream, under the frantic siege of more than a dozen local powers, the super monster named Tan Kun exploded and died.

Another person not far away also fell under strangulation.

Immediately afterwards, the super evildoer named Yuan Chen also roared furiously.

He was suppressed by more than a dozen local powers, and it was difficult to threaten the other party.

And the opponent's lore method has also locked him, and he is about to launch the last blow. Everyone, the luck of the martial arts in the middle domain is handed over to you, continue to fight, don't stop fighting, I Yuanchen take the first step.

"Stop being wordy, go to **** 1

Boom! The local almighty launched a mad attack, and the spiritual power engulfed Yuan Chen.

And he couldn't even let out a scream! More than a dozen local great masters ignored this spiritual power storm and turned to attack others.

hum! At this moment, two figures suddenly flashed across from them.

i am not dead 1

Yuan Chen looked at the young man opposite, his face full of shock, and his heart was ecstatic.

At the moment when he was about to fall, a figure appeared in front of him, leading him to escape instantly.

A space escape technique, and it's not an ordinary space escape technique! There is no doubt that the person who saved him is Jiang Tian. There are not many people who can compete with them. If one survives, one counts as one.

Jiang Tian didn't say much, and before he finished speaking, he fled again.

"Brother Jiang, thank you

Yuan Chen bowed his hands, and then danced wildly with silver light all over his body, as if forming a silver cocoon.

In the silver cocoon, his hands were imprinted, as if he was praying devoutly.

hum! A silver elixir slowly took shape and appeared above his printed palm.

Yuan Chen's eyes twitched, looking extremely excited.

He hesitated for a moment, then opened his mouth and swallowed the pill! Boom! A terrifying aura rose from him, and the silver cocoon burst open instantly.

Yuan Chen's whole body was shrouded in a violent silver flame.

This scene shocked the local great powers around! The aura that erupted in the silver flames was so amazing that they dared not act rashly, and they all retreated to remain vigilant.

Yuan Chen pulled his right hand and pulled out a snowflake silver sword from the violent silver flames! At the moment when the silver knife was drawn, the silver flame quickly extinguished.

"Please, help me sharpen my knife 1

rub! Yuan Chen turned his head and glanced at Jiang Tian's battle group, withdrew his gaze, and slashed forward.

呲la bang ka 0 ah 1

The screams started, and a local great master couldn't dodge in time. He was cut twice by him, and he fell to his death. huh? "

"This is" the face of the local powers changed suddenly! The power of a knife slashes the opponent, the strength of this son has greatly exceeded the previous limit. No knife is not good, only the purification of blood can achieve the mad knife hegemony 1

Yuan Chen looked at the snowflake silver knife in his hand and said in a deep voice.

"Damn 1

"Not good 1

"Crazy Blade Tyrant Body, it turns out that he is the descendant of Blade Crazy 1

The local powers were shocked.

The name "Knife Crazy" has a special deterrent effect on them.

This person is a monster from ten thousand years ago, specializing in the Dao of the Blade, and calling himself a Blade Man! Since the Middle Domain entered the "Critical Dao Domain", it has not been excluded by the rules of the "Critical Dao Domain".

After the "Critical Dao Domain" retreated, he actually stayed here.

Next, he opened up a brilliant martial arts experience, smashed a **** path in the "critical Dao domain", and broke into the Dao domain abruptly.

In the end, he became a powerful 0-knife in the Taoist realm, the tyrant in the army, unparalleled in ferocity, and invincible in all directions.

Boom! The silver light flashes again, and Yuan Chen kills one more person! At this moment, the local powers looked at him with a little fear! But they knew that it was useless to retreat. Only by joining forces to besiege and kill could this serious problem be eliminated.

"Kill him 1

"Strangle Together 1

Boom! The violent roar resounded through the void, and dozens of local powers began to strangle together.

In another battle group, Si Yu'er, who was about to fall, suddenly disappeared under the terrifying spiritual power! hum! The figure flickered from a thousand feet away, and Si Yuer was wrapped around and appeared.

This is a beautiful woman, her eyes are like electricity, deep and sharp. Is that you? "

Si Yu'er looked at Jiang Tian with surprise and gratitude in her beautiful eyes.

"Continue 1

Jiang Tian didn't say much, left two words and disappeared in the same place, and appeared in another battle group in an instant.

He couldn't save every midfielder, and he didn't have the heart to save it.

What they can do is to keep as many top-notch evildoers as possible.

In this way, the martial arts of the Central Territory will not be exhausted in an instant.

Seeing the purple figure moving with lightning, Si Yu'er took a deep breath and took off the blue gauze covering her body.

Boom! What appeared was a plain white plain skirt.

But the moment she threw away the blue gauze, a special phenomenon appeared on the surface of the white plain skirt, which was violently rolling like clouds.

At the same time, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in the vast void swept backwards, rushing to inject into her body. I didn't want to break through in this way, but now it seems that I have no choice. "

Si Yuer no longer hesitated, threw away the blue gauze, and began to take the initiative to absorb the aura of the world.

Boom, head, bang! The violent roar kept ringing in her body, but she herself could not see any obvious aura fluctuations.

The aura of heaven and earth poured in seemed to be all injected into the white plain skirt, which contributed to the rolling trend of the clouds on the surface of the plain skirt.

Crack boom boom! A thunder was born between the clouds, but it did not disappear, but continued to grow, turning into a ferocious Thunder Dragon.

Roaring, she is about to come out 0 Thunder Cloud Immortal Body, she is Thunder Cloud Immortal Body 1

"Rewind 1

The local powerhouses exclaimed and immediately ducked back.

Si Yu'er's eyes were cold, she raised her hand and waved it forward.

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