Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6684: obliterate


The expressions of the two of them changed!

"Elder, rest assured, we will never talk nonsense!"

The two looked at each other, and both saw the fear and fear on each other's faces.

Elder Yinchuan can do it if he can say it.

But it was the first time in the world that such a severe warning was given to these two confidants!

Yinchuan looked at the silver cage illusion in front of him, and the light in his eyes flickered uncertainly.

There are already huge waves in my heart, and I have full vision for the future!

"With this beast, the old man will no longer be limited by the resources of the sect, and this long-troubling bottleneck will be broken in the shortest possible time!"

Yinchuan fantasized about all kinds of moving scenes of spirit-devouring beasts hunting for treasure, and the excitement in his heart could not be restrained.

Now, he is in the "critical Dao domain", and the appearance of this spirit-devouring beast is just right.

After subduing the Soul Eater, he will immediately start a treasure hunt in the "Critical Dao Region".

The primary goal is not the chance of heaven, but those rare spiritual veins!

Why do this?

the reason is simple!

Although the opportunity of heaven is precious, it is the target that everyone is watching and vying for.

Although his current strength has a slight advantage, if he faces the siege of hundreds of top powerhouses, he may not be able to have the last laugh.

But if you break the bottleneck and enter the realm of gods, it will be completely different!

At that time, his strength will reach the level of detachment.

It will be the only one in the entire "Critical Dao Region"!

At that time, when he went to compete for the opportunity of heaven, he would grab it, and the risk was greatly reduced.

And if you want to enter the realm of the gods, what you need is the support of the spiritual veins!

This is why he decided to search for the spiritual veins first after taking down the Spirit Devouring Beast.

"The critical Dao domain is opened, and there must be more than one rare spiritual vein that emerges. Yin's luck has finally arrived!"

Looking forward to the upcoming soaring strength, Yinchuan is already elated!

He raised his right hand and directly plunged into the silver cage illusion, grabbed the Spirit-Swallowing Mouse, and prepared to suppress and subdue it.


"Squeak... Squeak!"

The Spirit-Swallowing Rat struggled sharply, but was unable to break free from the old man's shackles for a while, roaring and furious.

Just as the old man was about to forcibly suppress it, a woman in a blue shirt suddenly appeared opposite.

"Who are you?"

Yinchuan's face changed suddenly, and his heart was horrified!

This woman appeared silently and extremely suddenly, making him defenseless.

If the other party makes a sneak attack, he may have been attacked at this moment!

"Its owner."

The blue-shirted woman said lightly.

"Its owner?"

The silver-robed old man's face sank as he carefully looked at the other party.

For a while, he could not see through the cultivation of the woman in blue.

This woman seems to have used some kind of concealment technique, but she is young, and at most is a half-step god.

"You are not a native martial artist, you are a person from the Central Territory!"

After looking around for a while, a sinister smile appeared on the corner of Yinchuan's mouth.

The woman in the green shirt did not have the aura of a local martial artist in the "critical Dao domain", and she deliberately concealed her cultivation, obviously not wanting to be seen through.

This shows that she should come from the Central Territory and is a demon from the Central Territory.

But no matter how strong the evildoer of the Central Region is, he is also an ant in front of him!

"Get out now, the old man can keep you for a while..."


Before the words were finished, the old man's body burst into a cloud of blood!



"Obliteration, this is obliteration!"

The two silver-robed middle-aged people were suddenly terrified!

The first person under the Yinyue Sect God Realm, Elder Yinchuan, a half-step God Realm powerhouse, was wiped out in an instant.

Although he fought back, and even resisted the reaction, he was completely destroyed.

Needless to say, the difference in strength between the two is extremely large!

"Are you a group, let's go together."

The blue-shirted woman said lightly, and then raised her right hand slightly.

"no no!"

"we are not……"

Bang, bang!

Before the words were finished, the two exploded into a blood mist.

The woman in the blue shirt has always kept her eyes light and expressionless.

After obliterating the three, he gently waved his hand, and the silver cage phantom array melted away like ice and snow.

Revealing the spirit-swallowing rat inside.

"Roar... squeak?"

The Soul Swallowing Rat was in a furious stall and wanted to vent frantically.

But after seeing the woman in the blue shirt, she instantly stopped, and her small eyes showed deep panic.

This is an existence that it cannot afford to provoke at all!

Although the silver-robed old man just now is also very powerful, it is not without the strength to struggle.

But in front of this green-robed woman, it didn't dare to mess around and could only admit it.

The green-shirted woman caught the Spirit-Swallowing Mouse again.

Motivated the spiritual force to feel a little, and slowly shook his head.

"Recognize the master contract?"

A trace of disdain flashed in the eyes of the woman in the green shirt, and the powerful spiritual power was injected into the body of the swallowing mouse, forcibly erasing the contract.

"Squeak... Squeak?"

The Soul Swallowing Mouse was completely stunned!

With its current intelligence, of course it knows what that means.

Even the contract of acknowledging the master can be erased, this blue-shirted woman's methods are really terrifying!

The key is that after the woman in the blue shirt erased the master recognition contract, she also cut off its connection with Jiang Tian.

As a result, Jiang Tian couldn't do it if he wanted to sense its position!

"Squeak... roar... squeak?"

The swallowing rat roared anxiously, but was afraid of the opponent's strength, and the roar sounded extremely depressing.

"Why, you don't want to?"

The woman in the blue shirt frowned slightly, as if a little surprised.

Staring at the Soul Swallowing Mouse for a moment, he shook his head and smiled.

"It seems your former master treated you well."

When the Spirit-Swallowing Mouse heard the words, his eyes lit up, as if he had some kind of expectation.

But the next moment, the woman in green said: "But from now on, you will have a new master, and that is me!"


As the green-robed woman spoke, a powerful restraining contract was planted in her body.

The power of the contract spread all over the body, and the spirit-devouring rat's breath changed drastically.

At this moment, its gaze towards the green-robed woman has become filled with awe and fear.

But the woman in the green shirt could still see a trace of unwillingness in his eyes.

"Still unable to forget your former master?"

"Squeak... Squeak!" The Soul Swallowing Mouse nodded.

"In this case, take me to find him, and I will explain to him." The green shirt woman smiled.


The swallowing rat's small eyes shrank, as if he heard something terrible.

He immediately shook his head in fright.

The green-robed woman smiled lightly: "The old contract has been erased, the new one has been reached, and you still have your heart in the old master, I'm curious, what kind of person is that person, why not..."

The green-shirted woman raised her hand and pinched a trick, ready to perform some kind of secret technique.

Suddenly there was an illusory gray figure floating in the void next to him.

"Little Master, it's time for us to go, no matter how late, we'll miss the time for the 'fairy spirit event'!"

The woman in the blue shirt frowned slightly when she heard the words, and there was a hint of helplessness in her eyes.

"Daolian has just opened, and fairy spirits have come into the world. I don't know what will be born this time?"

"The old servant doesn't know, but no matter what is born, it will have a huge impact on the future of God's Domain!"

"Hehe, I really want to know, which is more powerful than this little guy in my hand?" The woman in blue asked with a half-smile.

"Little Master be careful!" The gray figure's face changed slightly, and there was a trace of fear in his voice.

The woman in the green shirt shook her head and sighed: "It's really boring, it seems that you are destined to miss your former master, little guy, let's go."

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