
"Everyone, farewell!"

"Goodbye by fate!"


Before the words fell, the three of Si Yuer broke through the air and escaped.

They are indeed going after that fairy treasure!

Of course, if there are other heavenly opportunities, they will naturally not miss it.

Every chance of heaven is a rare treasure!

Once they get it, it is a great blessing for them, and it may allow them to directly break through the next bottleneck.

No one can take too many opportunities like this!


The top of a giant peak in the depths of the "Critical Dao Region".

"Young master, your physical body has advanced!"

"Congratulations, son, congratulations, son!"

Wei Feng and Wei Yu had just left the Zixuan Realm, and when they learned the news of the physical advancement, they quickly congratulated Jiang Tian.

The real dragon hegemony body is extremely powerful.

At this moment, Jiang Tian doesn't need to make a move, just showing a little bit of physical power makes them feel shocked!

Jiang Tian smiled and said: "Now I can easily crush the local powers of the 'critical Dao domain' with only the power of flesh and blood, and other means do not need to be used at all."

"too strong!"

"Such a powerful body, I'm afraid it has reached the level of an immortal treasure, right?"

Wei Feng and Wei Yu were overjoyed.

They have seen too many immortal-rank remnants. Even now, there are hundreds of immortal-rank remnants in Jiang Tian's hands!

But any immortal-rank remnant treasure cannot reach the point where it can easily crush the local power.

This means that Jiang Tian's physical strength has surpassed that of the immortal treasure, and it is likely to be close to or even reach the level of the immortal treasure!

"Immortal treasure?" Jiang Tian smiled indifferently, "I haven't seen a treasure of that level, but at least the power of this treasure is somewhat inferior to my physical strength!"


Jiang Tian waved his right hand and called out the Immortal Jue!

"My God!"

"Xian Jue!"

The two sisters were shocked!

This is a large-scale magic weapon made from the combination of ninety-nine-eighty-one immortal-rank remnants!

Moreover, it has also been refined by Jiang Tian for the second time, and its power is stronger than when it was formed the first time.

But now, it is obviously lagging behind and has been surpassed by Jiang Tian's physical power.

"Do you like it?" Jiang Tian asked with a smile.

"Like... like?" Wei Feng hesitated, not understanding why Jiang Tian asked this question.

"Of course I like it!"

Wei Yu's eyes lit up, and she hurriedly replied.

"Hehe, since you like it, I'll give it to you!"

"Young Master?" Wei Feng was surprised and happy, even a little scared.

She is well aware of the weight of this magic weapon, even if it is surpassed by the power of the flesh, it is not something that can be given away casually.

"Sister, what are you still doing?"

Wei Yu was not polite.

In fact, she has coveted this magic weapon for too long!

Since Jiang Tian succeeded in refining for the first time, she has been thinking about this treasure.

And now, Jiang Tian finally waved his hand and rewarded them with this treasure!

"But son, this treasure is also very important to you!"

Wei Feng looked at Wei Yu with a look of embarrassment.

"It doesn't have the power of Immortal Jue, even if you practice it again, there will be no obvious change, but for you, it is still an ideal body protection magic weapon!"

Jiang Tian waved his hand gently, not caring.

"Thank you so much for your reward, Wei Yu really doesn't know how to repay your son?"

Wei Yu took it over excitedly, unable to restrain her gratitude.

Jiang Tian smiled lightly: "How's the Golden Thunder Demon Falcon?"

"The Golden Thunder Demon Falcon's injuries have almost recovered, but with its strength, it may not be easy to protect itself in this 'critical Dao region'."

Wei Feng opened a spirit beast ring and released the Golden Thunder Demon Falcon.

It had been healing for some time before, and now it has basically recovered.

"The mid-level fourteen, and the mid-level fourteen that grew up in the mid-level environment, is indeed a bit weak."

Jiang Tian felt the breath of the Golden Thunder Demon Falcon, and he did lag a bit.

With the current demon power, even if you enter the late fourteenth level, it is impossible to compete with the same-level powerhouses in the "critical Dao domain".

"Here are some storage rings of local demon cultivators, see if there are any that can help them advance."

Jiang Tian gave Weifeng a dozen storage rings and asked her to take care of them.

"Thank you master for the reward!"

Jin Lei Yao Falcon quickly thanked him.

For it, this is a great opportunity!

"It doesn't have to be like this. It is the most important thing to advance as soon as possible. Otherwise, if you continue like this, you will be overtaken by them."

Only then did Jin Lei Yao Falcon notice that the two sisters had already entered the early stage of the starry sky.

It is already on the same level as it!

"The little demon will definitely not disappoint the master!"


Jiang Tian waved his hand, and the Golden Thunder Falcon immediately returned to the spirit beast ring.

"Master, why are those local great masters fleeing to the south, what are they doing, is there a chance of heaven in the south?"

Wei Feng looked to the southwest and was quite puzzled.

At the end of the line of sight, there are local powers passing by from time to time.

Some people may have noticed a trace of their breath, but no one changed course, and no one was willing to stay.

"If I guessed correctly, they should be searching for fairy treasures!"


"Will there be immortal treasures in the critical Dao region?"

The sisters were surprised!

Immortal treasure, that is an existence that truly surpasses immortal-rank remnants!

The immortal art that Jiang Tian gave them is already extremely powerful, and it is also a heavyweight magic weapon that surpasses immortal rank remnants.

But compared with the real fairy treasure, it is obviously not enough!

"If the son has the immortal treasure in his hand, wouldn't his combat power be even more defiant?"

Wei Yu looked at Jiang Tian excitedly.

"With Immortal Treasure in hand, I am naturally more confident, but the matter of chance is not under my control."

Jiang Tian smiled and looked calm.

There are too many local powers in pursuit of immortal treasures, even if he has the advantage of strength, it is difficult to take the lead.

"But I do have to fight!"

"I know, we're going in again!"

Wei Yu pouted, obviously a little depressed.

"Sister!" Wei Feng glared at her, looking annoyed.

"Hee hee, it's nothing, the son is also for our own good, but when the conditions allow, please ask the son to let us out. We must do our best to cultivate and strive to advance to the stage as soon as possible, so that the son will not be held back!"

"it is good!"

Jiang Tian nodded and smiled, then waved the two sisters into the independent space of Zixuanjie.

Then open the "Empty Transformation Array" and flee to the south!

A few days later, in the extreme depths of the critical path, above a certain desert.

Suddenly, blood light rose from the rolling yellow sand, and the scorching blood filled the void, exuding a majestic **** aura!

At the same time, there is even a trace of fluctuations in the will of heaven!



"what is that?"

The warriors near and far were stunned by the sudden change in front of them!

Although I don't know the reason for the vision in front of me, it is clear that such a violent change is not a sign of a great evil, or a sign of a strange treasure.

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