Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6627: Do the opposite!

"I said we were fooled, look at 1

He pointed to the golden light in the hands of the red-robed old man and shook his head.

"That's not a treasure at all, it's just a pretense, everyone wake up!


The red-robed old man was only concerned with ecstasy, but he didn't have time to take a closer look.

At this time, after being reminded by him, he immediately checked it carefully.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, at first glance, you are stunned. Damn it, how could this be? "

That golden treasure is just an illusory spiritual body, and it is rapidly consuming, and it is about to disappear! On this spiritual body, there is not even a decent ancient rune.

In other words, this is just a ghost of spiritual power, **** is not worth 0 damn, hurry up and chase 1

"Which way are you chasing?"

someone asked.

Jiang Tian has a space escape technique, and there are dozens of powerful people from the clan.

Who knows where they all went?

"No one else cares, just chase that Jiang Tian1

"Yes, that exotic treasure must be in his hands.

Immediately, someone used a secret technique to find the direction Jiang Tiandun was walking.

However, the space escape technique is not so easy to find, and only a general orientation can be determined.

"His space escape technique is too strong, it is extremely difficult to track 1

"The general direction is over there, go 1

Boom! After finding the general direction, the local powers quickly chased out.

The Dao Palace legacy is unusual and must not be missed.

And with Jiang Tian's super strength, he must also have many opportunities and treasures.

Once won, the harvest is likely to exceed imagination! Boom! The local powers began a frenzied pursuit of Jiang Tian.

At the same time, Jiang Tian did the opposite. After escaping far north, he left a space pattern that persisted, and then turned back with all his strength.

Back to the mountain range just now! But he did not stop here, but continued south.

As a result, in a short period of time, he and those local powers will run counter to each other, getting further and further apart.

And this mountain range covered with golden flames will also welcome other local powers and midfield warriors.

After all, there are still many people coming here one after another.

Jiang Tian clothed a space pattern and urged it to explode.

Boom boom boom boom! Countless space turbulent currents rolled up, making the space spiritual power here abnormally disordered.

Under the cover of the turbulent flow in this space, he fled to the south.

hum! With a flash of purple light, Jiang Tian fled far south.

After a while, batches of local powers and warriors from the Central Region came here.

But they haven't witnessed the treasure hunt just now, so they don't know what happened.

But when they used various secret techniques to search, they found nothing! Boom boom! An old man used the technique of probing the void, trying to track it down, but it soon ended in failure.

The spells he used were completely unable to lock in a clear position as usual.

"how so?"

"No way, there is too much turbulence in this space, and ordinary secret techniques can't sense anything at all.

"Let me try 1

A local great master took out a compass-like instrument, injected spiritual power and began to sense.

The pointer of the magic weapon gradually points in a certain direction, but it always shakes violently, unable to lock the specific position.

Just when he increased the output of spiritual power and wanted to force the induction of the magic weapon.

Bang! The pointer actually exploded 0 No reason 1

The man shook his head and sighed bitterly, his face full of anger.

This void is not only filled with a lot of spatial turbulence, but also a lot of spiritual power remnants, which are impossible to track.

In desperation, they could only run away and try their luck on their own.

A group of warriors from the Central Territory came here, feeling the turbulent flow of space, and couldn't help but sigh.

"This is obviously the breath left by Daoyou Jiang1

"Presumably he deliberately concealed his whereabouts, so it seems that he should have obtained the Dao Palace's legacy file.

"I don't know what is recorded in that palace scroll?"

Everyone looked at each other in dismay, trying to guess the contents of the Dao Palace legacy.

But obviously, this is completely futile! Because no one knows what is recorded on the Taoist palace scroll, and what kind of benefits it will bring to the treasurer.

buzzing! Purple light appears! Jiang Tian stepped on the purple pattern and appeared above a certain mountain forest in the southern part of the "Critical Dao Region".

And as soon as he appeared, he saw the figures of seven local powers! The other party also noticed him at the same time, and was quite surprised for a while.

"Who are you?"

"It's not a local warrior from the 'critical Dao domain', you are a warrior in the middle domain?"

"It's strange that the warriors of the Central Territory can come here.

The seven local experts stared at Jiang Tian with suspicious eyes.

They are considered to be a group of people who acted late among the local forces.

According to estimates, other local warriors should have already reached the hinterland of the "critical Dao domain", and some people may have gained a major opportunity.

These latecomers, naturally, can't take advantage of that kind of opportunity.

But latecomers also have the advantage of latecomers, because the warriors who enter first are likely to be injured in repeated encounters and fierce battles, and become physically and mentally exhausted.

And these people are recharged, and they can just compete for those people to get the opportunity and treasure first.

Looking at the unfamiliar Central Territory martial artist in front of them, they were all curious.

In the face of these seven local powers, Jiang Tian was also secretly surprised! Among these seven people, three people actually reached the middle stage of the starry sky! The other four had significantly stronger auras than the same-level Starry Sky Realm early stage powerhouses.

Obviously, the overall strength of this group of people is higher than the local powers he encountered before! This made him realize a problem.

The local powers who appear in the future will become stronger and stronger. The realm of this middle-level warrior is only the pinnacle of the star river realm? "

"How did he get here all the way from the north?"

After seeing Jiang Tian's realm, the local powers were shocked.

You know, this is already the deepest part of the "critical domain".

Before that, a large number of local powerhouses had gone to the north to hunt for treasures.

It is a miracle in itself that a midfield warrior from the galaxy realm can come here unscathed. This person must not be simple.

"Stop talking nonsense and win 1

Boom! A local powerhouse in the early days of the star realm immediately shot.

Five fingers splayed, and a violent roar resounded through the void.

A giant palm of 1000 feet appeared, wrapping the rolling mad cloud and pressing down Jiang Tian0 to deal with this person with all his strength, Jie Xuan, are you being too cautious? "

A companion behind him shook his head and sneered, his face full of mockery.

Jie Xuan has always acted cautiously, but in the face of a junior in the middle of the galaxy, he seems to be too cautious.

"His caution was right 1

The leading old man in the middle of the star realm waved his hand, and he didn't think there was any problem.

It is unreasonable for a middle-level junior at the peak of the Galaxy Realm to come here, and it must not be explained by accident and coincidence.

Since this unreasonable situation has occurred, it shows that the other party must have a lot of reliance.

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