Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6643: It's been a long time, Jiang Tian!

Chapter 6643 Long time no see, Jiang Tian!


Jiang Tian sacrificed the space pattern to resist the impact of the blue spiritual power.

At the same time, there was a scream of a martial artist.

Looking up, I saw that a woman was making a frantic shot, killing more than ten local powers in an instant!

"What a strong strength, hey, this breath... how is it familiar?"

Jiang Tian frowned, feeling the breath silently.

The breath of the blue aura gave him a feeling of deja vu.

The thoughts in his mind flew, and his face immediately sank!

"It was her!"

Jiang Tian thought of a person.

A person who has had several contacts but has not seen many.

A mysterious evildoer in the middle domain!

But he did not leave the ground, because the golden vines were still firmly there.

Such a violent change still failed to shake it.

However, the heavenly meaning it exudes is slowly diminishing.

It is obviously not wise to leave at this time!

"Friend Jiang, it's been a long time!"

A blue figure stepped down and stopped above Jiang Tian.

"Lan Yi, it really is you!"

Jiang Tian looked at each other coldly.

This woman is none other than the mysterious woman who entered the "dusty secret realm" with him to find the Nine Orifices Qishan - Lan Yi!

At the end of the treasure hunt, they found that Jiuqiao Mountain was not in the dusty secret realm.

Lan Yi left early, while Jiang Tian went to Shenyuan Island and captured Jiuqiao Mountain on behalf of the Xuangui of Tunshan.

In the dusty secret realm, he had many contacts with Lan Yi.

The two are not friends, but they are not enemies either.

All I can say is, neither enemy nor friend!

And what was once a competitor is still a competitor now!

"Jiang Tian, ​​I heard that you got Jiuqiao Mountain, but you didn't give it to the Yun family?"

"Not bad." Jiang Tian did not deny it.

"You're really lucky, how about we make a deal?"

"Trade?" Jiang Tian's eyes were slightly cold.

Hearing this, the other party must be plotting Jiuqiao Mountain.


Lan Yi said with a smile: "I give you this opportunity of heaven, how about you give me Jiuqiao Mountain?"

"Give it to me?"

Jiang Tian sneered.

But at the same time, he also noticed the reactions of some local powers around him.

They seemed to be intimidated by Lan Yi, and no one dared to approach for a while!

And I have to say that after a few months of absence, Lan Yi's strength has reached a shocking level.

Killing more than ten local powers with ease is no worse than him!

"No reason!"

"It's another Central Region enchanting!"

"I didn't expect that there are so many super monsters born in the Central Territory today!"

"This is definitely not a good thing for our 'critical Dao domain'!"

Everyone's faces were extremely ugly, and there was deep fear in their eyes.

"How, am I qualified to say that?"

Lan Yi had a smile on his face, and there was an aloof momentum in his words.

"No!" Jiang Tian shook his head and sneered, "I, Jiang Tian, ​​never like to do business, so put your mind off!"

"Giggle, I knew you would be like this, and since that's the case, then I'm welcome."

Lan Yi was not surprised.

Stepping down, the target is directed at the golden monster vine.

"If that's the case, then I won't let this heavenly treasure!"

Jiang Tian sneered: "The chance of heaven is originally a thing without owner, and you keep saying it as if it is something in your name, it's ridiculous!"

"Then try it!"

With a mysterious smile on the corner of Lan Yi's mouth, he waved his hand and took it towards the golden monster vine.

Jiang Tian sneered, disapprovingly.

But the next moment, a scene that shocked him appeared!


A big blue hand grabbed it in the air, and the golden vine, which was stable as a mountain, began to shake!


Jiang Tian's face changed!

He tried all his strength and tried to no avail before, why did Lan Yi move the golden vine as soon as he shot it?

Don't you need to wait for the will of Heaven to dissipate?


At this moment, Jiang Tian immediately realized that something was wrong.

Although Lan Yi's strength has far surpassed the past, he has no obvious advantage over him.

If the two played against each other, he had absolute confidence in defeating each other.

But why does this golden vine quickly shake with the arrival of the other party?

There must be some reason he doesn't know!


Jiang Tian looked at Lan Yi again, and suddenly sensed that the other party exuded some kind of mysterious charm.

"Heavenly Chance!"

He got it!

Lan Yi also got some kind of heavenly opportunity, which may be one of the reasons why the opponent's strength has soared.

"No wonder!"

In an instant, he guessed a possibility!

The reason why the golden vines cannot be shaken is probably due to some special rules.

Relying on him alone is not enough, and with the arrival of another Heavenly Dao chance winner, the situation has changed!

This is also the reason why Lan Yi can shake this treasure!


Jiang Tian snorted coldly, and the spiritual energy of the space surged out, ready to grab the treasure first.

Unexpectedly, Lan Yi responded very quickly!

He waved a palm print with his left hand, directly blocking Jiang Tian's shot.

Boom... boom boom!

The blue palm print and the space spiritual power are in a stalemate, and the other giant blue palm grabs the golden monster vine and lifts it upwards.


Accompanied by a loud noise of shaking the ground, the golden vine and the giant stone pillar around it were pulled up abruptly.

"Come out, do it!"

At this time, the local powers couldn't hold their breath anymore!

At least dozens of people launched an attack, preparing to forcibly seize the golden vines.

Their goal is to point directly at Lan Yi!

Because they have already seen that Lan Yi has the initiative at this moment.

Jiang Tian was pinned down by the other party and had already lost the opportunity.

But at the same time, he also dragged Lan Yi, and at this time, as long as everyone launched a siege, it would be easy to succeed.


The violent roar resounded through the void, and everyone made a frantic attack to besiege Lan Yi.

"court death!"

Lan Yi clenched his right hand tightly, clutching the golden monster vine tightly in the air, waved his left hand forward, and drew a blue pattern in the air to resist the crowd's wild attack.

Bang, click!


Although there are more than one enemy, Lan Yi's aura is not at all disadvantaged.

While blocking the crowd's mad attack, he squeezed his left hand a little harder.



The blue pattern burst open, and the dozen or so local powers in the front were instantly engulfed and turned into corpses!

More than a dozen people in the back were also severely injured, and everyone was forced to retreat again and again, scolding.

But with the arrival of more and more local powerhouses, no less than two hundred local powerhouses have gathered in this void.

Although some people were injured, no one could really resist the temptation of heaven's chance.

Soon, the local powers began to attack again.

And this time, more than a hundred people rushed towards Lan Yi.

Lan Yi threw out three blue array patterns in succession to resist, and everyone who had been prepared for a long time immediately stepped back and shot from a distance.

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