Red Shadow

The thunder light exploded, setting off a loud noise.

Jiang Tian was horrified!

Because this is not the real explosion of Lei Li, but the scene of the thunder array being blasted by a giant palm.

In other words, the Qianzhang Thunder Array was unable to exert its full power at all, and was crushed and collapsed by the ten thousand feet of palm prints.

Rumble boom!

The terrifying coercion fell down, as if a giant mountain was pressing on him, and the pressure was still rising sharply.

Kaka Kaka... bang bang!

His physical body reached its limit in an instant, and there was a disturbing abnormal sound from within, as if it was about to collapse before the palm print fell.

At this time, Jiang Tian has no choice!

Although he still has all kinds of trump cards, it is too late to display them.

If he played his hole cards directly at the beginning of the fight, it might be another situation.

But Long Xuan's strength is too strong, even if he plays all kinds of cards now, he can't turn the situation around before the giant palm slams down.


Jiang Tian roared wildly, and threw out a bunch of immortal-rank remnants at the fastest speed!

He was too late to count the numbers, let alone whether they were enough or not.

While throwing out these immortal-rank relics, he desperately urged them to self-destruct.

Boom boom boom... click... boom boom boom!

The terrifying roar resounded through the void, and in this instant, at least dozens of immortal-rank remnants were thrown out by him.

Long Xuan was surprised when he saw this scene.

Immortal-rank remnants, in his eyes, are just ordinary things.

But what surprised him was that Jiang Tian actually had so many immortal rank remnants in his hands!

But with so many immortal-rank remnants, it was too late to explode all of them.

Only a dozen of them were forcibly detonated by Jiang Tian.

Most of the rest were suppressed by the mad power of the huge palm, some collapsed on the spot, and some were directly plunged into the ground by Zhenfei.

"So you want to stop the old man's bombardment? Naive, ridiculous!"

Long Xuan shouted violently, and pressed his right hand in the empty space.


The huge palm suddenly accelerated, crushing the raging waves of the self-destruction of more than a dozen immortal-rank remnants, and blasting the void violently.


Jiang Tian let out a scream, and was enveloped by a huge palm.

As the giant palm fell, a terrifying giant pit appeared on the ground!

"do you died?"

Longdie looked at the giant pit, and saw that the spiritual power was soaring, and the smoke and dust filled the air.

Can't see what's inside at all.

"How can I not die after being hit so hard by this old man... eh?"

When Long Xuan spoke, his face suddenly sank!

One of the right hand, immediately grabbed to the giant pit.

Drink like thunder in your mouth!

"Who dares to play tricks in front of this old man, get out of here!"

As his right hand grabbed out, a golden palm print flashed out of thin air into the giant pit.

But at the same time, a strange red flame rose up!


This red flame seemed to burn everything, and as soon as Fang appeared, the void distorted and collapsed. At the moment when the golden light palm print grabbed it, the red flame was also burned and began to melt inch by inch.

"Burning flames! Burning flames?"

Long Xuan's face changed slightly, and there was a look of surprise in his eyes.

With a push from the right hand, the golden palm print accelerated out with the burning of the red flames, trying to forcefully grab the person at the bottom of the pit.


There was a roar, and a group of red flames, wrapped in a figure, rose into the sky and drilled into the clouds, disappearing without a trace.

"Could it be... is she?"

Longdie's face was a little ugly.

The power of the red flame just now was terrifying, but it gave him a strange feeling of deja vu.

Feeling carefully, but a little strange.

But he felt that it was very much like someone he had just feuded against!

"Hmph, it's all the old man's carelessness, but the Fen Xuyan body is well-deserved. It is said that the birth conditions of this physique are extremely strict, but I didn't expect to meet it here. Hidden danger!"

Long Xuan looked at the direction in which Chi Yan disappeared, and touched his chin thoughtfully.

"Elder, Jiang Tian he..."

"Most of them are dead." Long Xuan said lightly.

"Mostly?" Longdie's face froze, obviously hesitant.

"Why, are you doubting the strength of this old man?"

"Junior dare not!"

Longdie's face turned pale, and she waved her hands again and again.

"Hmph, being hit by the old man's giant palm, even if the body does not collapse, the bloodline must have been broken, and this son will surely die!"

"Elder, do you want to chase after him?"

"Do you want to use the old man as a spearman to eliminate future troubles for you, or do you think the old man has a lot of time to accompany you around here?"

Long Xuan asked in a deep voice, his eyes grim.

"Junior dare not!" Long Die's heart was stunned, and her eyes turned: "It's just that Jiang Tian has several opportunities in heaven, and his blood is very valuable. It is a huge regret that these things fall into the hands of others. If the elder can take it These opportunities must be a great harvest!"

"There is some truth to what you said, but that person is the 'Fen Void Flame Body'. Since he has escaped, the old man will not be easily found."

"If this is the case, Jiang Tian's chance will be cheaper than that person!" Long Die shook her head and sighed, her face full of regret.

"Forget it, old man, let's continue your search with you!"

"Elder is wise!"

Long Xuan immediately cast a secret technique and searched for Jiang Tian's traces again.

Compared with the previous search, this time he was more confident.

Because of the blood congestion that Jiang Tian vomited here, he was able to accurately locate his trail.

But after some searching, he could not find the target.

"It seems that the man escaped faster than I thought."

"Could he still escape the 'Critical Dao Domain'?" Longdie asked.

Long Xuan did not answer this question.

After a moment of silence, he waved his hand, and rolled up the dragon butterfly and fled away.


The southern edge of the "critical zone".

A crimson flame quickly escaped in the void.

The way this red flame escapes is quite peculiar!

It scorched through the void with terrifying flame power, and fled in the void, rather than swept away in the normal way.

Therefore, it did not leave any traces in the void.

It was only after escaping very far that he turned around and swept down through the void.


Chi Yan restrained, and a woman in a fire-patterned robe appeared.

In her arms, lay a comatose man.

The woman is none other than Wei Yu!

It's just that in the eyes she looked at Jiang Tian, ​​there was no longer the innocence and straightforwardness of the past.

It is filled with deep regret, self-blame, and indescribable complex colors.

"This time, it's you who cares!"

Wei Yu shook her head and sighed, and put Jiang Tian down gently.

After he took out a few storage rings on his body, his nervous expression finally eased.

On these storage rings, there is still a faint breath of Wei Feng.

She clutched the storage rings tightly, and tears seemed to fall from her eyes.

But the tears have not yet fallen, but they are dried by the red flames condensed in the pupils!

She opened the storage rings one by one and kept searching in them.

Finally, come up with a special elixir!

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