Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6618: Illusion Suppression!

"I'm afraid it won't go on like this.

After Jiang Tian beheaded more than a dozen local powers, he stepped into the air and looked down on the entire battle from a high place.

His personal advantage is not the same as the overall advantage.

Yuan Chen, Qin Chuan and Si Yu'er's struggles could not turn the whole situation around either.

Within the range of sight, the warriors of the Central Region are still falling in pieces, falling from the air like raindrops.

These people are all top experts in the middle domain, and they are almost the ones who are about to reach the top of the middle domain.

In order to compete for the opportunity in the "critical domain" and seek the ultimate progress, they suffered a tragic massacre here.

If you keep fighting like this, even if you can win in the end, it will be a tragic victory! Even at that time, the martial arts world of the Central Territory has preserved its luck, and its foundation and background will be hit unprecedentedly.

Jiang Tian understands that such a hard fight is not the way! hum! The figure flashed, and Jiang Tian disappeared in the same place.

The next moment, he came to the top of a battle group of hundreds of people.

There are dozens of local powers here, surrounded by hundreds of middle-level warriors.

It seems as if the Central Territory warriors surrounded the opponent, but in fact, the opponent took the initiative to enter the center of the crowd and began to harvest from the inside out! These hundreds of people are about to be beheaded. Jiang Tian is here.

Someone cried out in ecstasy, as if seeing a savior.

"It's too late 1

"It's too late

More people are well aware of the sinister situation. Even if Jiang Tian takes action now, it will be difficult to prevent the coming tragic massacre.

But the next moment, a scene that surprised them appeared 0 Ziguang Xuanmu, opened 1

hum! The powerful illusion created by Ziguang Xuanmu shrouded down.

Dozens of local powers fell into it in an instant, sluggish 0 illusion, this is illusion 1

"Everyone be careful 1

"Get rid of it 1

After all, the local power is the local power. After realizing that he was trapped in the illusion, he began to struggle to get rid of it.

Some people started to make crazy shots, desperately bombarding all around.

Some people urged magic weapons to attack and kill madly.

But because they were in an illusion, they had no idea who they were shooting at.

A large number of attacks fell on the companions, causing a shrill scream.

The situation is chaotic in an instant

Jiang Tian drank the reminder, and then disappeared without a trace in an instant.

The warriors in the Central Territory were in high spirits and started to launch a crazy counterattack. 0 Opportunities came 1

"Kill it 1

"Who said Jiang Tian couldn't change the battle?"

"Kill these native powers 1

Boom, bang, bang! Violent roar resounded through the void, and hundreds of middle-level powerhouses made frantic shots, using the cover of illusions to instantly strangle dozens of opponents.

In the end, only five or six people got rid of the phantom suppression, dragging their severely injured bodies and forcibly escaped.

hum, hum, hum! At the same time, Jiang Tian appeared in several other battle groups one after another.

Using the same method, the local powers fell into the illusion and guided the Central Territory warriors to launch a counterattack.

Although the illusion method is not 100% effective, in the situation of fierce melee, its power should not be underestimated.

hum, hum, hum! As Jiang Tian teleported quickly and appeared in battle groups everywhere, the entire battle situation began to change significantly.

The powerhouses in the Central Territory became more and more brave, and when the local powerhouses came back to their senses, they realized that they were about to fall into passive 0. How could it be possible? "

"It's Jiang Tian, ​​it's him who's doing the trick 1

"Illusion, Illusion 1

"Impossible, the illusion can be so strong?"

"Maybe he has some special magic weapon?"

Realizing that the situation was not right, the local powers did not dare to bear it any longer.

They began to retreat madly, rising into the sky like a tide, and gathered into a sea of ​​people in mid-air.

It's just that the scale of this sea of ​​people is significantly weaker than the mighty river of people before.

After the two sides opened up the distance, some of the powerhouses in the Central Territory had stronger fighting intentions and rushed over desperately.

Even if he was ruthlessly beaten by the opponent.

"The situation has changed, everyone retreat, don't be impulsive 1

"Don't be brave 1

"Rewind 1

Yuan Chen, Qin Chuan and Si Yuer reminded everyone not to be reckless.

After the distance was widened, the local great powers gathered together and could no longer be easily suppressed.

Although Jiang Tian's illusion is powerful, there are also many people who are proficient in this technique and have super aptitude among the local powers.

In this way, the power of illusion is greatly reduced, and it is no longer possible to suppress opponents by this means like just now.

Jiang Tian took a deep breath and calmly scanned the entire void.

tragic! There are still some corpses falling to the ground in midair, and the ground below is already covered with a layer of corpses.

Among these people, more than 90% are Central Territory warriors.

Miserable, so miserable! sizzle! Looking at the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood that covered the ground below, the warriors in the Central Territory gasped, and their hearts were shocked! This is the most direct and tragic manifestation of the strength gap! Even if Jiang Tian led the way and the other three super evildoers fought hard, it was only in exchange for such a victory.

The gap between the strengths of the Central Territory warriors and the local powers is obvious. What should I do next? "

"Jiang Tian, ​​what are your plans?"

Yuan Chen, Qin Chuan and Si Yu'er looked at Jiang Tian.

Jiang Tian did not express his position immediately, but looked down silently.

At this time, a dozen old men with deep breaths stepped into the air.

Apart from these four detached young monsters, they are the most powerful beings among the warriors in the middle domain, and they came to Jiang Tian on behalf of the warriors in the middle domain.

"Jiang Daoyou" "Needless to say, it used to be before, now is now, the battle of luck in the martial arts of the Central Region cannot be lost.

"Thank you 1

The leading old man saluted Jiang Tian deeply.

What he wanted to say was the various grievances between the Central Region warriors and Jiang Tian before.

Jiang Tian has come all the way, and he has come to this step completely under the blood and rain.

In this, the Central Territory martial artist brought him very little help, but caused too much resistance.

But Jiang Tian was able to disregard his past suspicions, and at this moment concerning the fate of martial arts, he stepped forward to fight for the Central Territory.

He even tried his best to help everyone fight off powerful opponents. This is an unimaginable pattern and realm. What do you think? "

Jiang Tian asked.

"Ashamed, our weak strength is unable to fulfill even if we have any ideas, everyone's opinions are the same, it depends on the attitude of Jiang Daoyou.

"Yes! We have already discussed it, what Jiang Daoyou says, we will do it.

"If you are fighting, Daoyou Jiang, we will fight to the end."

"If Daoyou Jiang retires, we are willing to be the last one.


Jiang Tian's eyes flashed, somewhat surprised.

Yuan Chen, Qin Chuan and Si Yu'er were even more surprised, even shocked! There are many forces in the martial arts world in the Central Territory, and they have been fighting each other for a long time.

Moments of solidarity like this are so rare! But they understood that this situation only happened because of one person - Jiang Tian!

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