Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6636: The immortals will show their power, and the evil will rise again!

Chapter 6636 The immortals will show their power, and the evil will rise again!

It has been sent hundreds of thousands of miles away!

Although this distance is nothing to the great masters of the star realm, it will make them lose the opportunity in this special competition.

The dozens of people who were teleported away yelled angrily and rushed back again in a huff.

Seeing this scene, everyone stopped blindly attacking the space magic circle.

Instead, they all shot and bombarded, intending to forcibly blast the array.

But the next scene, once again beyond their expectations!

When their mad attack landed on the surface of the array, special array patterns suddenly appeared, and they moved all their counterattacks into the crowd!

Bang bang rumbling rumbling!

"Damn 1

"Fuck 1

"Fucked 1

The crowd roared and cursed, and they were furious.

Jiang Tian set up means in the magic circle and used their offensive to bounce back and deal with themselves.

Everyone had to stop shooting, and more people rose into the sky, preparing to besiege Jiang Tian.

"Death to the Boundary 1

Jiang Tian did not hesitate and decisively sacrificed the Immortal Jue!


The huge magic weapon flashed with colorful lights, bursting out with amazing arrogance!

After re-cultivation, the power of Xian Jue has been greatly improved.

The five people who rushed forward were caught off guard, were suppressed by this heavy treasure, and fell to their deaths in a terrifying loud noise!

"What magic weapon is this?"

"Is it a fairy treasure?"

"No, this is not an immortal treasure, but a heavy treasure made by forcibly kneading dozens of immortal-rank remnants.


The local powers stared at Xian Jue, each and everyone was deeply shocked!

This treasure swirled around, and the exact number was difficult to judge.

But judging from its size and power, there are probably as many as a hundred pieces of kneaded treasures!

Treasures of this size, forcibly kneading the day after tomorrow, even the top refining masters may not be able to do it.

Before kneading and sacrificing, the difficulty of selecting materials is also beyond imagination!

Immortal-rank remnant treasures are powerful, and even treasures with the same attributes have a huge repulsion and estrangement between them.

Not to mention dozens of magic weapons with different breaths and temperaments!

If you want to select nearly a hundred treasures that can be perfectly integrated, it means that you need to select from a relatively large treasure trove.

Who can have such a handwriting?

At this moment, the eyes of everyone looking at Xian Jue became scorching hot!

Not to mention other things, if you can win such a heavy treasure, it is also a huge gain.

Dozens of local experts rushed over impatiently, preparing to besiege Jiang Tian and capture this treasure at the same time.

But the next moment, a scene that shocked them appeared!

Jiang Tian suddenly put away Xian Jue!

With a flicker of his body, he suddenly appeared above dozens of local powers.


"What does he want to do"

Bang blah blah!

Before the words fell, a black lightning spurted out in Jiang Tian's eyes, and suddenly burst open.

"Damn 1

"No 1


The screams resounded through the void, and the moment the black lightning exploded, they submerged into the sea of ​​​​these people, causing them to hold their heads and scream in agony, rolling in the air.

Black lightning, it is Nie Lei!

On the edge, there were still a few people who were lucky enough to escape the attack of Nie Lei, and retreated without saying a word.

"die 1


Jiang Tian suddenly disappeared with a loud shout.

He didn't go to harvest those who were wounded in Shenhai first, because they were no longer a threat.

The real threat is actually these few fish that slip through the net!


"Ah 1

Ziguang suddenly appeared, Jiang Tian banged and killed one person, and disappeared again in the same place!

Buzz Buzz!

In an instant, he flashed several times in succession, and every time he flashed, one person was beheaded by him.

In a short period of time, these few fish that slipped through the net fell to nothing!

"Blast Sword 1

Boom boom boom!


Jiang Tian popped out a purple sword intent, and effortlessly harvested the dozens of local powers who had been injured by Shenhai.


With a grasp of his right hand, dozens of storage rings fell into his hand.

"Who else is coming to die?"

Jiang Tian glanced at the void and asked sharply.


Everyone sucked in a breath, and no one dared to shoot again for a while.

"This son, too enchanting 1

"His methods are too strong, and I can't beat him.

"Back 1

Everyone turned their heads and walked away, no longer entangled.

The strength of the opponent is too strong, they have no chance of winning, and they can only die if they stay.

No matter how good the opportunity is, you have to live to enjoy it.

If you can't even save your life, do you want a chance to have a fart?


Everyone fled frantically at a faster speed than when they came, and in an instant, the void returned to calm.


At this time, the advanced visions of Wei Feng and Wei Yu gradually began to decline.

The intertwined giant fire pillars also retreated.

After the vision subsided, Jiang Tian waved his hand to disperse the space barrier and stepped down.

"In the early days of the star realm, son, we have become 1

"The power in the early days of the star realm is too strong, thank you son for protecting the law for us 1

Wei Feng and Wei Yu had reached their realm, and they thanked Jiang Tian excitedly.

"Congratulations 1

Jiang Tian smiled and congratulated them.

"All of this is all cultivated by the son, without the son, our sisters would have already become two dead bones.

"Young Master's kindness and virtue, we will never forget 1

The two sisters thanked them again, tears welling up in their eyes.

The mood is even more difficult for a long time!

They came from the lower world and suffered so much inhuman suffering that their fate was not changed until the moment they met Jiang Tian.

In just a few short years, they have advanced to the starry sky, which is something they could never imagine in their dreams!

"The world of martial arts is dangerous and abnormal, and the 'critical Dao domain' is full of dangers. Although you have advanced, you should not be careless, and you should not wander rashly alone.

"Don't worry, son, we understand 1

The two sisters nodded.

Although they broke through to the starry sky ahead of time, their combat power is far beyond the same level in the middle domain.

But in the final analysis, it is still incomparable with Jiang Tian.

In front of the middle-level warriors, they may have the power to protect themselves, and even have certain advantages.

In front of the local powers, they are still at a disadvantage, and they must not be blindly confident.

But at least this way, they don't have to hide in the Zixuan Realm all the time, and they have a certain space for movement.

"It's a pity that we took up that opportunity, and the young master also left a regret. How can we make up for it?"

Wei Feng smiled wryly.

Of course, what she said was "extreme fireworks essence", which is a rare treasure on the list of heaven.

But it was given to them by Jiang Tian, ​​which facilitated their advancement.

"No regrets, 'Extreme Fireworks' means more to you than me, and I am not without gains."

Jiang Tian smiled lightly.

It is the emergence of "extreme fireworks essence" that has contributed to the transformation of "real fire of incinerators".

If not for this opportunity, I am afraid that "the real fire of burning weapons" will not be so easy to achieve, and Xian Jue will not have this new sacrifice and power improvement.

In general, he has nothing to regret, because this is already the best arrangement.



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