Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6676: Burning umbrella

Burning umbrella

Everyone looked at each other, lost in thought.

"This is just a guess, that is to say, some treasures are beyond the Heavenly Dao Ranking and are not completely influenced by the Heavenly Dao chance, but this does not mean that they cannot carry the Heavenly Dao luck!"


"Goodbye fellow Daoist!"

Everyone nodded deeply and looked at the giant yellow umbrella.

Obviously, this treasure is one of the rare treasures that the other party said was not included in the Heavenly Dao Ranking.

"Wait!" An old man in black robe suddenly changed his face slightly: "I suddenly remembered the ancient martial arts legend recorded in a certain book, in that legend, there is a treasure that covers the sky and the sun, it seems to be a giant umbrella !"

"Oh, what kind of treasure is that?"

Everyone asked.

The black-robed old man said solemnly: "According to the records of the classics, that treasure possesses the might of a powerful flame, and at the same time contains nine kinds of heaven and earth spirit fires, called... Burning the Heavenly Umbrella!"

"Burning Umbrella?"

"Hey! I've heard of it too!"

"Is it actually this treasure?"

Everyone looked at the giant yellow umbrella, and the more they looked, the more shocked they became.

Those nine kinds of spirit patterns are like nine kinds of flames, and the mysterious aura they emit is inseparable from the flames.

"It seems that most of it is!"

"It turned out to burn the sky umbrella. I didn't expect this treasure to be reproduced here!"

"But such a heavy treasure, why didn't it make it to the Heavenly Dao Ranking?"

"Perhaps it is as I guessed before, it is not subject to the will of Heaven, and it is beyond the list of Heaven!"


The eyes of the crowd became extremely greedy.

There is no doubt that if all the speculations are true, the value of this treasure will be higher than other heavenly treasures.

"It is said that once the Burning Umbrella is activated, it can burn the sky and refine the earth, transforming everything!"

"The starry sky warrior holding the burning umbrella is enough to sweep the same level, and even encountering a god-level power, he has a certain self-protection power!"

"This exotic treasure has another benefit. Because it contains nine different types of heaven and earth, it has unimaginable benefits for both alchemists and alchemists!"


Everyone gasped, their eyes became extremely greedy, and at this moment there was a strong greed in their hearts.

Such a rare treasure, whose value has exceeded its own power, comes with many additional benefits.

"Make sure to take it!"

"Go ahead!"

More than a dozen local powers immediately began to take action, all of them were greedy and determined to win.

Taking advantage of the fact that there are still few people, their chances of winning the treasure are at least one in ten.

If we wait for the arrival of a large number of powerful people in the future, the situation will only become more chaotic.

Everyone was madly breathing, ready to **** this exotic treasure.

But they soon discovered that there was another person in this void, a strange young man they did not know!

This child was shrouded in blood, exuding a strange aura.

He hadn't said a word before, and had been staring at the giant yellow umbrella.

"Burning Umbrella?"

Longdie murmured to himself, his eyes shining brightly.

When he was cultivating the Holy Venerable Vessel, he had consulted a large number of ancient books of the clan, and had also seen some records related to it.

This treasure, he once thought that it had disappeared in the history of martial arts in the Central Territory.

I didn't expect to meet you in the "Critical Dao Domain"!

If you meet it, you must take it!


Dragon Butterfly ignored those local powers, and moved directly to the giant umbrella.

"Stop him!"

"This person seems to be a martial artist from the Central Region. Why does he have the aura of a local fellow?"

"This person is overflowing with blood and energy, and he has obviously swallowed up many local fellows!"

The breath emanating from Longdie made everyone very uncomfortable.

At this moment, more than a dozen warriors immediately turned around and attacked him.

"Boy, you can't get the Burning Umbrella. If you want to fight with us, then die!"


Before he finished speaking, the local power was smashed by a dragon-shaped giant claw!



"It's so strong?"

Everyone's expressions changed greatly and they immediately retreated.

After killing one person, Longdie did not continue to shoot, but came under the giant umbrella and raised his hand to touch the handle of the umbrella.

Why just touch and not hold?

Because the giant umbrella is a thousand feet in size, the handle of the umbrella alone is more than ten feet thick!

Such an umbrella handle is obviously not something that one hand can hold.

Om, rumbling!

The moment Longdie's right hand touched the handle of the umbrella, the whole body of Fen Tian's umbrella trembled, and the billowing yellow madly rolled backwards, covering him.

"No, he's going to succeed!"

"Calm down, things are not that simple!"

More than a dozen local experts stared at the scene in front of them, already aware that the situation was unusual.


At the moment when the dazzling yellow light shrouded down, an inexplicable pressure fell on Longdie.

Ka Ka... rumbling!

The dragon butterfly's body shook violently, and there was a sour noise in the body, as if some could not bear the pressure.

"As expected!"

"How can the Burning Umbrella be an ordinary treasure? Under the umbrella, he must be unable to resist the coercion of the giant umbrella!"

"See how he protects himself?"

Everyone sneered, thankful that they did not have blind impulses.

If they take the first shot, the terror has been hit hard by the coercion of the giant umbrella at this moment.

Seeing that Longdie was in it, they seemed to have seen the scene of this person being suppressed and finally seriously injured and fell.

But what happened next was not what they expected.

"A thing without a master wants to suppress me too? Humph!"

Longdie smiled coldly, and there was a hint of mockery in his eyes.

If he first entered the "critical Dao domain", he might panic at this moment.

But now, he has not only been reborn through calamity, but also integrated the opportunity of heaven, and his strength has skyrocketed several times.

With such confidence, he is confident that he can take down the Burning Sky Umbrella!


Boom... roar!

The breath of Dragon Butterfly soared, and the breath of blood gushed out, spreading upward along the umbrella handle, as if blood dragons were crawling.



"Dragon blood, he turned out to be dragon blood!"

Everyone's face changed!

This powerful evildoer in the Central Territory actually came from the Dragon Clan.

Rumble... rumble!

The giant yellow umbrella trembled, the blood-colored aura crawled wildly, and finally all submerged into the umbrella handle.


The giant umbrella hummed strangely, and under a burst of brilliance, it began to shrink.

In an instant, it turned into a normal-sized yellow umbrella, which was held by Longdie!

At this moment, the dragon butterfly closed his eyes slightly, as if he was feeling something silently.



"It was taken by him!"

The faces of the local powers changed!

They all sensed danger.

Although it was still calm at the moment, it was like the silence before the storm.


"Come on!"

Everyone's reaction was also decisive. Seeing that there was no hope of winning the treasure, they immediately prepared to withdraw.

At this moment, Longdie suddenly opened his eyes!

"Don't go, let you feel the power of Burning Sky Umbrella!"

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