Heaven-devouring Dragon Emperor

Chapter 6697: The realm of the gods a thousand years ago?

Chapter 6697 The realm of the gods a thousand years ago?


The huge gap at the top directly interrupted the large pattern.

In the terrifying loud noise, the white light burst apart and began to collapse completely.


"What's going on, why did the big formation suddenly collapse?"

"There's someone there!"


In an instant, dozens of figures rose from the Huoyang Sect and surrounded Jiang Tian.

"Who is coming?"

"Why did you destroy my Nine Meridian Spirit Gathering Formation?"

"Well, this person turned out to be... the pinnacle of the Star River Realm?"

"What are you kidding?"

The warriors surrounding Jiang Tian were instantly stunned after finding out his cultivation base!

This foreign warrior who collapsed the Nine Veins Gathering Array is actually just a "junior" at the peak of the Galaxy Realm?

"Take it!"

An old man roared and rushed forward.

The others did not hesitate and began to besiege Jiang Tian.

The characters who can collapse the Nine Meridian Spirit Gathering Array are obviously not "juniors", but powerful and powerful people who hide their realm.

Dare to break into the Huoyang Sect alone to make trouble, there must be a lot of background!


Jiang Tian didn't wait for the other party to approach, and took the initiative to teleport to the other party, and was caught off guard with a punch.

Bang Ka!

The old man in the middle of the star realm exploded into a cloud of blood!


"Kill him!"

Seeing that the situation was not right, dozens of starry sky powerhouses gathered around at the same time.

Among these people, most of them are in the early stage of the starry sky, half of them are in the middle stage of the starry sky, and there are more than a dozen people in the late stage of the starry sky.

There are only three people in the half-step **** realm!

Such a lineup may be able to sweep the entire Central Territory.

But after experiencing the baptism of the "critical Dao domain", Jiang Tian didn't care anymore.

"Sword Domain!"


The purple-black "sword domain" suddenly unfolded, shrouding them involuntarily.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!


"not good!"

"Get out!"

Everyone's expression changed in shock, as if they were being pressed down by a heavy mountain.

The terrifying sword intent split their body surfaces, crushing more than a dozen early star realms in an instant.

The remaining mid-star and late-stage warriors wanted to escape, but were trapped by the rapidly shrinking "Sword Domain".

Then he was hit by swords and lightning, and he fell to his death!

In the end, there were only three half-step god-level powerhouses left in the formation to forcibly support.

"How can the peak of the Star River Realm be so strong?"

"He must have hidden the realm, it must be!"

"Kill him at any cost!"


The breath of the three half-step **** realm powerhouses soared, ready to forcibly kill Jiang Tian.

In the current situation, either you are dead or I am dead.

If you want to live, you have to work hard!

Jiang Tian didn't give them a chance. With a big wave of his hand, the purple-black "sword domain" shrank sharply.

From the hundred or so zhang just now, it shrank to a dozen zhang in an instant.

The purple-black sword intent was thick and substantial, pressing the three of them into the formation, unable to move.

"Shit...damn it!"

"Who are you... who?"


The three of them are half-step god-level powerhouses, and together with the elder Bai who was killed by Jiang Tian before, they are ranked among the four major enshrinements of the sect.

Jiang Tian stepped on the "Sword Domain" and looked at a few people coldly.

He has no grudges with the Huoyang Sect, but the sect that can make blood sacrifices is obviously not a good sect.

Therefore, he gestured like a thunder without any worries.

"Which direction is the critical path, and how far is it?"

"Critical... Dao Domain?"

The three were very puzzled. An old man on the left looked up at Jiang Tian and wanted to ask something.


The purple light flashed, and Jiang Tian beheaded him.

"answer my question!"


The other two gasped in breath and were horrified.

Facing the fierce **** Jiang Tian, ​​they did not dare to hesitate any longer.

"The 'Critical Dao Region' is in the northwest direction of this place, 10 million miles away!"

"Who is the strongest person in Huoyang Sect?" Jiang Tian asked coldly.

"The strongest... is the Supreme Elder of this sect, who entered the realm of gods a thousand years ago!"

"Why didn't the **** realm a thousand years ago show up?" Jiang Tian asked.

Thousands of years ago, he entered the realm of the gods, and his strength must be extremely strong.

If it is a head-on battle, he is probably not an opponent, and maybe he will be crushed by the opposite direction like when facing Long Xuan.

Entering the God Realm for a thousand years, the opponent's realm may be higher than Long Xuan!

If the other party really makes a move, he must no longer be as "prudent and prudent" as when facing Long Xuan.

You must play a powerful trump card without hesitation at the first time!

"Elder Taishang, his old man, went to Dao Territory three hundred years ago, and so far... has not returned!"

"So, this person doesn't exist anymore?"


Jiang Tian's face sank, and he killed it directly.

The last half-step **** was frightened to death!

"What are you going to do when you launch the Nine Meridian Spirit Gathering Formation?" Jiang Tian asked.

"Back... Back to your lord, we launched the Nine Meridian Spirit Gathering Formation to..."

"For what?" Jiang Tian raised his right hand, eager to kill.

It can be seen that this person has some concerns, and he doesn't want to say anything.

But in the face of Jiang Tian's coercion, he could only reveal the truth.

"It's to help the Sect Master return to the realm of the gods!"

"Return to God Realm?"

"Yes, our Sect Master was knocked down by a powerful enemy. Today, we were trying to re-enter the realm of God through the Nine Veins Gathering Spirit Formation, but unfortunately it was interrupted by the Lord..."

"I see!"

Jiang Tian moved his footsteps and swept out of the "Sword Domain".

The half-step **** realm powerhouse breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that he could save his life.

The next moment, the purple-black "Sword Domain" shrank sharply, crushing him directly!


Jiang Tian took a step forward and came to the front of the Huoyang Sect Hall.

"Where is the Sect Master of Huoyang Sect?"

"Bold madman, do you really think my Huoyang Sect is made of mud?"

A figure swept out of the hall, and his fists slammed.

Two crimson setting sun-like fist shadows suddenly flashed, and they merged into one and slammed into Jiang Tian with terrifying pressure.

Although there is no power of the gods, there is still a trace of the aura of the gods.

"As expected of the former **** realm, it's a pity that the realm has fallen, and it can't be difficult for me!"

Jiang Tian sneered, raised his hand and blasted forward.

With this punch, he broke out the powerful physical power of the real dragon tyrant body.

One punch blew up that red sun-like fist shadow!

In the terrifying roar, Jiang Tian's body swayed, retreating several feet, and he was uninjured!

"how is this possible?"

The Sect Master of Huoyang Sect looked at Jiang Tian in disbelief with a shocked expression on his face.

After one blow, he did not shoot again.

Because he understands that he has no chance of winning!

"Your Excellency, what do you want to do when you come to my sect?"

Jiang Tian looked at him coldly: "Restart the Nine Meridian Spirit Gathering Array."

"What?" The Sect Master of Huoyang Sect looked extremely ugly.

He understood that the other party wanted to use the big formation to cultivate and break through.

As it relates to the foundation of the sect, he will naturally not compromise.

"Your Excellency is trying to put this sect to death. In this case, this sect master has nothing to say!"


The violent roar resounded through the void, and the Sect Master of Huoyang Sect sacrificed a red circular magic weapon.

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